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Mock Alien Invasion (NWO)

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posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:04 PM
If the theory proves correct about the Mock alien invasion to help the goals of the NWO and it does come to pass, what are your thoughts of how it will happen? Want kind of damage do you think "they (NWO)" would allow? Would they hit only big cities? Would they actually abducted more people, with mass witnesses? Go on a laser beam shooting spree? ETC....... How do you think they would go about it? Since it would be a Mock invasion, of course they would be using our technology reversed engineered from real alien craft. Nothing to prove here, only speculation. I just want to know how you think it would happen.

I think if they were going to make it real, they would have to REALLY scare the crap out of us and hit a few big cities AND random spots of population to make us feel they could get YOU at anytime. RUN FOR THE HILLS type of thing.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Quazi176
RUN FOR THE HILLS type of thing.

No matter how the NWO takes over I will be running for the Hills.
Besides the NWO's main goal is to demolish 50% of the population so I would not be surprised by a full blown attack.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:19 PM
Bush Senior confirms NWO
Reagan suggests UFO's
I think the alien threat is very real. News Corp is busy expanding it's power's over media for this event. We haven't figured out 911 yet, what makes you think we will figure out the alien invasion?

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:43 PM
If the NWO want to take over, then a strike on the major cities of the world would be the first point of attack.

I think we can look think of the major cities. Those that are part of the major financial network I would certainly target first.

Any major attack on the major cities would cause the air network to be shutdown as most major airports are near cities. The internet would be reduced if not shut down as many comms links are in major cities.

I would look to use a EMP device in most major cities. Small and compact.

With most or all capital and major cities taken out, then the countryside would be in a state of choas as people leave the cities.

Could you cover all this with a mock alien invasion? Maybe, if you can knock out communications.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 02:22 PM
From earlier threads, I like to tie in TV and movies since I think they probably play a part in "steering" the general public in whatever direction the "secret government" deems necessary. Jericho is one such prime time TV show that might help people understand what to do in the event something major would happen like a Nuclear Bomb going off in a big city or Mock Alien invasion. I know I'm reaching here, but it sure does seem like a way for the secret government to encourage these types of shows so "we" would have a better Idea on how to survive after an massive incident like nuclear war or mock invasion. Remember, they don't want to kill everyone. These shows could have a lasting impression on "What-to-do" in case of an emergency.

There are many survival shows (Lost, Survivor, Jericho, ETC...) and many others to help boost the publics awareness about HOW( or at least, have clue) to survive in the "rough." I know its all just entertaining shows, but it makes you think about it.

In my opinion (which I pray I am wrong), the past couple of years there have been an increase in enough shows on TV dealing with UFOs, aliens, and "how to survive in the rough" shows to make it seem like, if, a mock alien invasion is coming, the secret government is prepping the public for it.

I'm glad I don't live in a major city. The closest city of over 2 million people is 4 hours away. I to, believe major cities would be hit hard, then smaller towns just to scatter everyone. That would also make people believe that NO ONE is safe. The ole saying, "You can run ,but you can't hide." FEAR would be a MAJOR goal!!!! Which would be pretty easy considering seeing an alien ship coming down from the heavens light blasting everyone around you.

I believe a mock invasion would also leave the communication systems alone for a few hours at least. This would ensure that the word reaches as many people as possible. You wouldn't want to leave anyone out of the FEAR game. I mean, what fun would that be??

A couple of friends of mine have said that if anything like this would happen, we would meet at a certain designated wooded area away from towns or cities. We go camping a lot. One friend has access to lots of MREs. Of course, I'd have to stay home for a bit to listen to as much info as possible. Then I'd probably be mesmerized watching TV too long as a scout ship was hovering over my roof deciding to zap me or zap next to me first just to make me poop on myself. haha

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by spiritp0wer
We haven't figured out 911 yet, what makes you think we will figure out the alien invasion?

It's just thoughts here. 9/11 happened. This didn't. Yet. This is just a feedback thread of how you think it will happen. If it does happen, there will be NO trying to figure it out after the fact. I'd be too late for anyone.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:51 PM
Personally, I've thought for a long time that when I start to hear newsreaders take the subject seriously,and it catches on, I'll know there's something afoot. I'm already starting to think that way with all the cameras in the UK while the authorities don't appear to give a damn about criminals walking the streets anyway.I've been pricing survival goods on ebay for the last couple of years. Haven't bought anything yet but I'm keeping a careful watch on the "signs" just so I'm ready.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:00 PM
yeah and is it just me or is everyone seeing more talking about ufos in the news??it seems they use the media to mentally condition us to react a certain way to things

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:19 PM
Werner von Braun stated a few years before he died that the special interest groups in Washington and the military would engineer 4 threats in order to enforce its agenda. These were a cold war, terrorism, asteroids and an alien invasion scenario.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:36 PM
Natural (and anticipated)Disaster. New Madras Fault goes with a 9.5. Lake Michigan splits wide open down the center and joins with the surrounding major river systems and heads toward the Atlantic ocean. Second scenario, Asteroid debris, striking entire earth but N. America hardest hit. Thousands of fires rage uncontrollably. First thing to go will be communication. No T.V. internet, cell phones, or land based phones. No radio even H.A.M. gets shut down. And of course Martial Law. In both scenes, there will be a threat of nuclear power sations and holding facilities being affected. And STILL NO DISCLOSURE, just a boat load of space craft filling the skies to watch the show...

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:42 PM
also if there was a "invasion" it would be one of the few ways they could honestly join the whole world together under one banner without raising red flags

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 06:00 PM
Bingo, one world government.

Jack_Deth, I believe that Von Braun's 4 threats were, Communism, Muslim extremists, Asian Communist governments and finally alien invasion and I think the aim was to weaponise space.

I think that the main benefits (from a very narrow point of view) would be to place all countries under permanent martial law. The new tyrannical world order would be able enforce peace, ration all resources, keep all of those embarrassing secrets concerning secret deals with extraterrestrials and give power to all of those who have been keeping these secrets for over half a century, plus they would be able to ensure mankind’s long term survival without exposing us to E.T interference or control.

I don’t think that there are any plans to exterminate huge populations, only to control them. I think that the events will start with a huge attack against commercial air travel. We will probably witness attacks against commercial aircraft by disk shaped air/spacecraft. The attacks are likely to evolve over time progressing to random attacks to random communities becoming less predictable, but more horrific as they progress. Once we weaponise space the attacks will stop and the new weapons will be used to enforce the rule of a single world power.

Just my two cents worth.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 07:09 PM
Wow, you guys have scared the poop out of me! I don't know what to do but i want to dig a hole and hide. Werner Von Braun said that after "terrorists" there would be an Asteroid.

How would that help them achieve the nWo? Theres supposed to be a big one thats going to be a near miss in 2014, we should be done with the "terrorists" by then. Also, they recently landed something on an asteroid...could they have changed its orbit???

Again, to what purpose would this serve?

I get the cold war - a reason to spend trillions on weapons w/ public support.
I get the terrorism - to control the oil fields in the middle east
I get the Alien Invasion - to unite the world under 1 banner

But an asteroid???? Maybe the Asteroid is supposed to hit China...thus elimating the #1 threat to the nWo???

Also, they would have to kill 50% or more of the worlds population because Earth can't sustain this many people, the effects of global warming is changing farms into dust bowls, and also their are too many people for martial law to be effective.

[edit on 29-5-2007 by Where2Hide2006]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006
Wow, you guys have scared the poop out of me! I don't know what to do but i want to dig a hole and hide. Werner Von Braun said that after "terrorists" there would be an Asteroid.
[edit on 29-5-2007 by Where2Hide2006]

He didn't mean there would really be an asteroid. The story is from Carol Rosin, who worked with him, and this is what she testified:

The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us -- that they were "Commies."

Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.

The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.

And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.
"And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."

She told this story as part of the Disclosure Project testimony.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:19 PM
No matter how the NWO takes over I will be running for the Hills.
[QUOTE]Besides the NWO's main goal is to demolish 50% of the population so I would not be surprised by a full blown attack.[/QUOTE]

I think the Georgia Guidestones indicate their goal is a world population of 500,000,000. I've read that their goal for the USA is 250,000--serfs, of course . . . or is it slaves.

Oh, right, ID/locator/computer controlled SLAGGED serfs.

SLAG = SLAve taG.

I too would not be at all surprised to see that the NWO folks have primed and cocked the jihadi's with nukes in at least 7 cities. That's what some prophetic sources contend.

Certainly their goal is destruction, death and chaos to coerce people to give up more freedoms for "safety." And, it helps achieve their population reduction goals as well.

Scripture speaks in one place of the world's population being reduced by 1/3. Then, of the remaining 2/3rds--another time, another reduction of 1/4th of that being killed. And, I think there are some additional major deaths after that.

The NWO folks are no surprise to God. He had it all pegged 2,000 years ago.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 08:33 AM
I keep wondering how the NWO is going to fake an alien invasion. Have craft and bug eyed aliens wondering around. To make it realistic, there will need to be hundreds of craft around the world. Just think of the planning and organisation required to build, move and launch hundreds of craft. And at some stage you will need to have some ground landings with the aliens thumping our human armies. This would be fair easy to fake with control of some military units and CGI.

The media would, according to threads on this site, are already under the control of the NWO so they would print and broadcast what they are told.

As soon as aliens are seen on the ground or in the skies, the news networks will run the story and for the world to panic, there has to be news footage.

Could you fake this? Maybe, but along side the media footage (fake or not), the next best way to create panic is for people to be able to communicate with others. Which means to create maximum panic, communciations will have to remain for sometime.

And while our Government and some parts of the military would be under the control of the NWO, no one can cater for what the masses might do.

Faced with the threat of a alien invasion (mock or not), can the NWO be sure what we will do?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by justanothergangster
yeah and is it just me or is everyone seeing more talking about ufos in the news??it seems they use the media to mentally condition us to react a certain way to things

I watch TOO much TV. That's my problem. haha Yes, I see WAY more shows about UFO's now than before. Now also, more commercials. Sure most shows are reruns/repeats. But look how often they come on now. It's like night and day. One reason I know this, is the simple fact that I've got my DVR set to record anything with UFO in the title or description of anything on any channel. Hey, what can I say, it's interesting. haha Anyway, over the past 3 years, DVR's recording UFO stuff doubled, if not tripled.

Why? Either the networks airing the shows think that's what we like to watch now or MAYBE someone is getting us ready since most networks are probably controlled by the secret Government.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Quazi176
It's like night and day. One reason I know this, is the simple fact that I've got my DVR set to record anything with UFO in the title or description of anything on any channel. Hey, what can I say, it's interesting. haha Anyway, over the past 3 years, DVR's recording UFO stuff doubled, if not tripled.

I have done the same thing with the DVR, but my conclusions are somewhat different. I've noticed that History Channel is the worst culprit in this. They repeat editions of "UFO Files" incessantly, then have an 'omnibus day' where they run a bunch of them back to back. I'm not sure, but it seems to me there are no new editions of UFO Files coming out, just older stuff from a few years ago. SciFi channel tends to do the same sort of thing.

On the other hand, if Close Encounters came out as a movie THIS summer, I'd be convinced.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Freedom ERP
I keep wondering how the NWO is going to fake an alien invasion. To make it realistic, there will need to be hundreds of craft around the world. Just think of the planning and organisation required to build, move and launch hundreds of craft.

Faced with the threat of a alien invasion (mock or not), can the NWO be sure what we will do?

Number 1) If they planned 911 (which I think they did), I'd have to say they could plan something like this, EASY. Don't forget, they do control the media.

As far as them knowing what we would do, I'm sure they have enough big Think Tanks to ponder that question. I guess it's a good thing that THEY couldn't say for sure what we would do, which in my opinion is a PLUS on our side.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

I have done the same thing with the DVR, but my conclusions are somewhat different. I've noticed that History Channel is the worst culprit in this. They repeat editions of "UFO Files" incessantly, then have an 'omnibus day' where they run a bunch of them back to back. I'm not sure, but it seems to me there are no new editions of UFO Files coming out, just older stuff from a few years ago. SciFi channel tends to do the same sort of thing.

On the other hand, if Close Encounters came out as a movie THIS summer, I'd be convinced.

I agree that the History channel is the worst at repeats, but why so many now? It used never be this many reruns. I used be mad because there wasn't many shows about the one thing I wanted to learn more about. My thumb got sore clicking those dang channels so much hoping that a show would be on. That many reruns leads me to think that they want to make sure everyone sees them. haha Or maybe the producer just LOVES UFO stuff?? We'll never know.

I'd have to agree with you again about a Close Encounters Movie redo. haha

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