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(Prepare in Advance) NOAA foresees 13 to 17 tropical storms this season, with seven to 10 developing

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posted on May, 23 2007 @ 07:21 PM

NOAA foresees 13 to 17 tropical storms this season, with seven to 10 developing into hurricanes. Three to five could be major ones of Category 3 or higher with winds over 110 mph (177 kmh), the agency said in its annual forecast.

Fellow Floridians and others in the hurricane zones, prepare in advance to avoid running around like a chicken with your head cut off. You'll surely see everyone else doing the same when the hurricane paths' get pointed toward your area. Save money and avoid the wasteful stress of the multiple false alarms your area is sure to encounter.

Avoid buying bags of ice, period: When the news announces it's coming your way, start freezing half-full tupperwares of water in your freezer. Don't fill them all the way, or they'll start busting on you when you try to remove the blocks. These blocks will last you a good week or so in your cooler.

Having all of your other supplies in advance, gaze in wonder when you leave your hous ewatching everyone else going apes*#% trying to get supplies. Then, when the hurricane's eye wall misses you, remember all of the money you saved by not buying ice, batteries, wood and so on at inflated prices. If the eyewall really does head your way, rest assured that you had all of your wood secured and cut in advance. A gas grill and a generator and you're good to go, if you can afford them, they're great things to have around anyways.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 11:25 PM
People say that the Bush Administration is fearmongering...go figure.

Anyhow, anyone considered that perhaps NOAA is a fearmongering organization? How many tropical storms and hurricanes that could be named did NOAA predict last year? All I can say for NOAA and their ability to foresee: We're all doomed, doomed I tell ya!

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 11:58 PM
Actually, the first blog I ever wrote at myspace was towards the end of the (extended) 2005 hurricane season. We had four potentials in 2004 where I'm located. We got a little bit of each of them, in that season.

But there was a trend in 2004 and 2005 despite us not getting any real 2005 action here. The first day of each storm they point the eye landfall in one location, or end of the state, and then for several days they reposition it each day to cover the next area. While this is happening Home Depots are open 24 hours, with lines going to the back of the store and emergency supplies trucking in from the store sin surrounding states. The next day the fallout zone moves over to the next area in line, more or less, and then the 24 hour Home Depot effort shifts to that area, until the next day it moes to the next zone.

It does that each storm. Buy Home Depot stocks, as HD commercials play round the clock on the Weather Channel. The storm I paid attention to in 2005, real early storm Dennis if I remeber right, I seen all Lowe's commercials. That prompted me to coin the term "Hardware Store Superbowl", like how the big networks have to take turns getting the SB. I heard later that the WC ended up playing HD commercials later tho.

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