I gotta hand it to you "chemtrial debunkers" Just like good republicans you'll deny deny deny.
It would not take every airplane in the world to do this. The wind will do most of the work. also they have other cloaked flying vehicles that leave
these trails.
As far as the pilots and crews, well, im sure theyve seen what happens to people that cant keep their mouth shut, and im sure they love thier
As Far as the theory you debunkers have that its ice melting to create the contrails,(dont get me wrong, i know a contrail exists) well i have pics of
the entire sky covered with the so called contrails, and i gotta tell ya, if there is that much ice on the planes coming down from up high, then these
planes should be crashing right and left.
Its pretty obvious to me that there isnt a single person on this site that actually does research, in the field, about anything they want to debunk.
they sit there and send links to wikipedia and radar and google and youtube. which is all run by the commy traitors giving false and misleading
My opinion is that the trails are multi purpose. they are releasing some things chemical, somethings like hollow nanotubes filled with all kinds of
things, as well and most importantly they are cover for the other black ops flying machines that they have.
I just finished watching a video that i shot yesterday afternoon in lakewood california of a chentrail cloud and within the cloud are airships that
are releasing black orbs and boy can they fly.
Im sick of people like Zaphod coming into the chemtrail conversation, when he can offer no physical proof or evidence that he himself has obtained.
Radar pic is BS.
heres where i post my evidence, check back on it every couple of days. I can go out right now and videotape the orbs and other ships.
Id get it up there faster but my video editing skills are kind of lacking.
read this research paper and what they want to acheive and also note the fact they have "2 new strains of e-coli they "will be testing in the
hollow fibers. funny how ecoli is popping up alot since 2000 when this paper was written
Sample from the document
The tools of genetic engineering enable people to design and create cell based machines to
perform useful tasks for mankind. The number and effectiveness of these living devices is rapidly
expanding. Recent examples include bacteria that are engineered to remediate chemical and oil
spills, bacterial bioreactors for the generation of drugs and chemicals, and engineered plants that
resists pests and disease. The number and type of these cell based machines that will be
developed in the future is unknown. Only the most basic and obvious cell based devices have yet
to be realized; but it is becoming increasingly clear that these genetically engineered machines
represent a new paradigm in micro-fabrication. Bacterial and mammalian cells are incredibly
efficient and compact machines that can now be designed and modified to perform the functions of
our choice. We are just beginning to take advantage of these biological microdevices
also, you mention how can they get away with it. ask yourself how many illnesses have been popping up over the past several years, especially the
respritory illnesses, that are "unkown causes" dont you watch the propaganda media. Cant you see all the fake stories that convieniently explain
some illnesses. your also basing your theories on what knowledge "we" have of the world, these scumbags are about 50 years ahead of us so maybe
consider that when your trying to figure things out.
lastly, Get yourself a video camera and do some research, youll learn so much more than youll find on the disinfonet.