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Podhoretz, Declares World War is Imminent - Wins Award

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posted on May, 25 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Norman Podhoretz, described as "an American intellectual considered to be a prominent neo-conservative thinker and writer" has declared that the United States' War on Terror is the beginning of World War IV (I guess the Cold War was WWIII). On C-Span today he spoke about how is positive that Bush will attack Iran before the end of his elected term. He also spoke about receiving the prestigious 'Guardian of Zion Award', an award given to individuals who have been supportive to the state of Israel.

His writings such as 'World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism' are cited for his receiving the award.

I hope he's wrong.

Guardian of Zion Award

[edit on 25-5-2007 by wingman77]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 11:52 PM
Anyone who does not trust Cheney, should not trust Podhoretz either.

Podhoretz is one of the original signers of PNAC, along with Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush and Scooter Libby. If someone doesn't wish to believe this then just go look at the website, or click this link...

PNAC Statement of Principles

The key word here is PNAC. They have publications on that website which leave no doubt that they crave world domination, at any cost.

Of interest for a serious researcher would be their, "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New American Century." If one only reads a small portion of that document, I would urge that it be chapter 5.

Rebuilding America's Defenses

This particular document has been compared to Mein Kampf.

I'm sure Podhoretz would like nothing more than to see Bush's war extended, as all the good little PNACers would.

There is some indication that PNAC has been defunct since 2005, and it appears that nothing has been added to the website since then. While this is a positive step, there are still PNACers in positions of power within the government, so they are still very dangerous.

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