Originally posted by fooffstarr
The writing is different, and the 'wings' are rotated and switched around again... but that is the same as what changed on the second set of images
as well.
My bet is that it is the same 'Chad' guy making slight alterations to his original model and skin and simply rendering it with different background
images... not very hard to do or very time consuming either...
I'm fairly sure Jritzmann will back me up on that as well
Which are my thoughts.
If you ask me the craft looks too "CGI-ish'' to be real.
Just look at it, it screams "HDR + CGI" if you ask me.
No photoshop required (of course it can be used), but 3d modeling skills would be required (since you don't want to get busted using someone else's
Insert background image, insert HDR file, insert model, voila, CGI scene that's *almost* real.
If you think that the only hoaxes possible are photoshop, then you either don't know about 3D animating or HDR-lighting.
Or you simply don't want to believe.
About the IP thing, some people have Dynamic ip's
Which means they never have for a week(which is localhost btw, goes back to your own pc), it's like they have one day, they shut
down their pc, and next time you see them online their ip suddenly shifted to
Also I doubt that any image professional could 100% proof that something is fake or not, considering HDR uses the amount of light in the area coming
from all directions, to try and perfectly emulate light / shadows, and increase realism.
(Of course saying I doubt does not mean that it is).
Though like I said, if you ask me, just look at the craft, it looks pure CGI.
Take a look at Final Fantasy XIII (ps3 game), if you ask me, they could insert any object from that game in an image with HDR, and call it UFO.
PPS: Is it me, or haven't I seen ANYONE shouting HDR yet?
CGI is nothing if you do not use HDR as well.
CGI without HDR is like modeling a pacman, screenshotting it, then copy pasting it into an other photo, it just won't work.
If mr. whomever made this will ever show his face, I shall congratulate him on this magnificent piece of art.
If this is *authentic*, then I praise the aliens for their skill to make CGI-like space craft.
[edit on 21/5/07 by -0mega-]