posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:36 PM
Is it fair that my mother kicks me out of the house, for no apparent reason, and then lies to my family saying I walked out and that it was all my
fault, which in turns pits my entire family against me, including the grandparents, whom are "Extremely angered" with me, who i will be living with
during college?
Is it fair that because I want to have fun with friends and be with my girlfriend my last few days in Colorado, that my mom tells me I'm selfish
because I won't leave her with a Spotless house?
With that, is it really fair that my mom expects me to spring clean in my last few days here? The last chance I'll get to see any of my friends
again for a very long time?
Is it fair that my mom is using all my graduation money from variuous family members, including the $150 my dad sent yesterday, to clean her house?
Leaving me with absolutely nothing to leave Colorado with?
I could go on for days, but I should stop here before this post becomes a Novel.