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Bush Plan: Amnesty for Millions of Illegals in the US

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posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:00 PM

Bush Plan: Amnesty for Millions of Illegals in the US

Populist Republicans are becoming increasingly upset over the President's proposal to grant amnesty to millions of illegals as a means of reforming the nation's outdated and dysfunctional immigration policy.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Well just when you thought that Bush would make it to the end of his term without doing anymore damage, this plan gets unveiled and is set to grant Amnesty to millions of Illegals living in the US. next stop, North American Union.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 12:07 AM
Sounds great to me. How exactly will this directly affect you, other than those "bastard illegals" that probably plague your town will now be citizens, and you will no longer be able to call them illegal. Why don't you get to know them and make new friends.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by DYepes
Sounds great to me. How exactly will this directly affect you, other than those "bastard illegals" that probably plague your town will now be citizens, and you will no longer be able to call them illegal. Why don't you get to know them and make new friends.

How can you presume to know whether or not I know any illegal's?? the answer is: "I do know some" but that is beside the point, If you cannot see how this has far reaching effects on our society that are potentially damaging to the country then you must have your head in the sand.

What a slap in the face to all of the immigrants that came here legally of which I am the son of one. This move by Bush is just another step on the road to the North American Union.

And judging from some of the headlines I have read the Mexicans are furious over this bill.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 02:41 AM
Well I don't know anyone who is against the immigrant, but the truth is there are only so many jobs to go around and Bush sure has not been effective in creating more jobs.

I have to wonder why Bush is so gunghoe to pass this type of legislation, I doubt it is for the good of the immigrant. I have to wonder how this is going to help big business and Bush's so called base, the ultra rich.

I also have to wonder why in all of these years Mexico has not prospered to the point of it's people having to jump borders, risking their lives dying in the heat, to get here to work for low wages being cheated and mistreated by many of the people who employ them.

Why has this country remained so poor when it's people seem to be so hard working?

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by goose
I have to wonder why Bush is so gunghoe to pass this type of legislation, I doubt it is for the good of the immigrant. I have to wonder how this is going to help big business and Bush's so called base, the ultra rich.

is it because they will work for less than half the wages of an american? surely that benefits big business BIG TIME because the ultra rich they will get even more rich then - think of all the money they can save on wages and employee expenses like insurance and employee rights and if the employee doesn't like the job or conditions ... just fire him because theres plenty of other newly nationalised immigrants that will do the same job for even less.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 04:03 AM
I agree that it is a very bad bill, but let's place blame where blame is due here.

Bush did not author this bill. It was sponsored by Sen. Harry Reid, who we all know is a die-hard anti-Bush Democrat. And it is heavily supported by Teddy Kennedy.

Bush's involvement is that he said he will sign the bill if it passes.

So please, be careful with the tired old "Bush did it" rhetoric that is so prevalent here.

Of course, I'll be labelled as a Bush sheeple for stating this. But all I would like to see is a little intellectual honesty on this board. I know that it's very popular to blame Bush for everything, but that's just not the case here.

Consequently, your title is incorrect disinfo.

Edit to add link.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by jsobecky]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 04:50 AM
The idea of amnesty if i'm not mistaken was first suggested by Bush early on when the issue of illegal aliens first blew up, regardless the posted link to the story calls the plan Bush's and I would think that anyone who could read between the lines would have no trouble seeing that this plan is coming from the Bush cabinet.

Some political aynalist believe that bush is desperate to leave some kind of legacy before he leaves office and that this is his best effort to counter the failed war in Iraq.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:03 AM
Well in all honesty I am not surprised that democrats are all for this too, the thing is that someone is looking to make a profit from this, I personally think that democrat or republican they are all owned by someone.

They all owe the guy footing the bill for their campaigns or whomever owns the dirty pics of them. Bottom line is the taxpayer is always somehow the loser, it's clear they are not working for us.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:05 AM
As long as they don't grant them citizenship with voting rights.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:19 AM
This plan could cause an all out run for the border as many Mexicans will try to cross before the deadline proposed in the bill, for this reason the border will heat up for sure.

Representatives from the Minute Men say that the group's members are very enthusiastic about the President's forward-thinking plan and have purchased several thousand rounds of ammunition just for the occasion

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 07:55 AM
Yeah, no suprise!
The big business Republicorporates and the vote pandering Demosocialists will do absolutely anything to buy more votes. This is a win-win for the oligarch/plutocrat/meritocracy career politicians as a.) The Republicorporates will guarantee more windfall campaign donations form the corporate elite that so plainly desire a slave-labor class while lining their pockets and b.) the Demosocialists will gain another "disenfranchised" voting block that they can promise "Something for nothing" to in exchange for votes. In other words... business as usual in the Capitol.

One thing I am pleased about is that it is forcing all of these bloviating politicians out from the shadows and forcing them to take a position on this - exposing them for who they really are. I can only hope that enough real Americans are paying attention as it is past time that we get these people out of office.

The reality is that this is amnesty - plain and simple. You are rewarding law-breakers for violating the laws of this nation. What is interesting to note is that while Mexico actively condemns our heightened border security and our proposed fence, they are busily building their own on their own Southern border and rallying against the Central Americans that illegally entering Mexico. Learn about Mexico's treatment of Illegals here. I smell a note of hypocrisy in the air!

I cannot, and will not, take seriously ANY notion of a path toward citizenship while our border remain as porous as they currently are. There is no need for "Comprehensive" immigration reform. This issue does NOT need to be some blanket solution or all-or-nothing proposition. SECURE THE BORDERS and then maybe, MAYBE, we can have a civil discussion about immigration!

TWO issues folks... border security and immigration reform. They are and should be mutually exclusive of one another. I remember 1986 and the great Reagan/Kennedy Amnesty plan and the failure that it was/is. The government sold us on the fact that only about 1M illegals would be naturalized - it was closer to 3 times that number! They promised better security at the border - they never funded it and it never came to pass. The result - they claim 12 million current illegals. Don't be suprised when that number balloons to over 25 million!

History is repeating itself and we are fools if we've learned nothing from the past. We are even bigger fools if we continue to let these politicians sell us out once again in the interest of their "Careers."

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by justyc

is it because they will work for less than half the wages of an american? surely that benefits big business BIG TIME because the ultra rich they will get even more rich then - think of all the money they can save on wages and employee expenses like insurance and employee rights and if the employee doesn't like the job or conditions ... just fire him because theres plenty of other newly nationalised immigrants that will do the same job for even less.

Actually, if they become citizens, they will be covered by the same minimum wage laws that apply to existing American workers...and even if they don't become citizens, just by becoming legal residents they become easier to unionize, which will also bring their wages up. In short, I can't see a 'cheap labor' argument holding up here.

We might also rethink the term 'amnesty'. Unless I'm misreading the text of this legislation, it's going to cost several thousand dollars and take anywhere from months to years to lose that 'illegal' status....while I don't like this bill that much, that isn't what I'd consider 'amnesty'.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:36 AM
Sorry to say this but the amnesty has been the project of the Republicans for a long time, starting with Reagan when he gave amnesty to about 3 million of illegal immigrants during his presidency and the borders stay the same.

In 2001 the Bush administration wanted to extend immigration amnesty.

AMNESTY by BUSH - The Truth about Section 245(i)
President Bush is asking Congress to revive an expired law that would grant amnesty to foreigners who came to United States on temporary visas—such as tourist, work or student visas—and then stayed here to become illegal immigrants.

The extension the President is asking for would offer a fourth chance to aliens who first overstayed their visas, then failed to take advantage of an initial amnesty, then failed to take advantage of a four-month extension of that amnesty that ended on April 30.
The program requires immigrants to pay a $1,000 fine before their status can be adjusted.

This did not materialized,

Then in 2004 Bush proposes some amnesty for illegal immigrants,

WASHINGTON -- A plan being proposed by President Bush would give legal status to foreign workers, including millions already toiling in the United States' underground economy, removing the fear of deportation but not putting them on a fast track toward permanent U.S. residency.

His own Republican congress was not in favor of amnesty, but the Democrat congress was, now that we have a Democrat congress Bush will get his amnesty bill

But the blame will fall in the Democrat Congress.

BTW congress has not told how much this project will cost to American legal tax payers, I believe it will be in the trillions.

So how can that be a benefit to American tax payers?

[edit on 21-5-2007 by marg6043]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:40 AM
Two things to consider Brother...

The law of supply and demand - when the supply of low-cost (Even at minimum wages) exceeds the demand there is no incentive to raise wages. Instead you have X number more people on welfare, public assistance or unemployment.

Let me give you an example - a local McDonalds needed night shift workers but were unable to fill the position at the federal minimum wage standards. There was a surplus of slightly better paying jobs that were attracting would-be employees away from McDs. So, they raised the pay structure from $5.85 and hour to $7.85 an hour and received an influx of applicants all eager to make the inflated wage. What happens when you have a surplus of workers looking for work? They take whatever job they can get at whatever pay is offered - most likely minimum wage. Add 30M illegal, mostly uneducated and under-skilled workers to the U.S. inventory of unskilled workers and watch what happens.

Secondly, anything short of kicking the illegals out of the country is Amnesty - plain and simple. I'm sorry if you can't see that, but there is ALREADY a process in place to enter this country legally, become naturalized and work. There is no other way to look at it. These people are being offered a "Special" program toward citizenship that is OUTSIDE the existing legal method and offers preferential treatment - THAT is AMNESTY! You have bought, hook, line and sinker, the political argument that there are fines and blah, blah, blah.

They are here ILLEGALLY and MSUT leave. Period! Once they're OUT OF THE COUNTRY, then they are more than welcome to join the ranks of the hundreds of thousands of other people that seek employment, residency or citizenship through the LEGAL process as it exists.

This whole thing is a Red Herring. They are trying to legislate a solution to a problem that already has a legislated solution - much like gun control. Simply enforce the laws as they exist right now and CLOSE THE BORDER!!! Problem solved! If we would just begin deportation, secure the border and enforce the existing laws you would be amazed and how quickly and easily this problem would be solved.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:58 AM
This will not work. You see there is something that is left out in all of the reporting. The amount of money required for the illegale immigrants to pay to get that amnesty. It is around 5000 dollars. So now you are back to square one, cause most are not going to want to pay that amount. I do believe it will upset the Hispanic community as the basis of the bill is stating, that having a family member in the country will not garauntee that they are granted legal status. Nor do I believe it will make the voting populace happy, I think if they do pass it, there may be a change in congress and the presidency in the next election and the borders will still remain unsecured. More and more people are exploiting the lack of secruity and reporting.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 12:28 PM
One provision of this bill would apply only to those who entered the US illegally after Jan.1, 2007. So if you were here beforehand, you're OK.

Now just how many illegals are going to say they came here after January 1?

This bill is a joke. Harry Reid is trying to get a cloture vote sometime today after 5:30PM, effectively eliminating debate on the bill, and forcing it down our throat.

They are anxious to slide this through before it is hit by the antiseptic of daylight.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 01:28 PM
Also, in the bill, a part leaked by a senator, and it is said that each illegal immigrant will be able to bring 11 members of his family with him in the US to become citizens!!! Ok, let's make a little calculation. Let's say 20 millions illegals, + an average of 5 members per illegal: 120 millions + in less than 1 year & half. US population 420 millions.

Now, in the bill, it is also stated that those illegal immigrants who came can also bring 11 of their own families 4 years after they arrived. So in 5 years, of those 100 millions more, how much will bring other people to the US? Let's say 20 millions more. 440 millions, and they still continue LEGAL immigration!

Then the democrats want a social system with health care? HAHAHAHAH. The US is doomed if this crap pass.

It's not just that, it's also that they plan to hire mexicans for police jobs... do you know how the mexican police is corrupt? Much more than american polices... This is what you want for your country? Mexico? Yeah right.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 01:44 PM
Only police work?

I have a friend that has been in the post office for 17 years, now she was told that the new hires will be without any background check and they will be pay less than the regulars workers now.

What does that tell you? new workers, cheaper labor, immigrants no background check . . . I guess pedro will be delivery the mail soon.

While is funny in a way we have to understand that our standards have been lowered to the point that middle class will disapear completedly.

Lower wages, cheap labor, outsourcing, you can pretty much tell where we are heading, this will make a more moldeable and powerless society.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
The idea of amnesty if i'm not mistaken was first suggested by Bush early on when the issue of illegal aliens first blew up, regardless the posted link to the story calls the plan Bush's and I would think that anyone who could read between the lines would have no trouble seeing that this plan is coming from the Bush cabinet.

Some political aynalist believe that bush is desperate to leave some kind of legacy before he leaves office and that this is his best effort to counter the failed war in Iraq.

Keep on blaming Bush if it makes you feel better. Just remember that it was Kennedy who worked with Reagan to fool us back in '86. Remember, we were only supposed to get 1 million new immigrants from that amnesty plan?

Now comes a new amnesty plan disguised as a Z visa. But guess what? None of these illegals are going to return to their home country like the bill says the have to, and we have no way of checking to know if they did or not. Any proposal for a secure ID system has been shot down in the past, as a violation of their rights.

And if you think they are going to pay the $5K fine, guess again. They will just refuse to, or cry poor, until our government picks up that tab,too.

What a dog and pony show. Thanks, Harry! Thanks, Teddy!

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