posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:52 AM
We've all heard the frog in the pot of boiling water example.
If not, you put a frog in a pot of luke warm water, and steadily increase the heat. The frog doesn't sense the danger, and does not jump out of the
boiling water. At the same time, you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, they will jump out. People are the same way.
They steadily increase the price at a slow rate, no one questions it until it starts to get crazy (boils). Every year it happens, gets crazy, and it
does goes down some, but at there are certain marks of no return (ie pass 2 dollars then go to 3, it will never go below 2 again).
If it goes to 4.30 a gallon this summer, it will never go down past $3.
Its a spin on the boiling water method of the frog, in that right before the water boils, they turn down the heat a little bit, to reduce alarm.
Always doing this every year. We do not even notice the water boils, because right when it does, they turn it down a bit, while maintaining high
In terms of public polls:
Polls are silly. You think PR people do not infect public polls? You must be kidding me. Trust me, I've studied alot in terms of marketing and PR
theory during my time getting my degree. Polls are as useful, as listening to a homeless loony talk about being Jesus.
What we need to do, as people is understand we do not use the total demand (hidden usage), that dictates total demand. It is not our fault.
Before they go after the oil industry, they must first disclose all usage by our government and industries. If we understand the exact number of usage
by our industry and government, we will understand that the arguement, use less gas for driving is not correct.
Think that will happen anytime soon? No, probably not.
It should though, because the government has the most to gain (next to oil industry) in terms of extra tax earned by the increased price.
Without disclosure of usage, the citizen is blamed for all usage, while the government can manipulate its usage, to offset demand, thus bringing in
more taxes. Companies pass on the cost to consumers. We are blamed for it all.
If everyone in your state blew up their car, truck, motorcycle, there would still be a high demand per capita in your state for gasoline. It is not
only a mpg standard issue, or a driving during peak time issue, it is the hidden usage of government and industry in the guise of the driving
I believe that 4.30 number when I believe that homeless guy is Jesus. In fact, the poll is inaccurate, when it should say, would you pay 4.30 gas with
an increase in price of 5 percent for every other good/ service you use.
If it was drivers in the poll, whatever. There are 100s of hummer h2s out there. Honestly there are alot of rich retards out there, who do not care.
The online polls are not accessible by the poor without computers or cable to hear about the poll. The voiceless poor, they exist.
Disclose gasoline usage by our government (including) waste, once that happens I believe in my government to be representative of me. They won't
though, and we will pay.
[edit on 25-5-2007 by squidboy]