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Web Bot predictions?

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posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:38 AM

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

yes hi I saw that show also. I is predicting that we will be hit with an asteroid on 12-21-2012 at 12:01 to 12:12 p.m. It also predicted the collaspe of the twin towers on 9-11-01. Keep watching all those shows I think that you are going to find out more than you really ever wanted to know.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Tuebor

I think what you are asking about is called the (I ching)

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 04:22 PM
They think the twin quakes was a reference to two 7.something quakes in China a week or so ago. It was in the paper as "twin quakes".lots of people are thinking the dancing mountains reference may be YellowStone. Sure hope George gets that one wrong!!

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 05:36 PM
I think this is possible for two reasons.

1. There are endless possibilities of combinations of events, people, places, things, etc. A number of them are bound to come true. The more of those combinations you have the greater the quantity of accurate predictions.

2. Usually when there is a lot of guesses on something the average of those guesses are the closest to the right one.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 02:20 PM
I believe nothing OUTRAGEOUS will happen 2012 (like a massive meteor smashing into earth and killing us all)...But i do think that something will happen. its clearly not quoincidence that the Mayan calendar, I ching, Bible, Nostradamus, and Merlin, all reference 2012 in some way. Good or bad who knows but something will happen. Maybe they are telling us that the past time period is coming to an end, and 2012 will be a time to start fresh... The start of a new time period, a new beginning.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:36 AM
I looked up the predictions about 2009 and wondered how in hell "global coastal events" could "go mainstream". Then I wondered what kind of coastal event could be global and what that had to do with whistleblowers from NASA and JPL. So I searched and this is what I found:

Seems like am lunar collision is likely, and the government will try to con people about how serious it is. The bots predict a "summer of hell". A rain of moonrocks would certainly fill the bill.

Good luck, folks.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 10:07 PM
But is it not natural, given all the web discussion going on over the internet regarding 2012, that the web-bot would pick up these discussions ?. Its not predicting anything. Its picking up, if you like, a mood of what people are talking about.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:31 PM
how can i download this [email protected]

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 08:59 AM
the so called "web-bot" is not real. it is simply a story that has been made up to cover up anything that goes wrong in the future. it is simply probaganda. it is bein used to scare people into believin that everything is due to prophecies. that this has all been planned out many years before us. at this moment in time, we ARE goin thru war, famine and poverty, and soon enough there will be a third world war. we all no this is goin to happen. so this is just bein used to protect the people who cause this war. whether its the USA, Britain, Russia, Isrieal, Australia. these peolpe are using it tp cover themselves. DO NOT believe everthing. sit back and take a look at everything that has gone on in the past century. WW1- caused by 1 man wanting power (Keizer Willhem). WW11- caused by another man wanting one race (Adolf Hitler). Vietnam- due to its own "government", wanting more land, and WW111- will be caused by 1 man AGAIN!!! just please take the time to realise wot is actually goin on. thank u for reading


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 10:15 PM

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:14 PM
When I began reading these posts I noticed Tuebor posted on 7-5-2008 "They also predict a stock market crash the first week this October" Of course we can also consider the fact that the crash came after we were told there was a problem.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by Xcouncil=wisdom]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

Just google Web Bot and you will see through the links that it predicted a ctaclysmic event that would forever change the way we live months before 9/11 and many other accurate preditions since then. A few links -
As for 2012 - you will have to do your own research - but here is an interesting take from of all places Fox - Neil Cavuto
BTW - I do personaly believe there will be a huge disaster in 21-12-2012

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:21 AM
Okay, folks. Here's the truth, whether you like it or not: It is impossible to predict the future with any accuracy because the act of prediction, according to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, affects the object under observation, thus making it impossible to exactly measure the location of any individual particle. How does particle physics creep into this? Everything we observe is observed through the disturbance of photons, the wavelike particles of light through which we observe reality. However, the observer - or the observer's equipment - absorbs a certain percentage of the photons being emitted by any object. Hence, it is impossible to predict with certainty the exact location of any particle. On a deeper level, prediction is quite impossible because the particles that make up all matter are constantly in random motion themselves, unless they are at absolute zero temperature and, sometimes, not even then. (Photons move through the zero point and therefore,since they collide with each other in transit, still have some random motion.) How does this affect attempts at prognostication? If the particles of matter that make up everything around us are uncertain, how can anyone predict anything with absolute certainty.

On another, more pragmatic level, there are two phenomena at work here that make such predictions either useless or impossible. The feedback phenomenon works through positive feedback to increase the apparent validty of an observation. The more people who believe a thing, the more true it appears to be. Feedback is fairly innocuous because it mere,ly increases the amplitude of an observation. On the other hand, self-fulfillment scares the # out of me. Self-fulfillment is the process by which people, in large groups, tend to behave in ways that make adverse predictions happen while simultaneously acting in ways that make positive predictions less likely to happen.

Pay attention here. When we react to negative predictions, we tend to do things that will make those things happen. Example are pandemic. The current mortgage crisis wasn't caused by the sub-prime mortgage mess. On the contrary, it was the tightening of mortgage rules, and the discontinuation of aggressive mortgage programs that reduced the number of potential home buyers and THAT's the actual cause of the collapse of the real estate bubble. So, by moving to change regulations that appeared to be creating a problem, we created the problem we were trying to prevent.

(Note to Congress. Everyone who did not study physics should resign immediately. Physics lies behind everything.)

However, when positive predictions are floated through an intellectual environment, the net effect is that people relax. Good news tends to put people to sleep so that they don't do the things that are necessary to make those predictions happen. Here's a case in point. A prediction that disasters won't happen causes people to cease preparing for disaster and, hence are unprepared when disasters occur. This is why theories of attraction and the power of positive thinking don't really work. The only appear to work for those who are successful. We ignore the failures, blaming the victims for not doing it right.

This reminds me of the hoo-ha around the Bible Code, which ridiculously asserted that all future events were predicted in the Hebrew Torah. The problem with this fantasy is that we can't recognise any future event in the predictions because we don't know what is going to happen and you have to know what is going to happen in order to find the predictions in the Torah. In other words, prediction is ex post facto only.

In sum, what happens with these systems is that the credulous see verification when some predictions prove true, ignoring the fact that the systems actually predicted EVERYTHING at one time or another. That's not forecasting. It's superstition.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by sylvie
Since I've been following their predictions, they've been bang on a number of times. Not always, since sometimes those things don't manifest, or manifest in a lesser way than the memes hinted at. But some things have been amazingly accurate.

1. Veterans seize a national monument in May/June. At that time, the IWVP (Iraq War Veterans for Peace) held a huge protest and seized the National Archives. It wasn't widely reported in the press, but it happened.

That's interesting. This prediction is why I follow the web bot so closely. However, the protest you mentioned was not the event that I interpreted as its fulfillment. This is what I thought the web bot was referring too:

The link leads to an MSNBC story about a group of Hawaiian nationalists who literally seized the royal palace in Honolulu and barred all non-Hawaiians from entering. In the aftermath, they were given a permit to occupy the grounds so long as the palace remained open to the public.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Okay, folks. Here's the truth, whether you like it or not: It is impossible to predict the future with any accuracy because the act of prediction, according to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, affects the object under observation, thus making it impossible to exactly measure the location of any individual particle.

An excellent post. However, this does not completely rule out all future predictions in cases where the subjects of the prediction are unaware of them. In such cases, the predictions would not interfere with the normal flow of events or create self-fulfilling prophecies. Unfortunately, this makes future predictions useful only to outside observers, and almost useless to the participants in the future event.

Then again, physics also seems to indicate that the rules that govern the very small are very different from the rules that govern the very large. Can quantum physics accurately be applied to human behavior?

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 04:11 AM
Man predicting the future events is like saying you know where all the matter in space time is going to be located at before it knows where its going to be.

If this thing can predict the future that hasn't happened yet then it must be the one creating it.

Man i thought that everything was on time.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:28 AM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!THE WOMAN WITH SCARS IN THE WEB BOT REPORT IS NANCI PILOCI. THE SCARS ARE INTURNAL. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Sorry about the empty post. ... new & curious concerning recent History Channel programs. ... just a former HS teacher, however, you're correct considering Heisenberg as little ole me understands lower level physics/chemistry. This can also be applied to Global Warming, people under observation, etc. By affecting it there is change. It just can't be pinned to any certainty level. Notice that we have a "weather forecast", not a "prediction". How can anyone predict "climate change" accurately? True or not true, I just want to shout from my chair at "proven" ideas. Richter said that only fools & charlatans predict earthquakes.
***also concerning me are "theories". This term is now reckless-perhaps dangerous. Has the scientific method changed? Shouldn't most things tossed around as a "theory" be considered a "hypothesis"? Few qualify. Everyone has a theory. From my limited knowledge of science, a theory must be well supported. ... repeated affirmative results from many. The next level is a "scientific law", and there is NO such thing as a scientific "truth". We should all evaluate things carefully. ... many confounds & variables. My mentors, however, believed that there are forces in the universe that cannot be explained.
***Many years ago, I was asked by my principal to research a major earthquake that was strongly predicted-a certain date by a reputable gentleman who had some "hits" on major earthquake predictions. All schools in our state were preparing and educating faculty/students/etc. on the New Madrid fault. We don't have earthquakes! ... hysteria ensued. I don't remember the man's name who issued the prediction. I believe the year was 90-91 - December. He wanted me to teach a staff development event concerning the quake-yikes. This honorable man was retired military vet/experienced, & called to service in the first Gulf War in the middle of that school year. He ran school like a military academy. Strict, but I loved him. I was a wreck & did what little research I could on the guy. The net wasn't huge. However, one must sort through eternal junk for any "real" research now. I concluded that the day was no different than any other day. Funny thing is that I "edited" my video & didn't know my old VHS camera had a way to "hear". Imagine? I matched all the clips I used by watching lips/scenes & taping. Richter repeated only one sentence. Not bad, aye? Miraculous, humiliating, & hilarious now-lol. I made overhead transparencies, etc. to show all of his graphs. I speak & write well. (Big hurry tonight). There was something like a +/- 350 year probability for the date predicted. I told Mr. * that I saw NO reason that a quake was more likely - ouch. In fact, it probably wouldn't happen. ... hasn't yet. I did conclude we were due a large quake. He told everyone that I said it wouldn't happen. Thank God, I was correct for several reasons. If I can scrutinize, anyone can. This would seem to support the "An idiot w/a plan... " "theory".
***I AM very interested in how this collective chatter data plays out. Babe Ruth was known for many strike-outs, but you didn't ignore him at the plate. We shouldn't ignore any well collected information.
***lost the link, but one site I visited for "bots" was good. There was a way to "mail" your address if you had a .mil address/info & a "classified" clearance level that could be confirmed conveying your need to access nonpublic, sensitive info. So, the DOD, CIA, military, etc. are using this tech. This site seems credible.
***I sincerely regret the ambiguity/digression/poor composition/errors. The prior post was far better. It's late & I'm tired. A good mind IS a terrible thing. BTW, my first ever forum post anywhere. I have a family. Be nice, 'cause this may ramble. I'll do better next time. Continue to gather that data!
All the best...

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