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When will Abortion & Gay Marriage stop dictating our political direction?

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posted on May, 20 2007 @ 12:24 PM
I want to start out by stating that I am not trying to belittle anyones convictions, religious or personal, over the sensitive subject of Abortion or Gay Marriage. That said, I am a firm believer it should not carry as much wieght in our political landscape.

I am from a small town in southwestern ohio originally and I know for a fact that people there (my family included) do not see too far outside those issues, nor do they care to. Most seem content with the idea that our present day corruption is indicitive of the prophecies of the bible.

That said, this is the reason I see our country so divided. Half see what they want to see and the other half see what they don't want to see. In most elections it is the presidents position on those two concepts that steer him in or out of the office. What about deficit, poverty, corruption, hunder, genocide, global warming, religious faniatics, corporate fraud, immigration, etc.?

Bush won Ohio, and Kerry won Pennsylvania. The difference, he argues, was that Ohio's ballot included an amendment to ban gay marriage.

So my position, or question remains. If you asked the entire poplutation their top five convictions going into the voting process, half would have abortion and gay marriage on their list and the other half wouldn't.

What half are you?

Myself, I do not see gay marriage or abortion effect the transition of chaos to peace, nor do I think that chaos is neccesary for ultimate peace. Will people ever look past the prophecy of doom before peace to see what is really possible? And that is that we are all capable and responsible for bringing in our own peaceful era.

Below are a couple articals on the subject...

Thanks for all your input.



[edit on 20-5-2007 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

[edit on 20-5-2007 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 12:29 PM
This will never end imo. These are 2 topics that people are totally divided on. Keep them concentrating on these issues and we don't call them on real issues, like the budget.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 12:33 PM
I guess I drive myself crazy trying to understand how the smokescreen can be so thick to not see all the other detrimental issues.

to the future!


posted on May, 20 2007 @ 01:13 PM
As soon as there is a true seperation between church and state. Even though technically our constitution supposedly protects that

How may other presidents has God told to go to war

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Be it Abortion, Gay Marriage, the War, Immigration, etc, the powers that be know that in order to make this country the way they want it, a stark removal of all things economic must happen.

I think it's safe to say that most of these issues come down to economics anyway, and I personally find it very odd that economics has taken an extreme backseat.

We also live in a time where a point of view longer than 30 sec is too much for the average person to deal with, ballots are too long to vote through, and sound bites, obscene amounts of speculation, and banner phrases are the political discussion in total.

Most topics are framed in such a way as to only provide 2 solutions to the problem. In the case of gay marriage, you are either for or against it. There is no other option really, aside from Civil Unions, but that idea is out there with little real chance of action in my mind.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:05 PM
Gay Marraige & Abortion issues are ~USED~ to drive the sheeple in the direction the puppet masters desire. This will remain so as long as these issues are such 'hot button' topics. They are used again and again to smokescreen the real issues hidden within the paperwork they are the headliners of.......If the people did NOT care so much about who marries who, or what a woman chooses to do with her own body, then these topics would not be driving political decisions IMO. When the 'powers that be' want to hide the TRUE motives of any given bill or article they just head the issue with 'abortion or gay marriage' to cloud the true issue IMO.
When people feel passion about any subject then that subject is used to manipulate the masses in whatever direction the puppet masters deem they want the direction to go. It is a PLOY used as a CONTROLING ISSUE, and thats all there is to it.
If the American public was all hot under the collar about strawberry ice cream as a flavor then the 'strawberry ice cream issue' would be at the head of bills going through congress which would take us to war with Canada (given as an example ONLY)...............We would wind up bombing the crap out of Britich Columbia because of how many chunks of strawberries should/can be allowed in the ice cream. I am choosing this weird example.....because I believe it is JUST AS WEIRD to tag on gay marraige or abortion issues to political issues as it is to tag on who like what ice cream best...............

I think both gay marriage and abortion are CIVIL RIGHTS issues. PERIOD.
Untill the extreme right can recognise a human beings ability to make life choices for themselves there will never truly BE civil rights.......and this rediculous GUBMINT we have in place right now are allot more about taking away our civil rights then expanding them go figure.
Stupid hu?

For the life of me I am NOT seeing how gay marriage OR abortion is an ecconomic issue on anybodys table...........

[edit on 20-5-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:12 PM
I believe the last election was most likely stolen, so anything you read about gay marriage having an impact on 2004 is probably false. Abortion, on the other hand, does make quite a difference. I believe abortion is morally wrong, except in emergency situations, but at the same time I realize that the GOP is blowing smoke, that they've had several good chances at doing something about the abortion issue, and have failed each time. I just wish the other voters would have the same realization.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:16 PM
TRG, Sometimes when I catch myself analyzing the utter immaturity that the collective masses get "stuck" on, I think, "how is this even possible?"

How can the world not see that we have enough religion to start wars, but not enough to stop them?

How can the world not see that everything surround the Iraq invasion was a "bad lie" that has gotten us in over our arrogant heads?

How can the world not see that we spend 250,000,000 a day in Iraq and Afhganastan creating more terrorist, rather than using that money to create a fortified land of freedom where your entry has everything to do with your positive motivations, rather than your evasive ability to sneak in?

How can the world not see that the excuse, "If we don't fught there they will come here" is Moot. If it was there desire to come here, they would come here while all our protection is there. That would be more strategic, strike here while our troops are abroad..

The truth is that they want us off their land, as they have since we protected the saudis twenty years ago. And they want us to stop vetoing all UN condmnation that directs towards Israel's illegal occupations.

BTW, I just went off on a rant and those were all rhetorical questions.


posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
I believe the last election was most likely stolen, so anything you read about gay marriage having an impact on 2004 is probably false.

This will come up huge in the GOP race for the party's nomination in 2008 as well, rest assured.

I can empathize with your desire to have the world see it your way, but the world unfortunately isn't burger king.

to the future!


posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:43 PM
You have voted AnAbsoluteCreation for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

(that is for your 'off on a rant' from above)



And so it is.


[edit on 20-5-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
You have voted AnAbsoluteCreation for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

(that is for your 'off on a rant' from above)


[edit on 20-5-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

You're too kind. Thank you for your humanity.

Namaste' back at you.


posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
I can empathize with your desire to have the world see it your way, but the world unfortunately isn't burger king.


Interesting perspectives. I am rather conceited in that my vote, or any other educated well-placed vote, is cancelled out by that of an ignorant stubborn individual. I see major problems with the entire voting process. I think the right to vote should be earned..

A few weeks ago I voted for the major opposition, the Conservatives. A rather hard decision for me, but in the UK there is a similar affliction. Much of the same mindset discussed here sway people to vote time and again for the war party we have in power.

The world (and I) were shocked when Bush won in 2004. To say this type of thing is confined to America is a fallacy, as recent history has shown. Blair has been in power for a decade now, something I find totally inexcusable.

In my understanding people vote for these minor issues because the rest of their lives remain unaffected by economic and foreign policy issues. Sure gas prices are up, but still not enough to influence a change in their voting pattern.

That being said I speculate 2004 may have been a different story if the Iraq war was as bloody as nam.


[edit on 20/5/07 by SteveR]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

That being said I speculate 2004 may have been a different story if the Iraq war was as bloody as nam.


[edit on 20/5/07 by SteveR]

Well, it just got worse.

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