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Cop went crazy when he pulled over this person.

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posted on May, 28 2007 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by shadow_soldier1975

I am in law enforcement, and even though my tone with the guy may have been different I too would have forced his mouth open if he didn't comply.

I am just curious about your User Name. Your not one of those cops with the fresh out of bootcamp haircuts who refers to citizens as civilians are you? As a cop do view yourself as a soldierand the American people as the enemy?

wow just think if the idiot would of opened his mouth, lowered his head like he was asked, its over, no force is necessary...but where the real problem lies is with PEOPLE.

No, that is not where the problem lies, that is where the true power lies, but it is typical that you would feel this way.

And the "it's no big deal, he isn't a murderer, no need to act that way" line is a typical responce...

Maybe the reason that is a typical response is because the majority of people have serious problems with a non-violent offender being treated...violently.

People these days have NO respect for anything, especially the law. Drive around one day and watch the behavior of most people on a normal day.

Once again your statements seem to suggest that you have a problem with the American people. Everyone is the enemy. Nobody is to be trusted. As far as respect goes; can you blame people for losing respect for cops when they witness behavior like this?

There is always going to be segments of the population that are going to have problem with cops or any other authority. It has always been like that and always will. But I have been on this earth for almost 50 years now and this is one observation that I have made. Here recently, in about the last 10 years or so, I have noticed something that wasn't true 20-30 years ago.

There is a new phenomena taking place. We now have people who have lived their entire lives living in a peaceful manner, never breaking any laws---true law abiding citizens in every sense of the word, and these people do not have respect for law enforcement anymore. As a LEO that is something that you should think about long and hard before you start babbling about how the PEOPLE are the problem. Maybe you are the problem.

Allow a cop to kick some scumbags *** because he won't follow simple rules (Its not like he didn't hear the cop, or like he was slow..he refused),

What is your definition of a scumbag?

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 08:55 PM
exactly they become Judge, Jury and Excutioner
when they are a traffic cop.
total clear example of why the world is so messed up.
sheeple destroyed by warlords.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:05 PM
As this video, and subsequent posts, clearly show...the problem these days, for any real thinking man with eyes to see, is the power trips of authority sticking its face in everyones business. Not least your government, which is in the middle of waging a war on your middle class as you speak, but the police force, by and large, are taught to use force against people who dont bow their heads like little slaves.

For that cop who was so supportive of these tyrannical actions, remember who pays your salary buddy! My tax dollars pay your salary, you work for me buddy! Im not gonna bow my head down because in your ego power trip you try to enfore your will on mine.

What exactly was the evil crime this person commited, that required this type of aggressive behavior?

I dont know how many events, barely any making it to the news, of cops beating up a female bar attendant who didnt wanna serve him beer; or cops beating up old men who arent doing anything; or cops breaking into old ladies houses and tackle them, forcing them out of their homes, as was what happened alot in New Orleans during Katrina. Or about when at rallies, police just march on the people with tear gas, and night sticks, and guns firing rubber bullets, the people werent even doing anything, its just well the cops say the rally is over, time to move out, you move or you get your head bashed in, as one female reporter was.

The real problem in America is peoples ignorance, and the systems of power that are used to enforce certain wills on people. Government, religion, police, military, are all just tools for this.

If its a life or death situation, yea maybe thats okay, but alot of "laws" these days are clearly around only to impose and dictate. Not to provide security. And these cops, who of course have quotas to fill or they dont get promoted, look for any and all reasons to enforce the will of the State on the people.

The cops always forget, their working FOR the people. They have no right to treat us like a bunch of slaves, treat us like we are somehow lower then them, we are the power buddy, without us thered be no society. You better pay respect, the real problem is not peoples lack of respect for people of authority... its the people of authority's lack of respect for the people, and a quick glance at the state of your society should show you that.

Police arent there to serve and protect the people, they are there to serve and protect the system, period. Glaring proof for this, there was a time when the police were called Peace Officers. Now, its LAW ENFORCEMENT buddy, in your face.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:44 PM
link for my user name, since your curious it stems from my years in the service. So no, not just out of bootcamp or the Police Academy. And sure, use to call people civilians back when I was serving, but no longer. Ad the second part of that,(some) AMERICAN people ARE the enemy. When you have CIVILIANS killing one another, stealing, beating, etc...thats what we are fighting against!

Now CLASSIFIED you say the problem wasn't with him NOT opening his mouth, soooo as long as a suspect is peaceful he or she should be able to do anything they want or refuse to do anything their asked? Which ties right into the fact that YOU agree in your next statement that he IS an offender..violent or not...he broke the law...if he cooperates he goes on his way, but NOPE..break the law AND be an idiot...SMART! And as for AMERICANS again being the enemy and not being lose sight of people being able to adapt to their surroundings. I get the feeling most of you have NEVER been in a threating situation let alone had to deal with ANYONE like I do DAILY!!!! The reason I say that.. is I can help an old lady across the street one minute, find the parents of a lost little girl the next, then BOOM, get a call that a mother just stabbed her 5 year old daughter 61 times because she wouldn't stop crying. And guess what, f*** no I will not treat mommy dearest the same as a guy I just stopped for running a stop sign.

Now i will agree with you CLASSIFIED...there will ALWAYS be people who hate us, thats just reality...and as far as your phenomenon taking place...your damn right...there is more murders, rapes, thefts, robbries, shootings, etc...and I'm pretty sure that not our fault..thats the fault of people not willing to be tough enough on those who do this dumb ****! And as for us being the real problem..remember that when your being robbed at knifepoint...or one of your family gets raped...don't call the police since we aren't worth anything...i'm sure since you guys have all the answeres you and your friends can handle it and we can go back to donut queen and pick on teenagers.

oh and my definition of a scumbag is big to put it here. find your local crack dealer selling to kids, or the mother who threw her new baby in a dumpster, or go find the guy who just raped a little girl, or who drove 40 miles to have sex with a 12 year old he met online, or go to a bar and meet the guys or girls who cant control their alcohol and start fights, break stuff, act like idiots, or those who break into your house then sue you because your nightstand was in the way and they fell...when you do that you'll be looking at a VERY SMALL portion of scum!!

JUNGLELORD...all cops are/were traffic act as if they are only allowed to do traffic stops so this is where ALL there aggression has to come I said before...some of us will leave a crime scene where we just arrested a guy for killing his kid, or beating an old lady for the 5 bucks in her purse. then we stop this guy for a violation and have his dumb *** not want to just cooperate so we can all be on our way..

LIGHTWORKER..glad you asked what crime...its called disorderly conduct, and failure to comply. Now the 2 reasons I am all for having him open his mouth are as follows.
1. IF he has drugs and swallows them, guess who is responsable for his health and safety? You guessed it, we are. If he dies because the dumb **** swallowed drugs we get sued by the family and are told we didn't do enough to stop him..even though he's an adult and if dumb enough to swallow drugs HE should deal with what happens and flip the bill.
2. If he has blades me do a little research and its happened more than once. Cops or other people getting slashed by some moron hiding razor blades under the tongue. WE don't take those chances.

and finally you say we USED to be PEACE OFFICERS..we sure were..when there was PEACE and people knew how to act!

[edit on 28/5/07 by shadow_soldier1975]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:55 PM
It just looks like the police thought that the suspect was hiding something in his mouth. It seems that the suspect refused to open his mouth so that they could search him.

Not enough information.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 11:07 PM
This video makes me sick. I've had a similar encounter with the police but mine was not violent. The police assume they can search whoever they want whenever they want because the general public doesn't know any better. This type of unruly behavior is glorified on tv shows like cops. It's all conditioning and incrimentalism, and we will just keep seeing videos like these untill everyone is used to seeing cops beat innocent citizens. Don't forget, now it's assault if you try to block a cop from beating your head in.

Or they might just wrongfully occuse you of having a bomb and call for backup. Luckily these guys had their own cameras, and this security person that worked for silverstein properties (video takes place in front of the building) was fired due to the wrongful accusations.

Google Video Link

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 11:09 PM
The video above was posted already in its own thread. The people were protesting without a permit and refused to move. Nothing exciting.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
The video above was posted already in its own thread. The people were protesting without a permit and refused to move. Nothing exciting.

Well im sorry wrongfully occusing someone of having a bomb in their backpack is not exciting to you. These types of videos have been on tv and the internet for a long time. When you watch someone else in that situation, not very exciting. When they are rubbing your face in the dirt you might think otherwise...

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:23 AM
Cop went crazy? Nah.

Typical "god in blue" behavior. That guy got off light. He's lucky the po po didn't empty a clip in his ass.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
Well im sorry wrongfully occusing someone of having a bomb in their backpack is not exciting to you. These types of videos have been on tv and the internet for a long time. When you watch someone else in that situation, not very exciting. When they are rubbing your face in the dirt you might think otherwise...

Wow, how dare they accuse me of something!

They were asked to move nicely several times and wouldn't. They're lucky that they weren't arrested immediately.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 06:37 AM
I thought I might chime in..

It is difficult to impossible to evaluate the entire video based on just what we saw.

With out knowing what precipitated the initial request from the 1st Officer to see what was in the subjects mouth, one can not make a competent assessment.

IF, and I mean IF, the original officer observed the subject place something in his mouth in an attempt to conceal, the officer is absolutely obligated to remove that article and NOT just for evidence. There are a number of documented incidents where subjects have swallowed a foreign substance and then subsequently died from that action. The officer's first priority is the safe keeping of anyone in his custody and control. If the officer fails to do this, he can be held liable.

This does not in my opinion excuse the behavior of the 3rd officer. Having worked in Narcotics for years, I can attest that there are correct ways to do anything and also incorrect ways.

Just from viewing the video, it is my opinion that the entire thing could have been handled a lot better.


posted on May, 31 2007 @ 06:21 PM
That cop sounded like a frickin mobster.

"Open ya f-in mouth! Ya don't open ya f-in mouth, I'm gonna f-in choke ya. Hey, hey, put a choke on him if he doesn't open his mouth. Open ya f-in mouth or I'm gonna beat ya f-in ass!"

And apparently, from some of the responses here, this is perfectly acceptable cop behavior. But let YOU, a mere peon, say something like that to a cop...

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