posted on May, 20 2007 @ 02:43 AM
Without public knowledge or debate the Australian Government has initiated steps to force the natural health industry under the control of
multi-national drug corporations. Autralian's and New Zealanders will lose the right to choose Natural health care if the Australian Government's
secret legislation is not stopped.
Since Pan Pharmaceuticals was gutted by the TGA in 2003, the regulator has installed drug corporations on committees that have generated volumes of
new laws that have sent the Australian supplement industry to the wall, making the markets ready to be taken over by drug companies.
The war on supplements is nothing but a trade war. Supplements are hurting drug companies. They want their share of the action. Drug companies have
lobbied the Australian government to bring about massive secret changes to Australia's health care structure. Here's what they've done:
The Australian Government has signed an international treaty (known as the JTA Treaty) in 2003 which forms the basis for a massive new international
regulating "agency". This is due to come into effect . unless the voters stop them implementing the legislation from being passed by Parliament.
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[edit on 20-5-2007 by ufossydney]