posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:27 PM
Men and your bombs. In a stress situation such as this one, how would one control crying, confused children? Not to mention the panic riots? Our
first major obstacle would not be the dragons themselves, but how to gather people into groups for shelter so that we could learn about these
creatures. This shelter could perhaps be underground with small surveillance equipment above. Or even better equipped with satellite computers to pin
point where these dragons are. Now this shelter would have to have its own generator, food, fresh water, and other necessities.
In these shelter groups, biologists could observe the dragons. They could discover where creatures sleep, how they interact with one another, and
what kind of food that they eat. Once they have these tools they could then devise ways to destroy these creatures or even better, how to control
them. Even though while studying these creatures, the cost of human life would be high, in the end it is the only way to survive.
I sometimes believe that we as humans forget what has made us strong. It is our brains compacity to think, not our bombs and weapons.
This was my first thought when I read the post and ran with it.