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What I saw as a flight attendant

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posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Many pilots who have come forward have been ridiculed or intimidated into not acknowledging or reporting ufos, just like some of the previous posters unwillingness to say it is a ufo.

Ok, I get it, we didn't see it, so, no we can't say what it was, however, with the exception of things that the military probably posseses there really aren't too many other things that it could be besides an ET craft.

Whatever you saw was pretty amazing no doubt.

Many reasons for this possibly, is that pilot observation is highly respected, moreso than a civilian observation because pilots are trained how to observe things they encounter in the air.

This is why Dr J Allen Hynek changed his opinion about sightings when he worked for the Air Force trying to debunk sightings. He became aware that sightings from pilots, police and military personnel had to be more credible than sightings from housewives who saw a tin can in the air....

So for a pilot to come out and say they saw a UFO is something because they are a trained professional.

I believe the FAA for whatever reasons, including continuing the secrecy, discourages pilots from reporting these kinds of things and this is why they were no more clear on the subject than they were.

You can see evidence of this by the way the FAA handled the O'hare incident, at first denying anything that happened, and then, after all the ground people rose up, they changed their tune a little bit.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Huh... Military transport plane, UFO, and the pilots asking the attendant if she wanted to see something. Not, "Hey, check this out!" Sounds to me like the pilots are privy to this, and since they already know its there, don't have to report it and shouldn't be surprised about it.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:22 AM
For those interested in a serious and very scientific pilot survey on UFOs I would suggest . Dr Richard Haines and his group have done one and it's pretty amazing.


posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:52 AM
I apologize if I'm wrong, but I do question quite a few details from this "sighting". Maybe the OP can clarify. Thanks.

1) The reaction of the pilots doesn't sit well with me. Despite common belief, pilots very, very, very, rarely see things they cannot explain. A daytime sighting of this magnitude would be quite a big deal for anyone, I'm sure.

2) The OP claims ignorance of the subject, yet describes the craft as "cigar" shaped. I don't think many people would describe anything as "cigar-shaped" independently.

3) I question why the OP wouldn't know exactly where she was. How, Who, Why, When, What, Where. Those are the basics for any discussion. If you don't know the how, who, why, when, or what, the "where" should stick to memory quite easily, especially in a circumstance such as this one.

4) This is nit-picking, but......... Why did it take the OP 4 and 1/2 months after initial ATS membership to come over and report such a fantastic sighting? A daytime sighting from a plane, multiple witnesses including the pilots, and with such detail in the sighting itself should warrant anyone's quick attention. It's almost if we are lead to believe the OP took a sighting of this magnitude for granted.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Very interesting Mitzella,you saw more than I ever did.But since it wasn't moving I couldn't say it was an ET craft.I believe that the US has their own craft that looks like this so it could have been ours.But thats just my opinion.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by crowpruitt]

He said Eastern Europe, so I doubt it could be 'one of ours'.

That size (bigger then DC-10 which is 250-380 passenger) doesn't sound like next stealth ship.

It would help to know how close this plane flew by that object.

Also it's important as CWM pointed out reaction of pilot. Just that they didn't call air control it tells that they already saw similar things (or even new what they saw) and that they knew that they were not in any danger.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Springer
For those interested in a serious and very scientific pilot survey on UFOs I would suggest . Dr Richard Haines and his group have done one and it's pretty amazing.


Springer, THANKYOU for this link! Will check it out right now.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 03:24 PM
been going through springer's link and saw this event:

Capt Coyne : « From a speed of 600 mph, it abruptly slowed down to our exact speed of 100 mph and hovered above us. »

Co-pilot Jezzi : « The object was cigar-shaped, metallic grey, with a dome on top. »

Staff Sergeant Healey : « it was about 60 feet long, without any portholes or intake openings that we could see. At first it was just showing a red light in nose. Then a green spotlight at the back swept around and shone into our cabin. »

My question to OP:

Did you and/or the crew experience any of the phenomena that accompanies these events? Any flight instruments go haywire?

And did you see any lights or domes that often accompany these cigar sightings (such as the one above)?


posted on May, 21 2007 @ 03:29 PM
Ignore the sarcasm, Mitzella, and thank you for posting on this subject. Congratulations. You are now a member of a large group of airline peronnel, both pilots and support crew, who have seen strange and unidentified objects in the sky. Some of the weirdest and most credible UFO cases come from pilots and air staff, both military and civilian.

I couldn't tell you what you saw, as far as the exact nature of the craft. Cigar and cylindrical shaped UFOs are commonly reported. The response of your pilots suggests they have either seen this type of thing before, or are aware of others who have seen it, and are probably not going to report it because of the hassle and stigma attached.

I believe CUFOS has an annonymous database and system where pilots and aircrew can in safety and confidentiality, report their UFO sightings without fear of their names being publicized. CUFOS is a well established, credible UFO investigation organization that does take such things seriously, and is staffed by professionals in many acedemic and scientific disciplines.

CUFOS Pilot Reporting

Thats the most help I can give you on this subject. Sorry.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
It sounds to me like you saw a large dark metallic cigar object hanging in the sky.

You're asking us what it was? You are the one who saw it, how are we supposed to know what it was? It was a dark metallic cigar-shaped craft apparently...

I don't think it's at all unreasonable to ask for possible hypotheses about what this object could be, or to compare it to the database of known, investigated sightings. More supporting information about the sighting would be helpful, but may not be available. A public forum is probably not the place to provide this information.

There is a long history of cigar-shaped UFOs, including a number of recent sightings.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:01 PM
Hello & thanks for your responses.

I’m not so much interested in people believing me as I am trying to understand what I saw. For those who took the time to post , I’ll try to answer questions as best I can.

Yes, it could’ve been disk shaped viewed & just looked cylindrical from a different angle. Still, I can only go by how it looked from my perspective.

I can’t say why the pilots reacted that way. They gave me the impression they didn’t know what it was but they didn’t seem concerned by it. I don’t know if they reported it or not, as I wasn’t in the cockpit with them the entire time. It’s possible they did. What ever the case they didn’t seem to feel it was a threat. At the time I figured the pilots were just teasing me. Since we flew to a lot of military bases I thought it might be some type of military craft. But as I haven’t seen or heard about anything like it in the years since, I have to wonder.

It was World Airways (A small charter company based out of Herndon VA. I think they’ve moved their HQ but I’m pretty sure they’re still around. I was stationed at JFK)

It didn’t look like a converted submarine to me but I’m not an expert on submarines so I can’t say for sure.

Piloted by praying mantises! Yikes, I hope not.

Good point it was a long time ago & memory sometimes plays tricks. I can only relate it the way I remember but I’m willing to consider the possibility my memory isn’t 100% accurate.

I just want to clarify the pilots weren’t military personnel. I don’t think they would have been privy to any special information. We just transported soldiers to & from military bases.

I think my response to Fifty Fifty addresses your questions regarding the pilots.

You’re probably right about such sightings being rare. I worked as a flight attendant for a little over a year & never saw anything else out of the ordinary. Unless you count the time one of the passengers slapped my bottom so hard I had a bruise on my butt in the shape of a hand for a week. LOL

As for not remembering exactly where we were flying, please remember this was a long time ago not to mention I worked so many flights during the time that travel became boring. After awhile I was more interested in getting home than where we were going.

I’m not sure why you’d think it odd to describe something as cigar shaped so I can’t really speak to this expect to say- from my perspective it was cigar shaped. Long, and only slightly rounded at the ends w/ no distinguishing marks, windows, lights or appendages.

I guess I did take it for granted. I usually post on the OBE threads but a conversation w/ a friend of mine reminded me of this incident. So I thought I’d come to the experts. I really haven’t spent much time thinking about it over the years. I always told myself it was probably nothing. I think something else that may have factored in is, it was such a strange sight my mind just didn’t want to acknowledge it. If that makes any sense.

I don’t know exactly how far it was from the plane. It wasn’t right next to us, but it wasn’t a far off speck on the horizon either. How do you judge distance when it’s all just open air? It’s probably very easy to misjudge unless you’re experienced with this sort of thing. If I were going to guess (& please keep in mind this is just a guess) I’d say it was about a mile or so away. Maybe this will help. If I were to have extended my arm all the way in front of me and tried to compare the thing to the size of my hand it would have been a little wider and longer than my thumb but not as wide and long as my whole hand. (Just for clarification , when I say length I mean from the tip of my fingers to the wrist not side to side and keep in mind I’m a girl so my hand it probably smaller than most of you guys out there.)

If you have any other questions I’d be happy to try to answer them

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:15 PM

This footage amazes me,I had a thread going on it but it died!
First 2 minutes,nothing but then a great cigar type UFO emerging through the clouds.Gives me the creeps a bit.
It was appartley filmed over Germany recently and seems genuine.
Did what you see resemble this?

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:36 PM
Interesting video Kilgour

Unfortunately that doesn't quite look like what I saw. What I saw was darker and less tapered at the ends (only a slight rounding) It appeard to be sitting in the air horizontal with the ground- not at an angle. It was much closer too. If I had had a camera I wouldn't have needed to zoom in to get a clear picture of it. It was above the cloud line at about the same hight as the plane and it had a slight mist around the bottom that was a little grayish but not so dark as to hide the thing from view.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty

Originally posted by Diplomat
It sounds to me like you saw a large dark metallic cigar object hanging in the sky.

You're asking us what it was? You are the one who saw it, how are we supposed to know what it was? It was a dark metallic cigar-shaped craft apparently...

O' the sarcasm.. lowest form of wit you know?

Actually, I thought the lowest form of wit was phony phone calls.

Anyway, I understand the reaction. If there was/is somebody out there who knows that these things are, they don't seem to be telling. The only thing we know for sure is that people do see these things, they're not hallucinations, and that they're surprisingly common. So the original poster is likely not insane, and saw what they saw. It's a mystery.

Alien, secret man-made, ships from the future (or distant past)? Who knows? Take your pick.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by c3hamby
Ok, I get it, we didn't see it, so, no we can't say what it was, however, with the exception of things that the military probably posseses there really aren't too many other things that it could be besides an ET craft.

I don't know about that. That seems like a pretty narrow attempt to define what these things are. The problem is that with an unknown like this, without anything other than a sighting -- nothing solid, anyway -- we don't know what it could be because we don't know all of the possibilities.

ET craft is a possibility, although since we don't have any proof of ET life, that makes that explanation a bit problematic. Military craft is a good one. At least we know the military does fly some strange stuff around without telling us. Working from what little we know, those seem to be the best choices.

But there are so many things we don't know and understand about the nature of reality that we can easily be completely wrong about our assignment of possibilities. The fact that they can be seen would suggest that they interact with our reality on at least some physical level. Our minds can comprehend them as having a particular shape and size. That's a clue. But are they somehow echoes of a future reality? Or something appearing from a distant past? Are we generating them in our own minds, like tulpas, so that they have a kind of false existence in this reality? Are they a glitch in the projection of our reality from an external source, like a cat stuttering in The Matrix? Although we can see them, are they really more than what we can comprehend with our little monkey minds?

Maybe ET ships. Sure, why not? Maybe something completely else that we don't quite have the brainpower to comprehend.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 07:54 PM

Google Video Link

This is an excellent documetary on pilot and astronaut UFO sightings, and one of the incidents sounds alot like what you saw.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:18 PM
Thanks for posting this thread it's fascinating to say the least. The list of possibilities of what you saw include:

1) Man-made present day exotic craft above top secret.

2) Man-made future day exotic craft visiting our timeline.

3) Third dimensional present day alien craft.

4) Trans-dimensional time traveling EBE's in an alien craft.

I have seen cigar shaped craft in photographs from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Even NASA has images of these unknown craft in orbit around Earth, the Sun, Saturn, etc. Some people have theorized that these crafts are the motherships and house multiple disc shaped craft that routinely fly around Earth airspace.
Lastly, sometimes pilots see so much unknown craft flying around that they don't report them each and everytime -- especially since it could mean their job if they did.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 09:10 PM
Evil Elf,

Your video dosen't seem to be working for me perhaps you can post it again.


posted on May, 22 2007 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by Mitzella
Evil Elf,

Your video dosen't seem to be working for me perhaps you can post it again.


hey Mitzella, thanks for posting your story, it seems pretty interesting as there dont seem to be many of these stories of the cigar shaped craft around. Garry Mac has some interesting stories about his experiences of cigar shaped craft. They can be seen on, well his accounts of them anyway.

It seems to me that the pilots are familar with this type of unusual activity from your description of their reactions. But concidering this was a military plane Im not supprised at all. Do you know anyone else who has seen this type of thing? Also can you get in contact with the pilots?


posted on May, 22 2007 @ 04:36 AM
Thank you for your post Mitzella and welcome to this board. I am late for work and dont have time to properly address this post but here is a quick image that looks similar to what you've discribed..I will show you more if we are on the right track.

Ill check back on this thread tonight....thank you for your post.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 04:40 AM
it's been A LONG time since I posted here. About 3 years ago I was an aerospace engineering undergrad, now I will tell you, the truth will be told

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