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Another Tainted Product - US FDA IS Now Checking Toothpate Imports From China

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posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:55 AM
Wonderfull, just wonderfull. While im reading this, I am waiting for a phone call from my Dr. as to why my kidneys arent happy, and Im instead getting a phone call from the school nurse because one of my boys has a stomach ache. Apparently with in 10 min of school starting, her office has filled up with kids puking. An odd nasty virus that started in the school about the same time my kidneys became unhappy.

Just knowing it could be some tainted China product causing this all makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.

They are intentionally using this product. I dont think it matters if their intended effect was saving money or hurting people. Facts are facts, they intentionally use these harmfull products. People need to start looking at the words 'Made in China' as a warning lable, and nothing less.

[edit on 25-5-2007 by mrsdudara]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
Wonderfull, just wonderfull. While im reading this, I am waiting for a phone call from my Dr. as to why my kidneys arent happy, and Im instead getting a phone call from the school nurse because one of my boys has a stomach ache. Apparently with in 10 min of school starting, her office has filled up with kids puking. An odd nasty virus that started in the school about the same time my kidneys became unhappy.
[edit on 25-5-2007 by mrsdudara]

mrsdudara, I'm sorry to hear about your illness. Keep in mind that herbal remedies help the body to heal itself and prescription drugs are mostly designed to cover up the symptoms. I'm not giving you medical advice, just giving you some information to help you do your own research.

It's very important to do your research and educate yourself because unfortunately, prescription medications can be just as (if not more) dangerous as the chemicals that make us sick in the first place. And these chemicals are in the food, the water and the products that we use.

I discovered after being on antidepressant medication for over 6 years that it was really the chemicals in the food that was causing my anxiety and depression. I am off the medication now and as long as I consume foods without chemicals, I am fine (organic fruits vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains). As soon as I consume a food with chemicals (pretty much anything outside of the above list), my anxiety and depression returns. Luckily it's only temporary and goes away when I start consuming healthy food again.

My cat started suffering kidney failure a year ago. The vet tried to put her on prescription catfood and she would not eat it (I don't blame her). So I did my research and came up with information about homeopathic dandelion root that clears the kidneys. I've been putting a few drops of this in the cat's meals for the last year and she is now healthy and happy with none of the symptoms of kidney failure. In fact, the problem cleared up after the very first dose and has not returned.

It's up to each of us individually to closely monitor what we're consuming and it's very sad to realize that we have to take care of ourselves because the food industry will not. They will outright lie on the food labels to make you think their product is 'natural' or 'healthy' when they really are not.

Another bit of information to know is that these chemicals are hidden in other ingredients so when you read the labels, you don't know the chemicals are there.

I rely on the NewsTarget website to educate me on what to look for on the labels. You can find tons of great information on the NewsTarget website (, but also check out the Hundred Year Lie at This book discusses the synthetic chemicals that have been forced on our society for the last 100 years (and being told that they are healthy!) and the illness and disease that have become prevalent since the use of these chemicals were introduced. The website has 5 pages called the Slippery Slope Index that detail all of these facts. It's truly scary and very eye-opening.

I wish you and your family the best. Good luck.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Couple of things. I stopped using regular toothpaste and went to making my own using mint and a couple of other things. I'm convinced that toothpaste is loaded with sugar. Beneficial to dentists, not to your teeth.

What's up with the FDA. They let alot of bad stuff slide through, but boy if your trying to sell something claiming a cure to cancer, they're all over people like a cheap suit. With all the billions $$ going into terrorist related protection, you'd think this would be on the forefront of that battle.

America's really lost it's edge in the global production of goods. Are we that lazy, that we can't make stuff here, and keep the costs down. How much does it cost to ship a tube of toothpaste from China? Didn't we use to make this stuff in our country?

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by stompk
Couple of things. I stopped using regular toothpaste and went to making my own using mint and a couple of other things. I'm convinced that toothpaste is loaded with sugar. Beneficial to dentists, not to your teeth.

America's really lost it's edge in the global production of goods. Are we that lazy, that we can't make stuff here, and keep the costs down. How much does it cost to ship a tube of toothpaste from China? Didn't we use to make this stuff in our country?

Great points stompk. The only way this is going to stop is if the demand for the products disappear. If we all start making our own homemade oral products, one of two things will happen:

1. They will try to jump on the bandwagon and provide new organic and safe products for us to buy.

2. They will try to ban the use of herbs, which is really what they are attempting to do now.
Source: FDA acquiring new powers to suppress alternative health

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 01:42 PM
THANKS, Annestacy, for the link to newstarget: i've saved it.

Have also '5 starred' a number of posts in this thread. Good stuff.

As people have said, above: why are we using imported products which we USED to be able to buy from manufacturers in our own countries? Who benefits? Certainly not us. Those who benefit are greedy corporations who are able to buy nasty, cheap, sub-standard products produced by in some cases child labour or exploited labor --- after which those greedy corporations reap massive products and show NO concern for our welfare.

I'm not that ancient, yet can well remember that China was never considered a producer of anything remotely resembling quality goods. To the point that if someone gave you a gift marked Made in China, it was considered an insult.

I'm angry about the proliferation of Chinese and other Asian produced goods. These tack items are being imported into our countries at the cost of our own workforce. Our OWN workforce is required to undertake training, apprenticeships and are required to pass safety checks of all kinds. What sort of insanity is occurring now, whereby goods are being imported without any, or only rudimentary testing?

Our government agencies USED to protect us against foreign-produced goods and the dangers of same. Now, apparently, our governments act as pimps for Big Business -- to our detriment.

As stated in one of the posts above, the only way of attempting to address this worsening situation is by buying LESS and buying LOCALLY produced items (which are usually more expensive due to higher wages, conditions and controls, etc. in the Western world).

Personally, I hope more exposure is given to the baby-eating and Falun Gong prisioners' organs being sold, that iare practiced in China. I don't want to support a government -- or people --- that allow either.

It's to be hoped that many other Chinese, sub-standard products continue to be exposed, to the point people refuse to buy Asian-made products and once again support their own producers.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 11:59 AM
My theory on all these recent event's of bogus Chinese good's is that there are Muslim Terrorists groups that are getting job's working in these factories and are basically testing things out at the moment. They have already figured out that China doesn't really inspect there goods as we in the USA have recently found out with the pet-food incident and other recent attacks.

At the moment they are just testing the system untill they get more people working in the factories to get as much poison or whatever they will use to inflict harm on us physically and to hurt our economy.

Just a theory but it's very practical.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 08:36 AM
Not only toothpaste, food AND COSMETICS.

According to this video, with Lou Dobbs, our food imports from China are not inspected, as importers commonly by pass FDA inspection.

I read years back a book, Slaughterhouse by Gail A. Eisnitz and our farming and butchering practices here in the US leave much to be desired.

Now, we are increasingly getting much of our food and cosmetics from China and China's track record is not good either, it's worse than ours BUT IT'S CHEAPER and it's always about the $$$$$$$$$$$

substandard sanitation practices, antibotics, growth hormones, hepititis A, filthy, putrid, unfit for human consumption.

Untested, uninspected.

Now, yes this video I think is a couple years old, however has this situation changed? We keep getting more and more of our food/cosmetic stuff from China.

Our government, the FDA is not doing it's job in protecting us. We pay their salaries, via our Federal taxes AND OUR FDA IS NOT DOING IT'S JOB. Yes big letters this is SERIOUS SHI*.

I am glad I pay a little extra and buy my soap and moisturizing lotion from the three small USA Companies here in America. See my profile for their names.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by ofhumandescent]

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