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Iraq War: Why are we fighting?

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posted on May, 20 2007 @ 02:45 AM
Well, unlike most people here (I assume), I support the war. There is one major reason we are still there: to help them rebuild their military. If we didn't help defend them, Syria and Iran would both invade and fight for it, which would just turn it into another breeding ground for terrorists and people who didn't sign up for the military, knowing they could die, would die. Why? Because a bunch of Democrats who didn't feel like dealing with a mess made (nothing we can do about the past, which I'm not quite educated on) by Bush, so they would withdraw our military, leaving Iraq for dead. Should we really invade a country, kill their military, and just leave without helping? That wouldn't be American.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by marishtar
Well, unlike most people here (I assume), I support the war. There is one major reason we are still there: to help them rebuild their military. If we didn't help defend them, Syria and Iran would both invade and fight for it, which would just turn it into another breeding ground for terrorists and people who didn't sign up for the military, knowing they could die, would die. Why? Because a bunch of Democrats who didn't feel like dealing with a mess made (nothing we can do about the past, which I'm not quite educated on) by Bush, so they would withdraw our military, leaving Iraq for dead. Should we really invade a country, kill their military, and just leave without helping? That wouldn't be American.

I supported the war and the president at first. Unfortunately that clow Bush and his cronies can't run a war to save their lives. The waste billions of dollars and they put so many restrictions on the soldiers that it gets to be a joke. If we wanted to win this war we could. Easy. Take a trouble spot, say Faluja. Drop pamphlets all over and say you have 48 hours to leave or else you will die. If they leave great. If not you release knock out/disabling/poison gas clouds on the city. Kill or knock out everyone against us. Drop bombs on any place that is deemed still a threat and than send in the tanks and men to mop up with heavy sniper support. Unfortunately we send in our boys right away, play their game, and than put our own men in jail for killing the bad guys. All while destroying our credibility and sinking the country in debt. The hell with being "American" there is no benefit to us for being in Iraq and it is costing us an unreal amount of money. If we are going to fight seriously with the intent to kill anyone who opposes us by all means necessary than stay. If we keep pussy footing and using the least amount of force to "tie" the war than get the hell out.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:21 AM

There is one major reason we are still there: to help them rebuild their military.

You can't make them do something they don't want to do.

"If I doubted that the Iraqis were any more committed than my own superiors to outfitting and training their army, the answer came after a long presentation to the Iraqi army battalion’s executive officer, offering suggestions on his logistics operational plan. I concluded by asking what he thought. “My plan is that you should care for all of our logistical needs,” he said. “Why?” I asked. The Iraqi executive officer replied, “You broke our country. Now, you fix it.” The essence of a failed policy did not get any clearer than that."

"I returned home in September 2005, grateful and safe, but stripped of the illusions I had taken with me. My experience proved that contrary to countless official pronouncements, the Bush administration has no interest in the Iraqi army training program. We were fighting a war to establish permanent bases in Iraq to better manipulate the flow of Middle East oil. For if this war was about human rights, why were we not in Rwanda? If our mission was about bringing democracy to a region, then why were we not in Cuba? And if the intelligence leading up to this war was merely faulty, why was no one fired?"

Who better to listen to about the war than the soldiers themselves?

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