posted on May, 21 2007 @ 04:31 PM
Since bodies are just vessels, then it would have whatever soul decided to inhabit that cloned body for a human earthbound experience.
For me I would assign the same rights to clones like I would to some one's twin. Don't get me wrong, it's a slightly different process, but why
would a clone have any less a soul than twins that come from the same egg and sperm or twins that come from one egg and two sperms?
The body is a vessel, for that vessel to have life, then something has to inhabit it. Think about two people that share the same body, like conjoined
twins. There are equally unique situations already in nature and humanity. I think clones would have the same rights as twins do.
As we know we will get some twins that are very much alike in personality, and some that are quite different. With clones they will just be more fully
susceptible to the same disease that the clone host had, and things like that. However the clones life will be shaped by life experiences, it's
environment, those around them, what they learn and do not learn. You will have a possibly identical person, but different traits.
What I mean by this is, let's say the cloned host started life off in North pole, was feed very fatty foods, and educated only on how to hunt, no
close knit family life experience. They will be susceptible to diseases of that area, etc.
Let's say the clone grows up in Sahara Africa, is educated, feed none fatty foods, comes from a very close knit community with lot's off people
around. etc.
Even though they are clones, we could have one that is thinner, grows maybe taller due to dietary factors, and environmental factors. If he/she is
taught different things, loved cared for in different ways, you could have quite different characteristics. Once could be vegetarian, the other none.
One could be violent cold and distant, the other warm and friendly.
I think each would be judged spiritually for their contributions and actions. The same as twins would. I don't think it will really be that much of a
big deal, once we clone humans if we have not already done so. The problem with cloning comes in when you bring to life a full human so you can use
them as a chop shop for parts, for another human. That's where things get tricky. For me, I would treat it the same as having a second child to save
the life of a first child, and I would apply the same rules, but that's just me, and that's just my opinion.