EVP-Leader P�ttering received letter bomb.
In a building of the European Parliament in Brussel a letter bomb exploded. There were no injuries.
Destination of the letter was the german delegate and leader of the European people's party, Hans-Gert P�ttering.
Brussel - Nobody was injured by the explosion in P�ttings office, a spokeswoman mentioned. The anonymous letter exploded and went up in fire as a
secretary was about to open it.
P�ttering is the leader of it's party the European people's party(EVP), the union of conservative delegates in the European parliament.
A bit later a second suspicious letter had been found, which was adressed to the conservative spanish delegate Jose Ignacio Salafranca. A third
suspicious letter turned out to be false alert according to EU-officials.
All letters were sent from Bologna, on 22. Decembre.
Similar letters were already sent to the president of the EU commission Romano Prodi and to the president of the European Centralbank Jean-Claude
Trichet. Also organizations like Eurojust and Europol received letter bombs during the last couple of days.
End of translation.(forgive me when I don't bother rewriting the article to make it more fluently
Bologna, I once went there. In my opinion it is one of the most beautiest metropols in the EU. 400.000 inhabitants but charming like a small old
village. In fact Bologna has the largest and best resting "old-town" in Europe. The landscape does the rest - Emilia-Romagna
Bologna is a town of students and the rich people of northern italy. Shopping at Prada, Gucci and Yves-Saint-Laurent is no problem, they all have
plenty of shops there, just make sure your creditcard is ready to go.
On the other side the students are present in masses, Bologna features the oldest university of law(or in general, cant remember) and the biggest
ANTI-GLOBALISATION & peace movement membership in Italy.
Nearly no student part of town without PACE flags.
In addition to that Bologna features a rich amount of Pakistani communities, which meet outside of the town in their own centres. But those can be
called quite modern, you ever saw Pakistanis smoking weed and dancing in discos? hah, that really works!
A lot of marrocians as well, mostly selling drugs.
Discos and clubs are nearly not present in this 400.000 inhabitants town. So the students meet in bars or open air-discos which can be accessed only
by foot(walking about one kilometre) and give you the opportunity to join a huge weed-smoking mass of students dancing and smoking to 60s music.
I just loved Bologna but it has the perfect environment for extrem peace and anti-globalisation movements.