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Mizzundastood teens

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posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 07:49 PM
Tonight, I have come to the conclusions that teens are misunderstood by most of society, especially Generation X and above.

I was talking to my dad about how if someone didn't like me, I wouldn't care, because that's their problem. He immedietely took it as a sign of anti-socialism. Okay, the two have almost nothing in common. There's a difference between flicking off everyone and saying "That's great. Congratulations!" to someone who insults you. I mean, didn't they even teach that? To not care about what somebody says? Some even take it as far as it saying "I don't respect others' beliefs."

It doesn't stop there. Teenagers are so misunderstood, it's so sad. Since teens nowadays are exposed to more conflicting and a wider array of viewpoints, they know more, but this isn't really appreciated by the majority, the older society. They still expect teens to conform to society and satisfy the majority (the older generation), but with more knowledge, this doesn't happen. Thus they are looked down upon, looked on as disappointments. Just because we question authority, we are seen as anarchists and lacking in common sense, and whatever.

I wish society would take more time to know and understand today's youth. We have so much positive things to give, yet we're oppressed constantly and told to do this, talk like this, etc. We understand everyone else too well. Time for everyone else to understand us, instead of saying "I can't believe they'll be running the country someday!"

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 07:58 PM
You ever heard of Indigo and/or Crystal children?
They are suppossed to bring a change into the world with their different thinking and a screw-authority attitude.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:01 PM
you got to thank mtv and gangster rap for that, i'm a teenager but damn i have to admit that today's 98% of teenagers think of them big, don't respect their parents at all, take the food and clothes their parents provide for them as granted, have sex, do drugs, shoot each other(on the news there are more teenager related death reports everyday that adults), usually aren't interested in anything and are moody asses, they # on their parent's heads but at the end of the day they cry how the world doesn't understand them

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by CyberGhost
you got to thank mtv and gangster rap for that, i'm a teenager but damn i have to admit that today's 98% of teenagers think of them big, don't respect their parents at all, take the food and clothes their parents provide for them as granted, have sex, do drugs, shoot each other(on the news there are more teenager related death reports everyday that adults), usually aren't interested in anything and are moody asses, they # on their parent's heads but at the end of the day they cry how the world doesn't understand them


posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:33 PM
Well, for the record I'm 16 so I surely count as a teenager.

And I do agree that older generation usually do not understand the younger generations.

BUT we don't really understand the older generations and where they're coming from either, do we?

Every younger generation always rebels against the older generation, it's the only way serious change ever happens. What do you think James Dean was a symbol of? In the 50's teenagers would follow him and rebel in the classic Harely way because it's natural that we would want to. Just like people follow their idols now.

Of course, a lot of the time the entire group of 'teenagers' in misunderstood. The again, so are adults.

Besides, people individually are rarely understood for who they are in the first place.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:48 PM
im going to agree and disagree with you. first of all kids have been getting worse with the years. as i see it and this is just my view, each new generation moves farther and farther from their parents ideas 100 years ago kids were a lot diff than they are today. as time went on they got more rebellious look at the hippies, how do you think their kids would turn out? i agree with the whole information thing. kids today have it a lot easier for the most part than they did a while ago and information and ideas are more readilly availiable. while maybe 50 60 years ago you would grow up and do as your parents did today their is so much information you can get you dont have to do as your parents did.
so who is to blame for our "poor missunderstood" teens? everybody and nobody. blame gangster rap, but that music isnt made for the middle aged white man, look where it comes from its not for you. you cant realate to it so stay away from it and stop using at as a scapegoat for poor parenting. the only reason you blame it is because the trend now is for the young suburban white kids to listen to it.
and i dont mean poor parenting in a bad way but a lot of families get divorces or work day and night. i havent seen my father since i was 10 im 19 now. and my mother works days and nights but some how i go to work everyday 9-5 and manage to go to school. i might not see my mother for days and we live in the same house. its all subjective and the truth is everyones looking for someone else to blame.
fear of authority. there is none. back in the day a kid would get a beating for acting up, now try that and i bet you'll make a troubled kid. why because some "older" parent or whomever started the idea of child abuse now theres laws because the older crowd had to cry about it.
go ahead and blame the kids while we did nothing but were born into this filth of a society wherever your from. find your scapegoats and stick to your guns and just pray your child dosent turn out to be a gangster rapper.
give kids a chance and maybe they will surprise you.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 11:19 AM
Being a teen is probably one of the hardest times of life. I remember being a teen. (Hey, it wasnt that long ago,,,stop laughin!!!)

Parents dont understand nor do they relate to what the teen is going thru, and vice versa. I think its different for EVERY generation. Not only generations, but cultures as well. Me, I was a white kid who grew up around the Hip Hop culture and listened to Hip Hop music.(Before it turned into violent crap!) My circumstances varied from day to day. I was called "Wigger",,,lol,,and was told I wanted to be black! Whatever that means, i always wanted to be purple, but I grew outta that when I was 5 I think! Could my Mom relate? Hell no! It's not easy on both ends. Now its my turn,,,I have two young kids and now I'm sure I wont understand them because of maybe the different time frames,,,it just seems like one cruel joke to kids. "I'll never do that to my kids",,,but ya know what,,,sometimes ya just might!

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Just because we question authority, we are seen as anarchists and lacking in common sense, and whatever

You know...each generation goes through this... You know where the same guys who did this in the 60's are? Well, they're living in country clubs, driving lincoln town cars...

You see, we all go through a stage where we think we know more than those who went before us. However, we grow to realize that there is a reason that many things are the way they are....and that's because, as a whole, it works.

World experience is worth far more than book learning. Sure, I have to "dumb-down" my vocabulary when talking with my mom, but I still value her wisdom and experience...

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 01:59 PM
it seems that every generation blames the one before. If we want to progress as a society we need to learn to work together and share the best in each of us. The energy and resilience of youth, the fearlessness when faced with new challenges. But also the the long standing commitment of seniors, the ability to slow things down and see a problem from all angles due to experience.

There is so much we could all learn in cooperation if we only stoppedback biting long enough.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
Tonight, I have come to the conclusions that teens are misunderstood by most of society, especially Generation X and above.

You're talking about the real Gen X'ers (over 30 now) right? Them not understanding teens?

And you think Gen Y or Gen Next is better?

If I haven't misunderstood, then yes, I hear young people complaining about those 'spoiled Gen X'ers' all the time now. People are more likely to have a Gen X boss (in middle mgt) than any other age group. Even older people tend to have Gen X bosses.

As a group, we're INSANE. Paper millionaires from the 90's now serving coffee at Starbucks, 50's retro culture types with 2.4 kids or the total opposite with stay at home dads. But the 'spoiled' point tends to hold across the board. It's a very successful group, and for the most part hard work had nothing to do with it. It rode the technology explosion into a new age, and enslaved the older generation in many regards.

Sorry, I rambled off topic. But I'll add, as a Gen X''re right. I don't get teens today. I may be confusing teens and 20 something's though.

IMO the 'screw it' mentality of social drugging and group sex got waaaay out of hand with Gen Y, and there's a serious and unnecessary backlash from GEN Next going ultra conservative, bible thumping and anti-progress.

But that just a general observation....and nothing more.

And I thought the baby boomers before me were a bunch of fake alcoholic, pill head, computer phobes if that helps clarify the point that I don't 'get' anyone.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:20 PM
I'm generation Y and there ain't anything wrong with me!

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by crispexi
You ever heard of Indigo and/or Crystal children?
They are suppossed to bring a change into the world with their different thinking and a screw-authority attitude.

Yeah don't talk to me about that.. my ex girlfriend had one like that, pretty smart the kid but always spitting in my face and hurting me...

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by witsend
I'm generation Y and there ain't anything wrong with me!

I'm Gen X and EVERYTHING'S wrong with me. As a group, we are overly self aware and quite paralyzed.

I was kidding with all the criticisms. It's a Gen X trait.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:31 PM
you can't be that bad!!

can you?

denial is the only way to go............nothing wrong here!

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by crispexi
You ever heard of Indigo and/or Crystal children?
They are suppossed to bring a change into the world with their different thinking and a screw-authority attitude.

Hey! There's a good argument for abortion!

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by intelgurl

Originally posted by crispexi
You ever heard of Indigo and/or Crystal children?
They are suppossed to bring a change into the world with their different thinking and a screw-authority attitude.

Hey! There's a good argument for abortion!

Never know what to expect from you! Good one.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:20 PM
First of all, the true definition of anarchism, if total freedom.. And I don't mean rebelling. Government fears anarchism because it involves a system without rulers.
Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery, practically".

The words anarchy and anarchism are a bit problematic. Sorry to say, anglophone languages are very much twisted in an Orwellian "1984" "newspeak" way, to fool the people via the education to worship authority, compared to Nordic language, say,

A. Rules, rule = regler, regel (relatively fixed ways to settle things in an orderly way, i.e. regulations and regulatory means); but also

B. Rules, rule = hersking, hersker, herske (to be an arch/ruler, act as an arch, bestiality).

Briefly defined anarchy and anarchism are coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion. This means practically or ideally, i.e. ordinary vs perfect horizontal organization respectively. Thus, anarchy and anarchism mean real democracy, economical and political/administrative, in private and public sector. Thus, anarchy means coordination without government, in the meaning of different forms of vertically organized, i.e. chaotic included, economic and/or political-administrative relations among people, (and thus not without public sector). "Coercion" is defined as restraint, hindrance, compulsion and government by force, ruling, i.e. repression.

Say, two people stranded on an island may co-operate without coercion to survive, i.e. anarchy, or act as superior vs subordinates, i.e. hierarchy, government, and more or less chaos.

Now, since your talking about generations before you being disappointed, I want to point a few things out about what we see in society.

Within society, walking in a mall, driving by, being at a beach, wherever you go isn't important, but it's what we see... I'm not saying "all" you kids are like that, but alot are.

We see a media infested brain that is pumped with a bunch of garbage as far as i'm concerned, from nsync all the way down to christina agueleria or however u spell her name.

We see girls mirroring her image, as well as j.lo, spears, simpson, ect... It's all very sexual, and I believe that you guys aren't fully ''aware'' of the consequences.

The guys seem to be lazier in this generation. My step brother for example told me that 80% of his school smokes pot, 10% are athletic, and the other 10 are nerds. It seems like a big number of pot smoking idiots dont u agree?

Those kinds of behaviours don't contribute anything positive to themselves. It's self destructive behaviour as far as i'm concerned, and the girls I see walking around in skimpy clothes, letting their thongs hang out of their pants, and using the word "like" in every other word isn't really impressive to other people around them.

What alot of us see, and i'm not talking for everyone, but what alot of us see are kids who are involved in self destructive behaviours, they aren't aware of their actions, they think they know it all (which like anyother kid in every generation... it's a phase) and dont want to be told what to do... nobody does..

But it breaks my heart to see a generation that is brain infested with mtv sluts and thugs, that refer to the female species as their bitches or hoes. I see alot of mind numbing "reality" shows that do nothing constructive but gossip about other people, or have some other negative connotation attached to it. I don't see what you learn or enjoy our of joe millionaire or the bachlorette. They are one in the same to me. It seems every channel has their own "reality'' show and it's totally mind numbing.
I see more time spent on the internet then being active, I see more obese kids then ever before, and I see alot of self indulgent teenagers, which btw you can thank the media for.

You asked I answered. My honest opinion.
You may not like it, but I don't like it either.

There are some kids that may have alot to offer and are good kids, it's just that you don't hear or see too many of them around anymore. I'm sure these other self destructive kids are good in their own ways as well, but in this case the negative overrides the positive.

Hope this helps.


posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:29 PM
I'm 15 and am one of the good ones. that doesn't mean I'm a teachers pet, I'm just not one of those rebel types. Most of the kids at my HS that act like dumbasses do all that crazy stuff just because their friends are doing it. Hell, if they weren't friends with the friends they are friends with, they'd be good kids. Especially Skaters. they think you have to be a punk, ignore/torment teachers, dress all raggedy. It's just an image thing really. but most kids aren't that bad actually. Older generation people are just jealous of how we run things nowadays.
But i am tired of people judging all teens, just because they know 1 or 2 stupid teens that like to cause trouble. And they only do it A: because they think it will make them friends or B: they got family issues, or some other kind of issue that makes them have to be mean and rude to make themselves feel better. ( Some of this may not have made sense, but it's late and I'm tired )

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:41 PM
It makes sense...

And don't forget the generations before you were just like that when they were your age. It's part of evolving.

We aren't jealous, we've been there, so we know.

Your preaching to the choir.

get some sleep little one.

good post.


posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:46 PM
I was being a little sarcastic about you guys being jealous... I was just adding that in to not make it so serious. I'm not really that kind of poster. I don't like being serious unless it is manditory that I be.

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