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Are UFOs a form of lightning effect ?

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posted on May, 24 2007 @ 07:35 PM
I was watching a programme the other day either on Discovery or the National Geographic channel. It featured a scientist who has developed a way to test the effects of lightning discharges at extreme altitude and low pressures in a vucumn chamber.

As the documentary camera played, there was a sudden and unplanned change of air pressure and the electrical lightning discharge formed a series of flying saucer shapes, which he termed Elves.

Suddenly it occurred to me that maybe this was the source of many UFO sightings ?

Can anybody recall any more information about this research please ?

I don't mind if someone can prove the existence of UFOs to me, but using Ockham's Razor, it seems to me there must be a thousand or more mistaken sightings for every credible one.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 07:37 PM
No, UFOs are not a form of lightning effect.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:04 PM
This doesn't explain sightings that happen in clear skies and ones above the cloud line by pilots.Heck,even the space shuttle has sightings high above the Earth.Just another "swamp gas" theory imho.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:26 PM
It "could" explain some of them. (could is the operational word here)

But of course it could not explain them all.

Also, the experiments were in a "controlled atmosphere", in regards to pressure, and altitude. I am assuming the temperature and humidity were controlled as well.

And of course in the real world there are constantly changing variables (pressure, temperature and humidity) altitude may vary as well, if the "ufo" descending or ascended during the sighting.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:36 PM
212121 ... and your authoritative source is ?

Crowpruitt actually it can explain sightings in clear air because the program I viewed was talking about high altitude discharges to the ionesphere and in the event of a high altitude sighting one cannot often guage from the ground whether a phenomenon is 2 miles away or 20.

In fact if they are sighted above cloud then that corroborates the TV programme, since it was talking about discharges above clouds.

Last year about April 2006 I saw lightning under a clear sky above my home city. I went to a nearby hill as I could not understand why I could see stars twinkling and lightning together ?

There was a fierce squall line in the far distance, but I was witnessing lightning bolts in clear sky ahead of the storm.

I think Mechanic 32's response is very measured and reasonable.

Even I volunteered that there were credible accounts, but I also said most seemed incredible and that there were likely more simple explanations for most.

No I don't subscribe to it's just Venus, but neither do I agree that most are credible.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by 212121
No, UFOs are not a form of lightning effect.

Agreed. Just another helpless attempt to try and justify why UFOs arent extra-terrestrial.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Fallacy

Originally posted by 212121
No, UFOs are not a form of lightning effect.

Agreed. Just another helpless attempt to try and justify why UFOs arent extra-terrestrial.

Well actually how do both of you come to this obviously firm conclusion?

Have you even looked into the matter?

Just so both of you know, I beilieve in the possibility in the existence of UFO's. But also, I don't believe that every sighting is truly unexplainable. But to find out for sure, it is always best to examine all avenues of investigation.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by sy.gunson
212121 ... and your authoritative source is ?

Crowpruitt actually it can explain sightings in clear air because the program I viewed was talking about high altitude discharges to the ionesphere and in the event of a high altitude sighting one cannot often guage from the ground whether a phenomenon is 2 miles away or 20.

In fact if they are sighted above cloud then that corroborates the TV programme, since it was talking about discharges above clouds.

Last year about April 2006 I saw lightning under a clear sky above my home city. I went to a nearby hill as I could not understand why I could see stars twinkling and lightning together ?

There was a fierce squall line in the far distance, but I was witnessing lightning bolts in clear sky ahead of the storm.

I think Mechanic 32's response is very measured and reasonable.

Even I volunteered that there were credible accounts, but I also said most seemed incredible and that there were likely more simple explanations for most.

No I don't subscribe to it's just Venus, but neither do I agree that most are credible.
I stand corrected,thank you.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:33 PM
UFOs being mostly ships designed by Tesla uses mass vibrations at the speed of light
to gather as much pressure among your atoms and atomic particles which actually
bang up against the hull of the ship causing the lighting effect same as in lighting
a gas filled tube without wires. OK so atomic agitation make a light effect.
The UFO make the light effect.

change of air pressure and the electrical lightning discharge formed a series of flying saucer shapes,

So the physically moved air into enough quantum electron jumps or static electricity to
light up and make a light effect.

The whole source of light from DC wave electrostatics was studied by Tesla.
It just so happened to make his air ship go. Perhaps Tesla ships might go in space as well.
In hover too long you get the flame that does not consume effect Tesla also talked about.
Everything Tesla talked about is apparently applicable to the UFO ship phenomena except
for disinformation campaigns by those wishing to keep us out of the light or how it forms.
Static electricity is rare but a constant controlled static signal is apparently Tesla's big secret.
ED: Many close up sightings prove secret ships and are well within man's doing.
The Oval and flat disk and wing and triangle ships are quite real.

edit on 9/17/2012 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by sy.gunson

Interesting thought, isn't it?

I made a thread about this once..

Sprites, Blue Jets, Elves and "Superbolts",


PS: Good trhead
(don't mind the critics. S+F)
edit on 17-9-2012 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 06:01 PM
The only mistake made by the original poster was to suggest lightning as an explanation for all UFOs, rather than for some (probably tiny) percentage of UFO sightings.

Obviously there are a huge range of conventional explanations for UFOs. Most are simply wrongly perceived planets, stars, satellites, balloons, aircraft, etc.

It should be pointed out that the study of atmospheric electrical discharges has revealed new discoveries that were previously unknown to science - so it is possible that there may be some additional types of atmospheric gas plasma phenomena that might account for some glowing UFOs.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by bluestreak53
The only mistake made by the original poster was to suggest lightning as an explanation for all UFOs, rather than for some (probably tiny) percentage of UFO sightings.

Obviously there are a huge range of conventional explanations for UFOs. Most are simply wrongly perceived planets, stars, satellites, balloons, aircraft, etc.

It should be pointed out that the study of atmospheric electrical discharges has revealed new discoveries that were previously unknown to science - so it is possible that there may be some additional types of atmospheric gas plasma phenomena that might account for some glowing UFOs.

Yes but no real secret ship of course that causes UFO effects because that is what happens.

That is the story. The ship is unknown and the sighting confusing because the static
electric effects were never said to be connected to a flying machine.

Official story people never come across any conflict with the non concurrence of any official
story for unknown ships and the silence does not bother them even with possibly unfeasible
excuses since they are not told how light is generated in a gaseous atmosphere.

Official story people can not come up with one conspiracy because they are dead set against
normal personal observations and wish to control people and not give secreted information.

Ed: UFO lighting effects are not from balloons or other objects but from the secret ship.
Why would he ask about anything else.
We can't answer the question without knowing the secret.

edit on 9/17/2012 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:40 PM
The one I saw a few years back where the entire hillside outside my house lit up and most electronics in my house went haywire, including getting repeated calls on my cell phone one after another, from a number which just said "***" and had the oddest static noise I've ever heard on the other end, was certainly not a lightning effect. My girlfriend at the time was in tears she was so scared.

I find that borderline insulting to anyone who's actually, truly experienced a UFO or has done research into the phenomena, if you even want to call it that.
edit on 17-9-2012 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by MysticPearl

There are vibration effects and electrical perhaps resulting from the vibrations.
Mr Lyne's father had a UFO perhaps the Oval type knock out the car head lights.
The fuses were ok the the headlight filaments broken.
So perhaps vibration related or the filaments exhausted by extreme voltage induction.

Here are some amazing effects:
the page:

- All light switches and TV were blown out.
- A ball of fire shot of the oven and passed through the front door.
- A neighbor saw a blue flame shoot up out of an iron baking pan.
- Many neighbor's lights came on for a few seconds but switches were off.

Not a good thing close up and we should be thankful all the free energy stays at
a far distance.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by sy.gunson

Okay my firts reply may have been a little short but I didn't have the time for a proper response. And since people hardly ever follow links.....

I also had this idea while watching a documentary on television about Operation Fishbowl.

During operation Fishbowl scientist discovered that the electro magnetic pulse (EMP) generated by a nuclear explosion at high altitude triggered a strange phenomenon where the light from the explosion was also (almost simultaneously) observed in the conjugate region of the opposite hemisphere. Apparently the EMP traveled along the Earth's magnetic field lines to the other side.

The elve was first theoretically predicted by scientists at Stanford University in the early 1990s and then observationally confirmed by imagers on the Space Shuttle and the ground (by Tohoku University scientists) several years thereafter. The elve results from an especially powerful electromagnetic radiation pulse (EMP) that emanates from certain lightning discharges. As the energy passes upwards through the base of the ionosphere it causes the gases to briefly glow

The problem with elves however is that they only last less than a thousandth of a second. If I would have to put my money on anything, I'd put it on the "superbolt".

We are beginning to think that true “upward lightning” may well exist. Regular lightning flashes can sometimes jump outside the parent cloud, and rarely extend a short distance (less than a mile) above storm tops. But a growing number of reports describe brilliant white channels extending upwards many tens of thousands of feet above storm tops. They resemble ordinary lightning channels, but also appear to last much longer, up to one or two seconds, and do not flicker. They also seem to grow upward out of the cloud, and upon reaching their maximum height, the entire channel dims away. They may well occur above the tops of explosively growing clouds. They often occur every few minutes, and episodes can last for a half hour or more. Thus, they may not be too hard to photograph.

Sprites, blue jets, elves and superbolts


posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:45 AM
Ufos cause clouds and lightning to form, haven't you been watching enough scifi movies
Lightning does cause spherical balls but I wouldn't think anyone would interpret those things as flying saucers. Energy seems to form fields or energized plasma fields in spherical shapes, or possibly in tube or helix shapes. That is well known from observations. What the experiment is showing is proof that these can occur in manmade events also.

edit on 18-9-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by sy.gunson

While I've never heard of the effect you're referencing, it seems plausible that if this phenomenon is a naturally occurring one then it may explain for some sightings.

However, it does not account for the thousands of cases involving structured and diversely illuminated craft of virtually every shape and size you can think of. We have metallic discs, we have gigantic black chevrons, we have triangles, we have loaf shaped craft, we have cigar shaped craft, we have huge rectangle shaped slabs of inter/stellar/dimensional curiosity, we have 1 man/being egg shaped run abouts, we have massive acorn shaped motherships dispensing smaller craft, we have top hats, we have Chinese hats, we have coat buttons......we have the lot basically.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by sy.gunson

This here discovery:

..... effects of lightning discharges at extreme altitude and low pressures in a vucumn chamber.
As the documentary camera played, there was a sudden and unplanned change of air pressure and the electrical lightning discharge formed a series of flying saucer shapes,

I can't say what saucer shape appeared perhaps () clam shell with a dome might be shape.
I think the same principle is involved and thus the same shape.
Thus real saucers are using a pressure effect.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by 212121
No, UFOs are not a form of lightning effect.

Do you really think that comment adds anything to this conversation? I mean...Care to expand a bit as to why you feel that some UFO's could not be explained away as a misinterpretation of a lightning effect?

Personally,I know a person who saw ball lightning and they were convinced it was a UFO until taught otherwise...So,to just make a blanket statement like you did...Well, how on earth do you ever hope to learn, expand your horizons and come to the truth of the matter, if you are unwilling to even examine the possibility?

That said, OP, sure it is very possible that some UFO's are just some type of lighting effect being misidentified. Not all of them, but I would bet money that it has happened before and will probably happen again.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Fallacy

Originally posted by 212121
No, UFOs are not a form of lightning effect.

Agreed. Just another helpless attempt to try and justify why UFOs arent extra-terrestrial.

Oh give me a break....Sometimes people make mistakes and there are other explanations besides Aliens....

Not all UFO's are Aliens....That is not a helpless attempt to justify anything other than common sense... Sometimes people make mistakes and report something as UFO when they aren't.

Do you have any idea how many ordinary planes and helicopters are reported as UFO's every year? Apparently not

Do I believe? Yep... But to suggest that some sightings can not be incorrectly identified... Well, not to be rude...But it's rather naive. Often times ( And I dare say more often than not) UFO's have a more logical explanation that aliens from another planet.

Be fair, will you?
edit on 22-9-2012 by DirtyLiberalHippie because: (no reason given)

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