Originally posted by seesinclouds
Sorry, I forgot to include the list of HumanA backers....
Firm Analyst
Argus Research Dave Toung
Banc of America Securities Joe France
Bear Stearns John Rex
CIBC World Markets Carl McDonald
Citigroup Investment Research Charles Boorady
Credit Suisse Greg Nersessian
Deutsche Bank Scott Fidel
Dowling & Partners Paul Goulekas
FTN Midwest Peter Costa
Goldman Sachs Matthew Borsch
Hilliard Lyons Steve O'Neil
Jefferies & Co. Brian Wright
JP Morgan William Georges
Lehman Brothers Joshua Raskin
Marquis Investment Research Michelle Su
Matrix USA Ivan Feinseth
Merrill Lynch Doug Simpson
Miller Tabak Roberts Securites Les Funtleyder
Morgan Stanley Christine Arnold
Prudential Equity Group Dave Shove
UBS Investment Research Justin Lake
Wachovia Securities Matt Perry
sorry forgot to answer, you might notice some of those folks have 2 first names-- which is a way to track whos with Them. heres a very small list
I've compiled. wheter these names are actual cia agent or on the payroll or kids abducted starting back in the 40's and 50's and 60's, you'll
notice so many in the News rpoeting world
Bill Alexander, Offers news,commentary,humor
Paul Anderson,talk show Host
Fred Allen,(1894-195
David Bart(on
Glenn Beck
Tom Ben(ner,Radio kfrc
James Brad(y
Tammy Bruce
B.G. Burke(t
Bill Ben(nett
Adam Caroll(a,Radio tv comedian,
Gretchen Carl(son
Margaret Carl(son
Clark Howard,Radio Host ,Consumer Advice
Bill Clinton
David D. Cole
Bob Collin(s,(1942-2000), Morning drive Chicago's WGN
Heidi Collin(s
Anderson Cooper
Kevin Corke
Carl Cameron
Tucker Carl(son
Carol Costello
Jono Cole(man, Heart FM DJ
Jennifer David(son,Essayist,NPR correspondent,novelist
Rick Dee(s,Radi Host, top 40 mornings,
Linda Douglass
Michael Duff(y
Bob Edward(s,
John Edward(s
Kenny Everett,Comedian
Joseph Farah
Joe Frank,
Al Frank(en, Politician, comedian, radio air america,
Bob Frank(en
Major Garrett
Newt Ging(rich
David Gregory
Michael Graham
Bob Harris, Political Comedian
Paul Harvey-Journalist,Radio Host,
Ed Henry
Hugh Hewitt
Greg Jarrett
Charles Jarvis
Peter Jen(nings
Terence P. Jeffrey
Terry P. Jeffrey
David John
Scott John(son
Katty Kay
Gordon Keith, sports radio personality Ticket 1310 AM Dallas, Texas
Greg Kelly
Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kendall
Nicholas D. Kris(tof
William Kris(tol
Laura Lee,
Hal Lindsey
Martha Mac(Callum
Ruth Marcus
Laura Marq(uez
Andy Martin
Greg Martin, Blues guitar player, Lowdown Hoedown" radio show.
Wink Martin(dale,
Jackie Mason
Chris Matthew(s
Al Michael(s
Barry Michael(s,Radio Host,
Patrick J. Michael(s
John Michael(son, Radio personality
Manuel Miranda
Melanie Morgan
Dick Morris
Bruce Morton
Paul Morton
Frank Murphy,
Wendy Murphy
Terry Neal
Trevor Nelson,
Miles O'Brien
Soledad O'Brien
Patrick O'Connor
Kelly O'Donnell
Norah O'Donnell
John O'Neill
Bill O'Reilly
Deborah Orin
Ronn Owen(s, Radio and television personality for the SF Bay Area's KGO radio and KRON-TV.
Kathleen Parker
Robert Pat(terson
Ralph Peter(s
Jesse Lee Peter(son
Peter G. Peter(son
Kyra Phillip(s
Brigitte Quinn
Michael Reagan
Chip Reid
Daniel W. Reilly
Frank Rich
Randi Rhodes,radio host air america
John Robert(s
Robin Robert(s
Pat Robert(son
Nic Robert(son
Tony Robin(son
Carl Rochelle
Lee Rodgers
Ed Roger(s
Brian Ross
Tim Russ(ert
Bill Sam(mon
Diane Sawyer
Willard Scott, Nbc Weatherman today show,
Jon Scott
Willard Scott, Comedy Team/ed walker
Eric Shawn
Lou Sheldon
Roger Simon
Mark Simone
Curtis Sliwa,Guardian Angel, loudmouth
John Solomon
George Stephan(opoulos
Stuart Taylor Jr.
Cal Thomas
Evan Thomas
Chuck Todd
Cynthia Tucker
Kenneth Y. Tom(linson
Ed Walker, Comedy team/willard scott
Chris Wallace
Kelly Wallace
Mike Wallace
Nicolle Wallace
Brian William
George F. (Will
Armstrong William(s
Bob William(s
Brian William(s
Juan William(s
Mark William(s
Pete William(s
Bob Wood(ward
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Paula Zahn
Gordon John(droe National Security Council spokesman
also look at all the names in gov/corp that first and last beigin with same letter like Kerry Killington, Ceo Wasington Mutual
Being a seer maybe you can see something about this?
[edit on 27-5-2007 by cygnusx1966]