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If I asked you a question would you answer?

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posted on May, 22 2007 @ 06:56 AM
I'm really curious to know the answer to this or the events that have been happening in my life for the last few years. It isn't confusing or anything like that, but it or has been actually somewhat exciting at times. But the dilemma continues is reason why I dwell on it.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:05 AM
Hey Morbo,
To answer your question - 'NO' I would not as you have really laid the ground work for a meaniful discussion here.
If you are serious about asking questions then ask as you would ask anyone else.


posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:17 AM
Ok here is my story it is a weird one, since I was a kid this dude has been following me. Tall guy black hair since as long as I can remember, did not think much of it do to the fact I was a kid.

Well when I was 15 I got in some trouble with the law and during one of my visitations he showed up with some blonde dude who I think is some famous dj or something and some girl.

Once again did not think much of it, totally oblivious.

Well after I was released I was sitting in front of my computer and I had some steal shutter windows and then I peeped these people outside my window wearing uniforms and so fourth one was a army colonel and the other was a marine corps major. There was also a first sargeant and some other various ranks at other points around my house. I was 16 at this time. Don't know why or what reason. However the guy wearing the major uniform looked exactly like the dude who showed up at my jail visitation.

Ok so I got put in foster care because my mother like beating me with pots and pans and crap.

Well when I got out of foster care I had an apartment in downtown Houston well that dude started to show up again this time in a black mustang. I was 18 at this time, and then when I would walk to the club he would follow me and crap. That it was just a weird case of deja vu.

Ok so like about 6 months later I ended up hanging out with these people this was at the beginning of 2001. Not fully remembering what was going on because apparently he was driving a red mustang at this time. Well then he showed up with the black mustang and I was like wait a minute this is weird.

After that nothing really weird happened. But I remember him saying something about how someone prevented them from having the capabilities of pushing a button. Once again being totally in a diffrent state of mind of just depression not taking in everything.

So like I think in 2002 I went to go live with these people and stuff got a little weird, so like apparently some model girl put my initials in some magazine. I was like ok, well then she started following us around or atleast someone that looked like her.

Then the dude would start following me everywhere in all kinds of cars with rims and crap.

So after going around country for fun I joined the military trying to excape whatever crap these people are into. Apparently they are either very rich or very much dirt that just borrow peoples crap.

So during the time I was in basic training I was on the bus and saw my gradnma driving like a Hyaundai Sonota or something this was like in week 1/ During the later part of basic training I saw that same dude from before on the Army base with a Pakistany national who lives down the street from me.

Just drove behind a medical facility and that was the end of it.

During the time I was there i talked to them and they pretended like "where are you and all this other crap"

Well I was discharged from the Army for entry level performance and conduct because I missed alot of training.

For like a while I have been trying to get back in and they refuse and thats when everything turned to crap.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Ok like it's difficult to ascertain what your questions is but if I am on the right track here you seem to want to know who this guy with the long black hair is?

Could he be a spirit guide of sorts, do you feel anyenergy from him - Negative or Postive?

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:49 AM
So like after I was discharged from the Army in 2004 I tried to get back in. At times staying with family and at other times staying with the dude with black hair.

So like lived with the dude and everytime I would go somewhere the dude would follow me.

Well in 2005 I tried joing the Army again and went for my physical and they said hey dude you have a hernia and need to get it repaired. If you don't you will die, well during the time I was there the other recruits started making wise cracks accusing me of looking like the sniper in saving private ryan and my recruiter was sitting next to me and I thought well thats not gonna look good because the military profiles people of risk factor.

So like I got the hernia fixed and started calling my recruiter frantically because I wanted to bail ASAP. Troubled family situation.

I think in June of 2006 the military permanetly disqualified me because of my discharge from the Army. So they totally changed Army reg to suit their needs.

Well there was this weird crap going on in Washington, apparently the capital police shut everything down because they though they heard gun shots. Capital police then stated hey someone just dropped a hamar. Well it was weird because there was the dude in some parking garage who looked like the guy from the military processing station there. I was like WTF.

I even spoke to the guy two days later on the phone and he seemed normal.

Well I ended up getting kicked out of my house and went to Southern California and on the way there I met this black girl. Well she was sitting in front of me looking at her cell phone pictures and during this time I saw a dude that looked like my roomate with a knife to her five year old sons kneck. With a smile.

When we got to Phoenix she got her son back. He seemed fine.

Well I got to Southern California I slept in the park outside of Point Loma, well the dude with the spikey hair and his brother followed me there. They started showing up everywhere including the station I was attempting to process with.

The Army declined once again and said no way jose unless you pick infantry. (I will say that I wanted a diffrent job that would give me the access to kick in terrorist doors and throw them in federal prison)

So I left Southern California and went back to Texas this time I had no choice but to stay with the guy with spikey hair. I did not mentioned nothing as to what happened on the way to California.

I got another job there and this was in Dallas Texas, I think either before or after I started working there. I was at the Addison Transit Center and I was waiting for the bus and about 75 yards away my roomate pulled up in a Acura and pulled a silver sniper rifle and posistioned it on top of the car and I will say my eyes made contact with the barrel of the gun.

Now I dont know if you have ever had a gun pulled on you but it is weird. Expecially when your roomate trys to kill you. I just sat there and thought well maybe this dude can put me out of my misery. I'm not pretty. So like he got back in his car and just sat there and then a black honda accord pulled up behind him.

Then after that I went back to the apartment and he seemed mental like he had just seen a ghost. Everything was cool hell he even rented video games and crap.

So I was there for a little while steady looking for employment not wanting to go home because of the abusive relationship and pretty much seemed to be on a death mission and determined to bring these assholes down with me.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:10 AM
Well the weirdest thing happened after that, I went to go work out and then I walked back to Frankford and Marsh and during the time I was there I was smoking a cigarette with some hispanic people and started walking back to the apartment. Well you know how there are posts about people claiming to have seen Bin Laden. Well the weirdest thing happened I thought I saw him or atleast someone who looked exactly like he did.

He had a women with him and a small child. Could be someone else, I dont really know.

He was driving a White Toyota Camry with the license plate Texas #231-JDN. Might be some variable changes.

However the reason why I think it was really him is because one of the people staying at the apartment is some Saudi Arabian guy and I saw him parked outside a church in a black lincoln before I saw the guy that looked like Bin Laden.

Well after this I went to Atlanta and slept in the streets literally, never been homeless or anything like that. But I was scared.

So when I was in Atlanta I contact the recruiters I was working with and the IG office. When I told them about the sniper incident they hung up the phone and the IG said that I was not military material.

After about a month in Georgia I went back to Texas and then started blabbing to everyone online about what happened and all this other stuff.

Apparently someone ass raped the dude with black spikey hair on multiple occasions or atleast it looked like it. Wich is score one for the good guys.

Well after all of this I wrote a letter to my congressman trying to get back into the service I did not mention any of the crap that happened. However on one specific occasion another dude this time a diffrent one with a egg shaped head like mine and wears a black jacket showed up at the congress mans office and I notified his office and they never spoke to me again.

So like I was working in Houston at this time and they spikey hair dude and his brother and some dudes that look like them apparently drug connections started following me to work and pulling guns on my boss and raping women and children.

Then apparently they got some new toys, it looked something like a metal welding container with a chimney with a lid on it. Like someone made in a machinist shop. However it did have a lumminesent effect.

Well it started freak everyone thinking it was a bomb and no one did nothing about it. Nothing. Funny thing is they started bringing them in by the bus load. Like they were mass producing exactly the same frame dud bombs or something. It had two buttons on the staff of it though. Nothing too sopisticated.

Then I was on my way to work one day then he had a new one. This one was white and looked like it was made of the same material NASA space ships are made out of. It even had a third party addon of a USAF emblem. In other words he added a sticker to it. However it had a cone shape similar to an old school mig 21 or something but big enough to fit in a front seat and light enough to carry around. I have seen the USS Midway and the old missles and stuff and something about it looked fake. Even like an ARAAM has a somewhat plastic look it could be real for all I know. But i know they have pushed the button and it doesnt do anything at all.

So like everywhere I go these people would drive around with this thing in the car and no one did nothing about, they would have civilians, people I work with and even the person I live with.

Then I guess when they did not have it with them they were getting sucked off by girls on the metro train here or they were having trains run on them by the black people on the bus.

After this I got a letter form the Under Secretary of Defense and he sat there a belittled me like I was retarded and was not fit for military duty. I kind of figure after what I have been through they should be sucking my ass. With all due respect.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 09:45 AM
So in regards to the statements from the Under Secretary I don't watch the news much so I am not sure exactly how much they know about this however in the letter I recieved they mentioned none of it.

Now here is the best part these are actions taken by military recruiting personel in the city of Houston.

1) Ok when all this crap started happen - there is Navy Petty Officer who shows up my house with guns and crap. Well apparently this dude has a bad habit of letting these asian dudes rape women and then saves them so he can force himself on them

2) My recruiter for the texas army national guard recieved a hand job from a girl at gun point

3) also my same recruiter from the texas army national guard apparently sold me out to some black dudes I help the feds put away

this is what else those asian people did

1) those same asian dudes robbed my recruiter in lousiana at gun point

2) those same asian dudes like to have felacio performed on them from little black boys

3) apparently they also stole a majors uniform from the united state marine corps and a recruiting vehicle.

4) they also rode bearback with my recruiter and the liason on motorcycles through interstate-59

5) during the time I filled my congressional some how or another they obtained a pilot from and stole a Houston Police Department helicopter and flew by the Galleria.

6) they have stolen fire trucks

7) a harris county sherrif deputy police car.

so like does any part of this seem rediculous to anyone else?

I mean if i walk to the store are these jerks gonna follow me and sexually assault every person i encounter?

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 09:48 AM
The other thing that is weird I started downloading war footage from and I found all these clips of su27s crashing at air shows. during that time i noticed these same people. tall, people with spikey black hair. well apparently that asian dude i stayed with claimed that these are his drug connections crashing airplanes?

there are several off them, i deleted the pictures from my photobucket, i have one sitting around though , but you can download craploads of this stuff from emule. i mean craploads.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 09:53 AM
Now this is the other irony about this - apparently these musical groups - above and beyond, razormaid records for the most part seem to regulate these peoples freedom. for a while I was downloading music from these people and everytime I would. I would notice crazy crap start happening, so in other words they would make songs about something and then it would happen almost like a mob. or it is a mob excuse me.

so like i can't join the army because apparently if I get the job i want then I can shut down these bastards.

I can't really play music because if I do it has a domino effect of conruption, drug cartels and organized crime activity.

and I can't work, because apparently these assholes have my boss fire me based on how productive i have been musically.

now i have contacted the FBI more times than I can count, I have even reported all of these people to them. apparently at one point they even hog tide two federal agents and drove down westheimer with them in back of a car.

sorry to flood your board but this is seriously stupid.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 07:41 PM
... what. the. hell.

that was the most rambling, confusing, nonsensical load of BS I've ever read. I strongly get the feeling that you're lying through your teeth, and if you're not, I STRONGLY suggest you try to work on your written communication skills, because your posts make no sense and are incredibly unclear and obscure.

But I'm pretty sure you're making up this ridiculous story and that you're going to get banned for it, so I'll just sit back and wait to see what happens when a mod notices this...

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Dude, your not getting into the military because you are deranged not because some spikey haired dudes are kidnapping your recruiters.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:08 PM
didnt you say long black hair, what happend, why did you change it to "spikey" FAKE!

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:36 PM

so like does any part of this seem rediculous to anyone else?

Yes, it does. But probably for a different reason than you would think.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:37 PM
Did you say your mommy hit you in the head with pots and pans?

That's what I thought you said......


posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:43 PM
LMAO, yea that would explain a lot. This, of course, was after he was deprived of oxygen.
By the way, I still feel a need to say this. I am one of the most opened minded individuals youll ever meet and will almost always give a person the benefit of the doubt..
But this story? come on, there are so many inconsistencies and holes in this story that Im not even going to begin to entertain any of them..

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
Did you say your mommy hit you in the head with pots and pans?

That's what I thought you said......


[edit on 5/22/2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 11:13 PM
I strongly recommend you move state and find a good councilor.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 12:13 AM
There's hope for you yet. Just print out your posts and mail them to Quentin Tarantino. You could become a Hollywood screenwriter.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 12:44 AM
Ehhh....dont worry Morbo. I followed it to an extent. But you seem to have an.........eventful life. I will re-read it again in-depth. I just followd that 1 certain person with the aura of "deja vu" has followd you i guess for many years. And that the ppl you meet with are.......lets just say "intriguing".

cant think more right now sleepy.....sorry.

But dont let the other ppl get to ya. its all good. If you stil have your sanity, just follow your heart i guess.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by gottago
There's hope for you yet. Just print out your posts and mail them to Quentin Tarantino. You could become a Hollywood screenwriter.

Good gods, you just made me laugh so hard I almost blacked out. funniest thing I've read all year.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 03:06 AM
well i dont know if they are kidnapping recruiters however i have seen atleast two of them have guns pulled on them aside from the motorcycle incident.

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