I wonder if there is some way to find out how many entries have been added during each month, or some other measure of TinWiki's growth (or lack of
From the relative lack of activity on the TinWiki Working Forum during recent months, my impression is that there was a bit of a spurt in growth a few
months ago but not much growth since then.
You can get an idea of what articles are being made, and what edits are ocurring by looking at the recent changes page. You can go back a certain
amount of time by folowing the links at the bottom of the page.
Tinwiki did have a growth spurt last for a while, and did seem to slow down as well, but it hasn't stopped. I believe there have been about 50 new
articles added since the end of March, not inclluding stubs. Thats really not too bad considering almost none of the editors are posting new work over
there anymore.