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Bush's "God"

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posted on May, 27 2007 @ 01:56 AM
Its no secret that Bush is pro-God, but just who is his G-d? Mr. Bush surely has a stranglehold on the minds of most Religious Right followers, but is this deserving? Here we'll will examine just how worthy he is to be the 'savior' of the Christian right, which is important. it should be noted that the word "god" doesnt exclusively mean the "God of Abraham", nor does the word christ mean Jesus (it means savior). Both words in themselves are subjective and refer to the "god" or "savior" of the individual in question.

All political rhetoric aside, determining if Bush is true in his faith will tell us what kind of man were dealing with, and therefore what level of cognitive subjection we're willing to turn over to him.

This is important because he virtually bought his way into office by becoming the proverbial savior to the national Christian population. I must say he did some very Christian like things on his way into office, ever since hes done exactly the opposite. If he is a fraud (he is, youll see), how sad the world is that it takes a man like Bush to finally save the faith.

Many dont even care about the faith anyways, but this subject is important to everyone in the world, because were talking about the most powerful man in the world, who sold himself as thee holy man, and he's potentially manipulating millions of people as tools.

They [false teachers] profess that they know God, but by their works they deny him, being abominable, disobedient, and unfit for any good work. Titus 1:16

"President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq " And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'"

Presidential Preacher:

The Encyclopedia of Bush Faith

"Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve" (Matthew 4:10).


PRESIDENT BUSH, eager to improve America's reputation in the Muslim world, will welcome 50 ambassadors from Islamic countries for a traditional meal and prayer at the White House on Monday to mark the start of Ramadan.

American officials in Iraq are well aware of al-Rubaie's ability to navigate in both worlds; when President Bush landed in Baghdad for Thanksgiving dinner, clearly he'd been briefed. As al-Rubaie remembers their encounter, the president pointed at him and said, "Dr. al-Rubaie, I want you to convey this message to Mr. Sistani. Tell him that I pray to the same god he prays to... Tell Sistani I have nothing but praise for your religion. I have many millions of Muslims in my country back home."

"I do say that freedom is the Almighty's gift to every person," Bush answered. "I also condition it by saying freedom is not America's gift to the world. It's much greater than that, of course. And I believe we worship the same God."

President Bush yesterday removed his shoes, entered a mosque and praised Islam for inspiring "countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality." For the second time since the September 11 terrorist attacks, the president yesterday visited Washington's oldest mosque, the Islamic Center, where Muslims from 75 nations gather to worship. Mr. Bush marked the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan by praising Islam as a hopeful religion of mercy and tolerance.

...President George W. Bush is once again indicating a belief that all religions are recognized by God. Many born-again Christians have been troubled by Bush's statements and actions that suggest an endorsement of the idea that all religions are equal before God. These believers point to Bush's Ramadan dinners at the White House and his praise of Islam as examples. Associated Press reports that yesterday, in a speech at a New Orleans church, Bush told the crowd that God works through many of the world's religions. "Miracles happen as a result of the love of the Almighty, professed, by the way, taught, by the way, by religions from all walks of life whether it be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu," Bush said. The president went on to say that there is nothing better than a faith-based program to provide hope: "Again, I don't care what religion it is -- there's nothing more hopeful than the word." It was not clear from the report what "word" President Bush was talking about. [Fred Jackson/AP]

Biorevolution / Transhumanism:

The entire NBIC agenda came into realization, or at least full documentation, under the Bush administration. These men are talking about pushing mankinds evolution into overdrive by 2020. If Bush is Mr. Blind-Faith-Worthy extrodinaire, then how can anyone dismiss this? This entire concept is absolutely the biggest abomination that coudl eb imagined in light of the Christian faith. If he knows anything about his claimed faith, then he would surely make note not to the plot against humanity, literally. Furthermore the FDA approval of biochips passed under his administration, and theyre even implementing bio/brain chips in military personnel. If he really cared about his own nation/religion, then he surely wouldnt allow such things to even get mentioned. Despite all of this they have US all stressing about cloning, and these other issues either get swept under the rug or basically glorified.

George Bush I swore in on George Washington's historic Masonic Bible, by special request. Freemasonry is best understood as "esotericism", wich is the study of all known world deities ("gods") as more or less one in the same. This crucial view is the key to this entire GWB "encyclopedia" here.

GHWB never really had the religious following that GWB has commandeered, so GHWB really doesnt deserve much scrutiny here. However, GWB actually was to swear in on it in his first inauguration, but the weather didnt permit it. I did find an article that it was on standby for him, for the second inauguration. Not surprisingly, I could never find anything about it after the fact, and even this .gov listing of inaugural Bibles still doesnt list it. Nevertheless, Freemasonry is by far one of the most religiously controversial groups of all time, and Bush was/did swear in on a most controversial religious text.

To expand on this view, especially in the GWB context, check out the following 2 documentaries:

"Masonry makes no profession of Christianity.. but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple.. in which there shall be but one alter and one worship; one common alter of Masonry on which the Veda, Shatra, Sade, Zeda-Avesta, Koran and the Holy Bible shall at who's shrine the Hindu, the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chladean, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Mohammedan, the Jew and the Christian may kneel." [ "The Kentucky Monitor" Fellowcraft Degree p. 95 ]


"Today marked an historic time for Hindus in the United States as well as around the world. The White House celebrated its first ever Diwali event ... In an ceremony rich with tradition, a 'dipak' (lamp) was lighted by Mr. Karl Rove, Special Advisor to President George W. Bush, in front of the Lord Ganesha (The Lord of Success) and Goddess Laxmi (The Goddess of Wealth) to invoke their blessings during this age-old Festival of Lights celebration."


[edit on 27-5-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:14 AM
Occult Rituals, Bizarre

Molech at the Bohemian Grove:

Here you see a smug George W. Bush with his father, Bush Senior (taken in 1995) giving what they call a "lakeside chat" at the Grove. The talks are given no less than a dozen yards from the stone idol where "mock" human sacrifices take place.

Skull & Bones
Its no secret that Bush (and Kerry) is Skull & Bones, yet surprisingly most people (the ones who it should matter to the most) have no clue about it, or dismiss it. A true Christian (especially worthy of the worship he gets) would not still protect and defend this entity, especially considering symbols, secrecy, oaths, rituals and overall nature of the 322 S&B. The fact that he still defends them should show that his priority isnt ALL about America. This man doesnt even dismiss them, yet people pretend like it isnt so? Maybe its just another test to see how blind and devoted Americans are? If so I'll bet even they're amazed with the results. Then theres the fact that hes the third generation of Bush/S&B.:


Shinto was Imperial Japan's religion. Each emporer was considered divine, and thus each was "deified" upon death. Then each emporer had their own "Shinto Temple" erected, supposidly containing said deity ("god").

GWB actually went out of his way to go to the Shinto Temple, and perform the customary worship ritual, of the emporer who was responsible for WORLD WAR 2:


Many use the pictures of Bush wearing the skullcap, from the Weaping Wall, as evidence of the Jewish/Illuminati conspiracy theory. The significance of the skullcap really isnt that big of a deal, when the event is considered only in its own context. The skullcap has quite a history, somewhat controversial, which could be debated from now until pagan Easter. Considering all of Bushs other religious endeuvers, the skullcap thing doesnt surprise me one bit.


Many would argue that GWB's true religion is that of war and imperialism. There's really no debate here, it goes without saying, but he even says so himself.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:48 AM
Great thread

Well George seems to be a man of all religions indeed
,this will certainly not impress any born again christians will it

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:07 AM
Great thread indeed. What worries me most is Bush's affiliation with Skulls and Bones.I really would like to learn more about it. Maybe someone can direct me to good links about the story behind this secret order. Watch here how Bush and Kerry both avoid answering questions about S&B:


What is the meaning of 322? As to freemasonry, I have read alot about it including Peacock, Crowley's confessions, etc. Nothing sinister in it, at least nothing that is obvious and/or provable.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 09:39 AM
All those religious celebrations were/are only Photo-opportunities

the high profile observances of celebrating some foreign religious
milestone are used for making the office of president look good,
and i guarantee that if any 'religion' got slighted
it is only the Satanic Followers,

GWB is obligated to being Diplomatic/Ambassadorial in
having 'face-time' with all the major faiths that make up the American voting population.

your spin, is your spin though
i just can't agree with....
but, when you want to get into his "Core Belief", which hasn't be put out
in a clear way....that could be another matter entirely

[edit on 27-5-2007 by St Udio]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:08 AM
You've hit the mark here.

Masonism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism, Buddism etc. all have their origins from the same source...............Babylon, just as the Bible predicts will happen.

Yes, many Christians are blind to GWB and the true agenda and New Order of the Ages. But much sadder is the blind man that see's a New World Order coming to pass as prophecied and says there is no God. How can the blind man see?

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:48 PM
Thanks for the props guys.

Originally posted by St Udio
the high profile observances of celebrating some foreign religious
milestone are used for making the office of president look good,
and i guarantee that if any 'religion' got slighted
it is only the Satanic Followers,


Modern "Satanism" is nothing more than habitual Machiavellianism, or, a person's tendency to deceive and manipulate others for personal gain.

Bush has taken that to unprecidented levels in U.S. Presidential history, and literally hundreds of thousands are dead as a result.


GWB is obligated to being Diplomatic/Ambassadorial in
having 'face-time' with all the major faiths that make up the American voting population.

So he's obligated to peform the traditional religious ceremonies of all other major religions? Whew! never mind the seperation of church and state. I'm no Clinton fan, by any means at all, but perhaps if you could show Clinton doing these same exact things then you might have a case. But still, Clinton wans't the one pretending to be one of the Apostles either.

He's obligated to go pay homage to teh 'divine emporer' of Japan that attacked Pearl Harbor? That's a total mindjob there.

but, when you want to get into his "Core Belief", which hasn't be put out in a clear way....that could be another matter entirely

You know what... you're right. This intended to be an 'encyclopedia' should have had a Christianity 'entry'. I'm not at my home computer, but I'll give it a shot:


GWB seems to push an image of him being a follower of "Jesus Christ". My direct searches for his actually using the word "Jesus" came up empty handed. I even read his entire authorized biography book (2004 election propganda piece) "A Man of Faith". However, in it I did find reference to him setting a state "Jesus Day", while he was governor of Texas.

Considering the other religous entires herein, some may still be surprised to learn that esoterics / occultists actually use the "Bible" (most particularly the OT) as one of their priary texts to study their correlations with all of the other deties they in effect worship. This contradicts the 'urban legend' that "occultists" despise the Bible, but it's true (ask any Mason).

Also check out:
Neoconservative (Nazi) Mind Control
Which is especially important in the Christianity context, just did it to add to this.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 06:12 PM
his religion shouldn't matter. his religion shouldn't even play into his decisions as a president. it's called the seperation of church and state... SECULARISM. it's what makes this country great. there is no need for the person in office to make decisions based on their faith... it should actually be discouraged because you can't back up your positions if you base them on faith.

who cares what his religion is? he's just doing a crappy job anyway.

[edit on 5/27/07 by madnessinmysoul]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I really enjoyed reading this thread because i often ask myself who Bush's God might be.

See, just because he beleives in a God, it doesnt have to be our supreme being type of benevolent God. I beleive he has a God alright, but who is it? What is it?

BTW, Since early on in his DECIDERSHIP he is forced to attend church services on Sundays because its what presidents do.

This little tidbit of fact has been around as long as he has.

So, who is his God?

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
BTW, Since early on in his DECIDERSHIP

Wow, great word

So, who is his God?

My guess is the "Grand Architect of the Universe", or Jah-bu-lon, as "he's" called in Masonry circles.

I wish we could get some Mason's in here to weigh in. I hope this all wouldn't offened them and run them off.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:17 PM
I was under the impression that GWB exagerated his faith in order to help his father get the christian vote. Then when he ran for president himself he realised that christian Americans (100 million or so) would be dumb enough to vote for him just because he's christian.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:22 PM
BUSH is a .......................LIAR

his GOD is


forgive them they know not what they do

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Cthulwho
I was under the impression that GWB exagerated his faith in order to help his father get the christian vote. Then when he ran for president himself he realised that christian Americans (100 million or so) would be dumb enough to vote for him just because he's christian.

That's basically the first stage of the issue. It goes downhill from there....

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
All those religious celebrations were/are only Photo-opportunities


But one thing Bush was wrong about. He was asked if Christians and Muslims worship the same God. He said 'yes'. The correct answer is 'no'. Christians worship (for the most part) a Trinity God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Christians worship a God who is a 'father'. Muslims do NOT have a trinity God and their God is a 'master', not a 'father'.

Totally different Gods

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
GWB actually went out of his way to go to the Shinto Temple, and perform the customary worship ritual,

Did he do the entire ritual, or did he just wash his hands and/or face as he was entering the temple? There is a difference. When I lived in Japan and I visited the temples I would follow their ritual of washing the hands at the temple. I didn't worship their gods because I'm a Christian, but I was polite and did the other things as was prescribed.

[edit on 5/28/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Totally different Gods

no, still the god of abraham. get it through your head, they worship the god the jews worship. now, don't the jews worship the same god as the christians?

jews worship a master god
muslims worship a master god
christians worship the same god as the jews
and so do the muslims

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
no, still the god of abraham..... they worship the god the jews worship. now, don't the jews worship the same god as the christians?

NO. CHRISTIANS worship a totally different God. Our God is a TRINITY God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. We all (Muslim, Jew, Christian) may claim that it's the God of Abraham, but they are OBVIOUSLY NOT the same.

As i said - The Christian TRINITY God is NOT what the Muslms worship. Do the Muslims worship Christ? No. Do the Jews? No. Do Muslims worship the Holy Spirit? No. Do the Jews? No. Christians worship Christ and the Holy Spirit - which is NOT the God that Muslims and Jews worship.

Everyone can point to Abraham and say that they worship the God of Abraham - but not everyone does. Christians certainly do not. No matter what you call it - it's a totally different God.

Also - (but much less important)
Muslims worship a 'Master' God.
Christians worship a 'Father' God.
Totally different.

get it through your head,

:shk: Considering that you are WRONG .. you might want to back off these rude and ignorant comments. It only makes you look - rude and ignorant. :shk:

[edit on 5/28/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:16 AM
Flers Fan, I will agree with you that as far as Christianity and muslim Goes the God is different, as well as the Jews and the muslims God is different ( being that from Abraham's two sons Issac 'Jews', and Ishmiel 'muslims' ) but, most Jews and Christians do beieve in the same God. Granted, you have your orthodox Jew that don't believe in Jesus the Messiah, But you have your messianic Jews that do believe. So its not all Jews that don't believe, only some.

This is a great thread. Congrats.

God Bless

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:51 AM
I would suggest something entirely different.....

Christians worship different Gods...
Muslims worship different Gods....
Jews worship different Gods....

the religions are all just roadmaps to God, but it takes pure intentions to find your way, the path is loaded with many ways for a person to be sidetracked, and the kids, being the mischevious little creatures they are, have turned many of the street signs to a different direction. Their are promised of Gold, quests for power, and various adornments to tempt the weak.

by the way, Islam names their God, Allah, Father...

[edit on 29-5-2007 by dawnstar]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Considering that you are WRONG .. you might want to back off these rude and ignorant comments. It only makes you look - rude and ignorant.

you completely miss my point... the point is that both of us is right and that both of us is wrong. you're worshipping the same god only you really aren't.

i'm not being ignorant, from the most basic standpoint you are all worshipping a variation on the mountain god yahweh. but on a theological level you're worshipping a different god.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Did he do the entire ritual, or did he just wash his hands and/or face as he was entering the temple? There is a difference. When I lived in Japan and I visited the temples I would follow their ritual of washing the hands at the temple. I didn't worship their gods because I'm a Christian, but I was polite and did the other things as was prescribed.

It would appear so:

1. Does bowing once before the shrine signify worship?

Answer: According to the Shinto ritual, clapping hands and bows are the set of Shinto style of worship. This Bush's case Japanese admitted Bush's Christian faith (so reported), but to make Bush worship at Meiji, Japanese tried to avoid Shinto formal style, so they changed "one bow" may acceptable as worship. The verb "SANPAI"in Japanese means, SAN= visit or go, PAI=worship. In Japanese all the media reported, "Bush SANPAIed at Meiji shrine". The other reason we as Japanese strongly believe that Bush did worship at Meiji shrine, because prime minister Koizumi could not participate with Bush according to the Japanese Constitution. Why, if Koizumi goes in and bow, it is official worship at religious place, so he quit to go in to avoid such accusation. Therefore Bush's bow and written name on the shrine list are the official worship in public.

2. Does signing the book signified you worshipped the spirit of the emperor?

Answer; Yes! It is the proof remained for long time who visited & worship at Shrine. Some times busy politicians use the secretary or family member to write the name as substitute worship.

When President Bush entered the ornately beautiful Shinto Temple erected to house the spirits of the late Emperor Meiji he clapped once and bowed deeply, following the common etiquette of worship at such shrines. At the same time, the Prime Minister of Japan was left sitting in the car—forbidden from entering the shrine by a postwar constitution written by the U.S.

“So the Prime Minister stayed in the limo while Bush and his wife went into the temple and clapped to awaken the demon and then bowed in worship and signed the book of worship,” says Dr. Morey, referring to the Bush temple visit made February 18 as part of his Asia tour.

The Japanese news media clearly reported Bush’s ‘worship,’ in direct contrast to Prime Minister Koizumi’s restraint. Before Bush left he signed a special book—which appears to be more than just a registry. “If you sign the book, it means you actually did worship the god, not simply visit the site,” says Akashi. “The record remains in the shrine for a long period of time.”

But it turns out I was wrong about the deity in particular, as the divine Emperor Meiji wasn't actually the one who attacked US in WW2, he was the one who set Japan down that path and as a result Japanese prime ministers are forbidden by law from entering Shintu temples. If you've seen "The Last Samurai" then you know the story of what happened with Japan modernizing into an imperial power during Meiji's reign. In effect, Bush worshipped Japan 'God of Imperialism'.

Thanks for making me take another look at it

[edit on 29-5-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

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