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Can you see us? Secret Branch of Government

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posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:05 PM
Maybe you should break up your giant paragraph so people can read it. I started, but I keep reading the same lines over. And my curiousity for this thread is starting to deminish. Not try to be an A-Hole but I just think that when you're "disclosing" something such as this, you should at least have good puncuation.


posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:24 PM
I had similar thoughts when I read the beginning post as GrimUK. I thought it might be a belief of what the future holds, after the "seer" part.

What I do not understand about all the seer or psychic predictions is that almost none of it is of any use in the near future. Seems like some of the visions would apply to the near future and would actual occur.

I am not intending to bash the psychics just looking at the records.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Hey Ram...
I don't think it's anything nice. I think of segregation. I think of death. I think of disease and many people. And know that it's coming. I think they know and are preparing too. New Civil war. Expecting it to come over oil, food, water, disease. No rights, no constitution. I see red=dead. Bad time to be of any color in USA. Uprise on grand scale. Food beef crisis. New desert land seafloor in west. East Coast devastated and new. The picture is tumultuous and what I see is sad. Sees in Clouds

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:02 PM
Hi Roadgravel,
I can understand your question, and wish that I could explain it. Sometimes it happens within moments or hours, sometimes it happens in months. Why are we warned at all, without the benefit of a full explanation of what we have just seen? But even if you yourself, have a photograph of a field during the day, is there some way that you can glean what day it is?? No, you can only describe the field that you see. Even if you look at the picture all day. And sometimes, you can detect the feeling, or aura of the situation. That is what I do. Sees in Clouds

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:46 PM
Hi Sees

So what your are saying is that your really do not know when your vision is to come to pass, just in the future. It could well be centuries away because no dated events or things are in them. I suppose if the immunizations were being given with syringes then it must be in the not too distance future.

I take it that the vision is actual in content, not like e dream were objects might be a symbol of something else or the object is what a person is familiar with even though it represents a different one.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:53 PM
Sounds a lot like the end times and the mark of the beast." He will cause all both great and small ,free and bond to receive a mark in the forehead or palm of the right hand". With out the mark you wont be able to buy or sell. That would limit crime right there. If you refuse the mark you will go to jail and many will be beheaded. Not sure what this mark is or how it will be administered but a vaccine sounds just as good as anything else I've heard.

Still having trouble with the floating invisible labs though. Could be spiritual?

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 08:21 PM
Hi Roadgravel,
Good grasp of the clues! Also, the clothing that I see people wearing at this time is nothing star trekkie, but normal today clothing. If that helps.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 08:30 PM
Hi Hoohah,
It kind of sounds like that, but it will not be anything that you can see on wrist or forehead. Too many people are aware of those, and would refuse it. Especially religious people. However, they will line up for the vaccination.

The hovering rooms, or labs, are necessary because no where on earth could they get the privacy needed for their experiments. Everyone would be up in arms against them playing God. This is / has got to be seriously secret. Look how up in arms people get when they only suggest using fetus brain stems for research on Parkinson's disease. I am talking about something that pertains to our very dna being discovered, mapped, analyzed, tracked, documented and farmed. I see nothing spiritual in that. I see people doing what only God was meant to do. This cannot be done in an institution. This takes much testing, and many (abducted) test subjects. And it doesn't matter if the person yells his head off that he was taken aboard a craft such as this. No one will believe him. Except maybe conspiracy theorists, and they are all crazy. Right? Sees in Clouds

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:04 AM
Ok, so now I am switching from seer to researcher, following many peoples request to back up some of my premonitions with real stuff documentation. Therefore, I have been looking, and guess what? It is not a secret at all!! They even have a name for it!! "Digital Angel". Just read this:

I don't know how to make this into a link to click on, so if you copy and paste it to your browser, you will find the actual patent numbers, the 'facts' showing that it is small enough to be shot through injection, and also the fact that it is planned for human beings.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Ok, it doesn't even take a seer to see this people. Did you see the info from the above link? Do you see how the people will accept this. First it was introduced, and greatly improved, by the installment and experimentation when put in the 'cattle'. Then, into your beloved pets, because you don't want to see your loved pets kidnapped and lost, and even if killed, you can know where the body is.

But then, if they can do that with your beloved pet, how about if we do it for our children? If they get kidnapped or lost, we can find them. If killed, we can find their body! And soldiers! And then it will be that all prisoners will have to have it. WE will WANT that! Now all of those sex offenders that are supposed to be reporting where they live that don't, we'll know right where they are!

Why do they let them go in the first place? Because it helps this super power. Because if YOU FEAR, 'they' can do whatever they want in the name of "guarding you". They now, in this time, (the premonition not waiting years to take place) have let the constitution take a back seat almost to the point of completely excluding them in matters concerning "executive sessions".

These technologies were developed for use in syringes as immunizations, and will be used on a worldwide basis. And they can do more than track you. What is the first thing we do when we invade a place? Put up quazi hospitals and start immunizing people. Soldiers are immunized before they even reach boot camp.

Yes, this technology was first introduced for something as obscure as a dogpound. Well this world is like a dogpound, and the same can be done with the people. Just in case of an "emergency" situation, they have this technology. But trust me, they are not going to let this technology sit around unused. Just like the technology of the UFO, it has many uses. And if not already, one of the uses will be to take you out. Eventually, it will be in everyone on the face of the earth. Everyone. Those who didn't get it will be distant memories in the photo albums of the new utopia. And isn't it funny they called it "digital angel". Even a guardian angel is still a guard. Sees in Clouds

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:57 AM
In further researching my claims, I think that I may have accidentally stumbled upon someone deeply involved with this whole "conspiracy". Read this, and check out some of the other stuff there, like the list of investors, and their 'plan'. Funny, that they are called Humana, with one program titled,"HumanOne". lol lol lol Still laughing? Sees in Clouds

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:02 AM
And here is the list of investers in HumanA. Doesn't it read more like a invitation list to the Bilderberg summit?? Still laughing?

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Sorry, I forgot to include the list of HumanA backers....

Firm Analyst

Argus Research Dave Toung
Banc of America Securities Joe France
Bear Stearns John Rex
CIBC World Markets Carl McDonald
Citigroup Investment Research Charles Boorady
Credit Suisse Greg Nersessian
Deutsche Bank Scott Fidel
Dowling & Partners Paul Goulekas
FTN Midwest Peter Costa
Goldman Sachs Matthew Borsch
Hilliard Lyons Steve O'Neil
Jefferies & Co. Brian Wright
JP Morgan William Georges
Lehman Brothers Joshua Raskin
Marquis Investment Research Michelle Su
Matrix USA Ivan Feinseth
Merrill Lynch Doug Simpson
Miller Tabak Roberts Securites Les Funtleyder
Morgan Stanley Christine Arnold
Prudential Equity Group Dave Shove
UBS Investment Research Justin Lake
Wachovia Securities Matt Perry

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Read the new thread Secret Cloaking Technology just started in here. You people seem to be doing the research on my premonition, and are coming up with documentation to prove it. I am awed. Sees in Clouds

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:32 AM
Sees, I knew you would work to reach a higher level of involving us.

I have not left you, and my capitulation was to the paranormal. Now you have my interest. Job Well Done.

I am digesting these things you relate to, even as we speak.

Often, I am as pleased to be wrong as right. My hat is off.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:35 AM
Here is more on the Cloaking Technology from the Dept of Defense....

If they can cloak a tank, they can cloak the hovering labs. See, people. Wake up. You ARE surrounded, and just don't know it. Because you can't see them! Just know that they are there. And what are you gonna think it is, when you look up in the sky, and suddenly see one of these crafts malfunction? You are gonna see a UFO. But they don't care. Who are you gonna impress? You will be labeled as fanatic, or crazy, and that's just by your loved ones.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:42 AM
Hey Ngc...
Well, when you asked me for proof and documentation, on top of my own self asking myself WHY I would be shown these things, and for what good are the premonitions, you got me digging. Obviously, I do not place myself above the mere mortal, but for some reason, my brain does work a little differently. Not saying that it is for better or worse, but it is a little different.

After digging for tangible proof, firstly to prove that the technology was there, I have to reason with myself, that the reason I got the premonition, was to tell what this technology is going to be used for, and the grand scale it will be used on, and how it will be administered, and how it will effect the world. I just had to tell it, even without the benefit of research. But bam, does the research help to explain it? You betcha! Now you know what it is all leading to. Sees in Clouds

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:48 AM
Seesinclouds, leaving your 'gifts/curse aside, you seem to be a good researcher, and a powerful speaker. I am impressed.

I will make a prediction of my own.
You will become a great asset here at ATS.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736

And forgive my reference to drugs, a jest, a cloud left over from my own 'hippy' days I fear.

But in all fairness, let us conduct a test.

I have written an eight letter word that might be used to describe how I feel towards the fantastic claims so often touted as fact to the gullible. It now lies face up on my desk.

Good Luck.

Being a former "hippy" you should yourself be appalled by the phrase "what have you been smoking". I have NEVER met a person in my life that had hallucination from smoking pot, even ultra high grade stuff.

As to your test, it starts with a B and ends with a T. wheres my prize?

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by seesinclouds
Sorry, I forgot to include the list of HumanA backers....

Firm Analyst

Argus Research Dave Toung
Banc of America Securities Joe France
Bear Stearns John Rex
CIBC World Markets Carl McDonald
Citigroup Investment Research Charles Boorady
Credit Suisse Greg Nersessian
Deutsche Bank Scott Fidel
Dowling & Partners Paul Goulekas
FTN Midwest Peter Costa
Goldman Sachs Matthew Borsch
Hilliard Lyons Steve O'Neil
Jefferies & Co. Brian Wright
JP Morgan William Georges
Lehman Brothers Joshua Raskin
Marquis Investment Research Michelle Su
Matrix USA Ivan Feinseth
Merrill Lynch Doug Simpson
Miller Tabak Roberts Securites Les Funtleyder
Morgan Stanley Christine Arnold
Prudential Equity Group Dave Shove
UBS Investment Research Justin Lake
Wachovia Securities Matt Perry

sorry forgot to answer, you might notice some of those folks have 2 first names-- which is a way to track whos with Them. heres a very small list I've compiled. wheter these names are actual cia agent or on the payroll or kids abducted starting back in the 40's and 50's and 60's, you'll notice so many in the News rpoeting world


Bill Alexander, Offers news,commentary,humor
Paul Anderson,talk show Host
Fred Allen,(1894-195
David Bart(on
Glenn Beck
Tom Ben(ner,Radio kfrc
James Brad(y
Tammy Bruce
B.G. Burke(t
Bill Ben(nett
Adam Caroll(a,Radio tv comedian,
Gretchen Carl(son
Margaret Carl(son
Clark Howard,Radio Host ,Consumer Advice
Bill Clinton
David D. Cole
Bob Collin(s,(1942-2000), Morning drive Chicago's WGN
Heidi Collin(s
Anderson Cooper
Kevin Corke
Carl Cameron
Tucker Carl(son
Carol Costello
Jono Cole(man, Heart FM DJ
Jennifer David(son,Essayist,NPR correspondent,novelist
Rick Dee(s,Radi Host, top 40 mornings,
Linda Douglass
Michael Duff(y
Bob Edward(s,
John Edward(s
Kenny Everett,Comedian
Joseph Farah
Joe Frank,
Al Frank(en, Politician, comedian, radio air america,
Bob Frank(en
Major Garrett
Newt Ging(rich
David Gregory
Michael Graham
Bob Harris, Political Comedian
Paul Harvey-Journalist,Radio Host,
Ed Henry
Hugh Hewitt
Greg Jarrett
Charles Jarvis
Peter Jen(nings
Terence P. Jeffrey
Terry P. Jeffrey
David John
Scott John(son
Katty Kay
Gordon Keith, sports radio personality Ticket 1310 AM Dallas, Texas
Greg Kelly
Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kendall
Nicholas D. Kris(tof
William Kris(tol
Laura Lee,
Hal Lindsey
Martha Mac(Callum
Ruth Marcus
Laura Marq(uez
Andy Martin
Greg Martin, Blues guitar player, Lowdown Hoedown" radio show.
Wink Martin(dale,
Jackie Mason
Chris Matthew(s
Al Michael(s
Barry Michael(s,Radio Host,
Patrick J. Michael(s
John Michael(son, Radio personality
Manuel Miranda
Melanie Morgan
Dick Morris
Bruce Morton
Paul Morton
Frank Murphy,
Wendy Murphy
Terry Neal
Trevor Nelson,
Miles O'Brien
Soledad O'Brien
Patrick O'Connor
Kelly O'Donnell
Norah O'Donnell
John O'Neill
Bill O'Reilly
Deborah Orin
Ronn Owen(s, Radio and television personality for the SF Bay Area's KGO radio and KRON-TV.
Kathleen Parker
Robert Pat(terson
Ralph Peter(s
Jesse Lee Peter(son
Peter G. Peter(son
Kyra Phillip(s
Brigitte Quinn
Michael Reagan
Chip Reid
Daniel W. Reilly
Frank Rich
Randi Rhodes,radio host air america
John Robert(s
Robin Robert(s
Pat Robert(son
Nic Robert(son
Tony Robin(son
Carl Rochelle
Lee Rodgers
Ed Roger(s
Brian Ross
Tim Russ(ert
Bill Sam(mon
Diane Sawyer
Willard Scott, Nbc Weatherman today show,
Jon Scott
Willard Scott, Comedy Team/ed walker
Eric Shawn
Lou Sheldon
Roger Simon
Mark Simone
Curtis Sliwa,Guardian Angel, loudmouth
John Solomon
George Stephan(opoulos
Stuart Taylor Jr.
Cal Thomas
Evan Thomas
Chuck Todd
Cynthia Tucker
Kenneth Y. Tom(linson
Ed Walker, Comedy team/willard scott
Chris Wallace
Kelly Wallace
Mike Wallace
Nicolle Wallace
Brian William
George F. (Will
Armstrong William(s
Bob William(s
Brian William(s
Juan William(s
Mark William(s
Pete William(s
Bob Wood(ward
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Paula Zahn
Gordon John(droe National Security Council spokesman

also look at all the names in gov/corp that first and last beigin with same letter like Kerry Killington, Ceo Wasington Mutual

Being a seer maybe you can see something about this?

[edit on 27-5-2007 by cygnusx1966]

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