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WTC Squibs Were Huge

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posted on May, 21 2007 @ 10:22 AM
Not sure if this has been brought up before but I wanted to discuss the actual size of the squibs we see spraying from the edges of the WTC. This is some pretty simple analysis and should be easy to work out. I think the actual size of these monsters have been overlooked and I have been wondering about how big/long they actually are. Considering how big the building is, and relative size of normal demo squibs - these squibs were HUGE.

Ok so we have a measurement of the debris being thrown 63 meters horizontally here:

So we know the width of the building is approx 63 meters (wow) so at a rough guess these squibs were somewhere in the region of approx. 1/6 the width or 10 meters!

Thats pretty damn big for a demo squib. The size of these buildings are so huge it is misleading, making these squibs seem less significant but when you think about it they were massive! There seems to be numerous points on the building where these squibs eject from, suggesting multiple devices on different floors.

How could the squibs get so big? Unless the were huge payloads on these floors i believe what we are seeing is infact caused by a one or two micro nuclear bombs detonations on different levels.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by Insolubrious]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Being destabilized, like a spinning gyroscope, when they fell, they fell down. About 7 stories in the ground.

But, there's more yet. Of the ones not believing it that weren't hit by debris: When the gold in the bottom expanded, by thrust upwards, they took some of it.

That's why they can't find it. And look with silly notions. I doubt now, they will tell you they did it.

You know those NEw Yokers'. They sill chant jump: JUMP!

And if something springs up, loot, LOOT!

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:13 AM
I think the squibs is one of the most obvious signs to me that there was some other force present that day that made the buildings fall. I'm sorry but, I'm not buying the air pressure from the collapse. As stated before air would travel in the direction of least resistance, and we know that those buildings were not air tight. I'm also curious to learn why the squibs are such a dark color, if anyone any insight please share.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Vinadetta
I'm sorry but, I'm not buying the air pressure from the collapse.

You mean some people actually believe this was caused by air pressure???

Allow me to use the very obnoxious face some people like to use on here.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by selfless]

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