posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:08 PM
My introduction
Funny kind of over looked this, guess I was to busy reading so many threads.
Who AM I or who I am??? Lol, anyways this is me..
My name Not important but I like to be called Eagle, I‘m Mescalero Apache a Mexican .I’m 24 going on 25. I’m originally from southern
California. Now I live in Nevada near Las Vegas, for the most part I‘ve been a desert rat. I graduated high school and attended some college. I was
in the army but got out, never been much of a follower for a cause not of my own, but it’s a long story.
I grew up on comics and have a half decent talent for drawing and creating. My younger years as a teen I was more about drawing and keeping to my
self, I hated spots but have always been a hyper kid or just have a lot of energy to burn so I’ve never been fat but I was a loner in high school, I
had friends but stuck to myself. So I wasn’t one of those weird kids who whore all black and cut myself, but was kind of anti social. I felt I was
different from the other kids.
I never really was all that into this kind of stuff more in to comics and drawing and Pow Wows, I was brought up on the Pow Wow trail, some will know
what I’m referring to.
I’ve changed over the years as all kids do, but I look at the world with both eyes open and ears perked attentive to everything and every one.
How I got hooked
I grew up in a desert, really remote, really quite place. Anyways one night I was home alone, it was winter and I had a fire going and thought I’d
try and finds something on the radio which go nothing during the day, but I was scanning the A.M. stations and hear someone say Big Foot and tried to
tune it in but is was kind of static’y but I was used to that kind of thing. This was my first exposure to Coast to Coast AM I think it was in 98 or
99 and I heard the guests tell about all these Big foot sighting. Well it was dark I was alone and it freaked me out and I’ve been hooked since.
I just recently found this sight or seen it before but never really knew how or what the hell a forum was. But I know now and I happy that I found it.
Every thread I read make me think what if, wow that’s so amazing where as other treads make me angry and disappointed in people. But for the most
part I feel more informed and intrigued for the most part. I’ve just started but I plan on contributing what I can as well as learning.
Ok so you all Know that I have no such belief system, no religion or ideals of any kind I simply observe with a suspicious eye. Some things are cool
to see and other things are just plan stupid but I respect every ones opinions. But like everyone here who seek answers and truths in the world I’m
open to it all.
I have always suspicious of government type people, didn’t pay all that much attention as a teen but recently growing up with President Bush and
the attacks on 9-11, I’ve little trust in this government or any government for that matter.
I’m on here almost every day checking all the treads and hope to make many friends.