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Iran to Israel: Don't attack Lebanon

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posted on May, 24 2007 @ 11:14 AM

Who do these Iranian think they are?? Some kind of Military Superpower?
ATS what could Iran possibly do to Israel?

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 03:30 PM
I have been questioning this since I heard it. For starters Israel for what I understand has never attacked a country that did not do anything to them specifically... There attack early last year was sparked over soldiers being taken. Missiles being fired into there territory. I think that it is Iran making a statement of "defence" and makes Israel look like some sort of aggressive country that it is not but in doing so looks tough on al-jazira and on cnn which will air that openly...

Far as what Iran can DO... They can supply arms and support to groups that will attack Israel and filter in nearly limitless $$$ to fund it much like is being done in Iraq.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Israel is a pretty aggressive country by any standard, as for Lebanon, Israel has invaded repeatedly since 1978. It's almost a national pastime

As far as what Iran can do, they can continue providing support for Hezbollah, who proved this past summer to be far more capable opponents than the Israelis expected...

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by AbitTweaked
Far as what Iran can DO... They can supply arms and support to groups that will attack Israel and filter in nearly limitless $$$ to fund it much like is being done in Iraq.

Interesting, have you heard about the recent death in Israel the 31 year old woman her death caused by a rocket that was shot from the Gaza by militants? I wonder if Israel could blame an incident like this on the Ayatollah or Ahmadinejad saying they are the ones funding these type of attacks to justify military action? I cannot seriously picture Iran flying to Israel for air strikes or going forth with military attacks because Israel is attacking Lebanon. An Israeli strike on Iran head on would be the only way I could see Iran doing that.

So why the threats I smell American propaganda!!

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:46 PM
Some of you need to go read the Unifil site and see exactly what goes on. Check how many THOUSANDS of overflights were made over sovereign Lebanese territory by UAV as well as fighter jets flying at mach speeds over peoples houses blowing out windows on an almost daily basis, and all this was prior to 2006 and post pullout from Lebanon.

Go to the UN site and read how many UN calls for Israel to CEASE overflights on lebanese territory.

Didn't we go to war for such things? I remember a place called Kuwait being invaded by an Army from another country by the name of Iraq. I think it was called Operation Desert Storm

Yeah Abittweaked Israel has never provoked anyone or started any trouble without first being provoked. Those people that died on the Gaza beach having a picnic with their family last summer were actually elite scuba military outfit specializing in Israeli sabotage. The children were actually midgets holding a nuclear physics degree in atomic weapons assembly.

Its a shame it has to be Iran sticking up for a country that loves America so much and has so many Lebanese-Americans investing, and vacationing there. Lebanese people have been here in the USA for ages and have been good solid citizens. It should not be Iran that tells Israel to keep off or keep out. It should be the USA that should be warning her.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Iran's president is suffering from megalomania and needs lots of thorazine and about 20 years in a psychiatric inpatient facility -shock treatment would not be a bad idea either. What a freakin idiot! All he si doing is trying to once again deflect the attention away from the issues currently facing his country. God-willing the US will completely destroy their nuclear infrastructure and this little man can finally get the dose of reality he so severely needs.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
It should not be Iran that tells Israel to keep off or keep out. It should be the USA that should be warning her.

IMHO American loyalty to Israel and the Jewish community is a bigger priority then Lebanese loyalty. Personally I think backing Israeli interests and concerns if I was a U.S. President would be smarter and SAFER then to back Lebanese Interests and concerns.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Iran's president is suffering from megalomania and needs lots of thorazine and about 20 years in a psychiatric inpatient facility -shock treatment would not be a bad idea either. What a freakin idiot! All he si doing is trying to once again deflect the attention away from the issues currently facing his country. God-willing the US will completely destroy their nuclear infrastructure and this little man can finally get the dose of reality he so severely needs.

Again IMHO not to be rude but The American Propaganda Machine would like to pick you to be its valedictorian. I mean yes I don't want more nuclear weapons being built anywhere. I do not personally believe Terran or Ahmadinejad will make bombs with it enriched uranium. I think its more likely most Americans believe Iran has New Nazi Germany with nuclear capability written all over it is because of AMERICAN PROPAGANDA and PERSIAN OIL INTERESTS.

but like i said this is IMHO

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:22 PM
QUOTE: "I do not personally believe Terran or Ahmadinejad will make bombs with it enriched uranium."

This my friend is where we fundamentally differ. I DO believe that they will make bombs with their enriched Uranium. The fact that they have concealed their program for 20 years and are not providing full disclosure right now even in the face of sanctions proves they have something to hide. Not only that, just listen to the vile filth that is spit by this regime. They sure have made themselves look a lot more likely to want a bomb than to not want one. And if they truly dont want the bomb, they sure are doing a piss poor job of proving it.

As far as us wanting Irans oil, i dont know about that. Supposedly if you listent o all the American haters and left-wingers, they think we went to Iraq for oil. Well guess what, it hasnt helped us any! Gas is getting higher and we havent see any oil.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
they think we went to Iraq for oil. Well guess what, it hasnt helped us any! Gas is getting higher and we havent see any oil.

Who said that the oil was to benefit us the regular American citizen.

It has never been for us, invading Iraq, waiting for them to give away their rights for their oil, perhaps you need to look into what is going on with Iraq, their government and their oil.

This all for corporate gain, no my gain and neither yours but our tax payer money to be use in the name of reconstruction.

I going to tell you a secret, Iraq is pumping oil everyday, do you know where that oil is going?, guess what is been reported as missing and stolen. but guess who is protecting the fields day and night . . . US troops.

Study finds billions of Iraqi oil missing: NYT

I guess when it comes to the middle east . . . the only with rights are our nation its allies and Israel, anybody else has to bend to our wishes.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by marg6043]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace

This my friend is where we fundamentally differ. I DO believe that they will make bombs with their enriched Uranium. The fact that they have concealed their program for 20 years and are not providing full disclosure right now even in the face of sanctions proves they have something to hide. Not only that, just listen to the vile filth that is spit by this regime. They sure have made themselves look a lot more likely to want a bomb than to not want one. And if they truly dont want the bomb, they sure are doing a piss poor job of proving it.

As far as us wanting Irans oil, i dont know about that. Supposedly if you listent o all the American haters and left-wingers, they think we went to Iraq for oil. Well guess what, it hasnt helped us any! Gas is getting higher and we havent see any oil.

Interesting I have watched various speeches by Ahmadinejad and his regime and yes I feel the U.S. hatred and yes it makes my stomach un-easy but he openly states in these speech's it is for peace full purposes. Regardless if he is a lier or what not and the U.N. says he's not fully opening his doors to his facilities but who would open there doors fully to another country could you imagine the outcry if we lets Iranian inspectors into everywhere they see fit.

Also who would the U.N. support when were talking about Information to somthing as serious as War. America Or Iran?

And the OIL ok so you think that if the price of gold was whatever I don't follow it but 25 dollars a gram and a major gold mining/manufacturer of gold stumbled upon billions in the weight of gold in Africa all of a sudden the price would drop they would let it out slowly making there fullest buck. If you own a store and the pop company ships you 25 cases extra of coke are you gunna put ur price down to 75 cents a coke...heck no unless you like making a quick buck and are unintelligent

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Iran's president is suffering from megalomania and needs lots of thorazine and about 20 years in a psychiatric inpatient facility -shock treatment would not be a bad idea either. What a freakin idiot! All he si doing is trying to once again deflect the attention away from the issues currently facing his country. God-willing the US will completely destroy their nuclear infrastructure and this little man can finally get the dose of reality he so severely needs.

LOL and the leadership of Israel is much better then that? Criminals and rapists? LOL OMG the pot calling the kettle black. I think you need to read the news more often. Scandals and crimes fills Israels government to the hilt. If you think that the Palestine/Lebanon/Syria/Israel thing is not part of the big picture here, you need to bone up on a few things if you believe that this is something being used as a smokescreen. You can try to deny it but it will just prolong it.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:48 PM

What do you expect PieMan our nation politicians in our governments has a tendency to support this type of corrupted governments as long as they are our friends and allies.

I guess from one corrupted government to the other they are all friends.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I guess from one corrupted government to the other they are all friends.

Yupp pretty much I mean in the sense that Israeli corruption and American corruption foreign or domestic is coming from the same group

Not a conspiracy more like a unwritten fact

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:02 PM
Why doesn't Iran tell Syria to stay out of Lebanon?

Syria occupied parts of Lebanon for over tow decades. Iran set up shop with hezbollah.

I wish Iran had as much rhetoric for Syria if they really gave a crap about the population of Lebanon. But that is not the case. Iran wants to keep there little toy called hezbollah to keep instability on Israel's northern border.

I guess Iran has nothing to say if Israel takes out some of there nuclear facilities, because Iran is already shooting missles and taking soldiers of Israel.

I'll tell you why one country is Jewish and one is Muslim. Period.

How about this novel idea. Lets not have Syria blow up the leader of Lebanon. Have Iran and hezbollah get out of Lebanon. Have a Israel get out. Have everyone get out and leave Lebanon alone.

I won't happen, because Iran is the biggest problem with Lebanon. Not Israel.

I am still waiting for the UN to disband hezbollah like they were suppose too. I guess it ain't happening.

So lets keep the same stupid arguments and blame continuing.

Sorry about that Lebanon and its people.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Soul_Contagious

IMHO American loyalty to Israel and the Jewish community is a bigger priority then Lebanese loyalty. Personally I think backing Israeli interests and concerns if I was a U.S. President would be smarter and SAFER then to back Lebanese Interests and concerns.

Well thats why we are in the situation we are in. If we had a fair and impartial balance in the Middle East instead of supporting only one country, things would go much more smoothly with the WOT. The governments and people would be more then pleased to help. However since you point your fingers at all the arabs while Israel commits its own attrocities unpunished you get nowhere. They will not aid you, and they will not co-operate with you. You will also see them no longer wishing to support you financially as you have been seeing with all these latest currency switchovers.

You cannot have 2 children and allow one to do as he pleases while you spank and scold the other for doing the same thing and not end up with problemed children as an end result.

However, as president of this country, if you feel its prudent to keep pouring money into a country that has no resources of its own and no benefits other than that it pleases a mere 2% of your population, while your own citizens sleep in the streets...I am sure you would go down in history just like this current one will..down. So yeah...keep pouring over 12billion a year into a country that will never repay its debt and causes you problems and go against the people who hold not only the key to energy, but the control over radical islamists as well...its a great policy.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:14 PM
I sure hope you guys arent thinking that the governments of Iran, Syria, etc are really thathonest & trustworthy. If so PLEASE give me some of what you are smoking because i wanna live in that reality.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by princeofpeace]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Or perhaps we dont see why a country(iran)who had a hidden nuclear program going on for over 20 years should be trusted when they say"peaceful use only".And quite frankly i feel the iranian president is even crazier than his american counterpart.also lets not forget that iran openly supports terror groups like hezbollah.Is this a country to be trusted?

[edit on 24-5-2007 by Xfile]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:28 PM
The problem is you have so many people on here who openly hate the US and Israel that they will always support whoever has a different view just out of spite if nothing else. Im just glad they arent living in this country or they would be more than welcome to leave. I also take it these same people arent residing in any of these countries they support or they wouldnt have the freedom to get on here type what they want.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:28 PM
Iran wants to be a power not to be reckonded with, as is the U.S. currently. This is why you see Iran constantly defying the west and attempting to throw it's weight around. Just enough to be noticed, but not to where it will actually be attacked. Iran is also trying to gather support from people in the Middle East who are anti-west/America. As we all know Isreal is a heavly backed country from the U.S., and by causing problems with Isreal it will indirectly cause problems with the U.S.

My guess is that Iran won't actually do anything, and if Iran did it would go into Lebanon and help them defend off the Isreali's, much like Russia and the U.S. did in Veitnam and Korea; Wars without declaring a direct war on each other. It will be Isreal declaring war on Iran if one was to do so, so that Iran will look like the innocent one and gather further support.

-Reform America

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