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Flight 93 Explained

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posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by nick7261
* There is a "hidden" airport on the direct flight path of Flight 93 just over 1 mile where Flight 93 is said to have crashed.

As noted above, we can discount this portion of your theory. Indian Lake Airport in Central City, PA is well known to anyone who frequents the area. I've been out there...maybe 3 or 4 dozen times in the last 15 years. My friend has an A frame on the Lake.

The area may look unpopulated, but I assure you that any statistical figures you find are skewed. Many people are there, but have places of residence elsewhere. My other friend's retired parents live there, but keep their house in Harrisburg PA as their "official residence". They are not unique.

What I'm trying to say is that a giant frigging jet landing or a Warthog operating out of Indian Lake would be noticed by EVERYONE. You can hear the Cessnas taking off throughout the day....the roar of a Boeing or an A-10 would cause more than a few locals and visitors to walk on up to the strip to check things out.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts

As noted above, we can discount this portion of your theory. Indian Lake Airport in Central City, PA is well known to anyone who frequents the area. I've been out there...maybe 3 or 4 dozen times in the last 15 years. My friend has an A frame on the Lake.

The area may look unpopulated, but I assure you that any statistical figures you find are skewed. Many people are there, but have places of residence elsewhere. My other friend's retired parents live there, but keep their house in Harrisburg PA as their "official residence". They are not unique.

What I'm trying to say is that a giant frigging jet landing or a Warthog operating out of Indian Lake would be noticed by EVERYONE. You can hear the Cessnas taking off throughout the day....the roar of a Boeing or an A-10 would cause more than a few locals and visitors to walk on up to the strip to check things out.

Not true. The giant FL 93 was not noticed by everyone, whether it landed at the airport or crashed.

What's interesting is that the part of your post about people at Indian Lake noticing a plane is true. The only problem is they shouldn't have noticed a plane flying overhead east of the crash site. The FL 93 flight path didn't take it over Indian Lake.

This is the part that's not explained by the official story. Why did ANYBODY at Indian Lake notice a plane flying overhead?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:27 PM
So your theory is they flew a plane over, landed it on the nearby strip. Fired a missile into the ground and dropped debris out of a military plane.

So... If they had a commercial jet to fly over with why didn't they just crash that for real and save themselves a whole lot of bother?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLazy
So your theory is they flew a plane over, landed it on the nearby strip. Fired a missile into the ground and dropped debris out of a military plane.

So... If they had a commercial jet to fly over with why didn't they just crash that for real and save themselves a whole lot of bother?

Thats what I was eventually going to point out too.

Listen, I think there was some fishy stuff going on on 9/11, but all of these "Rube Goldberg Machine" conspiracy theories give WAY too much credit to inefficient and "lowest common denominator" based government organizations.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLazy
So your theory is they flew a plane over, landed it on the nearby strip. Fired a missile into the ground and dropped debris out of a military plane.

Actually this is not my theory. This is the Operation Northwoods plan modified for the facts surrounding the FL 93 crash site. Operation Northwoods described faking the hijacking of a commerical airliner, complete with staged debris and fake victims.

So... If they had a commercial jet to fly over with why didn't they just crash that for real and save themselves a whole lot of bother?

I think you're overlooking an important point. A *REAL* pilot would be required to fly the plane. It might be hard to get many volunteers to fly a plane nose-first into the ground.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:09 PM
So they were only able to find three pilots or something? What were the other three planes on that day? They already had three real planes used, I'm sure that if they couldn't get a pilot for the fourth they could have changed their plans and gotten the same effect with three.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by nick7261
I think you're overlooking an important point. A *REAL* pilot would be required to fly the plane. It might be hard to get many volunteers to fly a plane nose-first into the ground.

Where would they find 2 pilots to fly a plane into 2 towers? It depends on whatever theory you believe.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts

Listen, I think there was some fishy stuff going on on 9/11, but all of these "Rube Goldberg Machine" conspiracy theories give WAY too much credit to inefficient and "lowest common denominator" based government organizations.

What you're implying is that al-Qaeda had more competence to pull off 9/11 than the U.S. military and intelligence operations. Sorry, but of all the reasons supporting the official story, this may be the least convincing.

For example, how could AQ have planned such a sophisticated operation that included flying a hijacked plane for 30 minutes towards Washington D.C. and know there would be no U.S. fighters there to defend the capitol?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:13 PM
You mean the fighters that haven't been there to defend Washington DC since some time in the 1990s? If you know where to look you can find all sorts of good information on budget cuts in the military, and that they had stood down a HUGE portion of the alert force since the fall of the Soviet Union. Hell, all they had to do was get someone where they could look at Andrews and SEE the empty alert sheds sitting by the end of the runway.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by nick7261
What you're implying is that al-Qaeda had more competence to pull off 9/11 than the U.S. military and intelligence operations. Sorry, but of all the reasons supporting the official story, this may be the least convincing.

For example, how could AQ have planned such a sophisticated operation that included flying a hijacked plane for 30 minutes towards Washington D.C. and know there would be no U.S. fighters there to defend the capitol?

First, you're making huge leaps of assumption in regards to what I posted. No where did I put forth any theories or postulations beyond what I specifically stated.

Second, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to say "Hey, remember the kamikazes in WWII? These planes are like giant versions of them, lets get some morons together to fly them into important American landmarks".

Third, for the sake of argument I have posted alternate theories to dispute your claims. I take no ownership of it beyond its theoretical viability, so do not take it as the Gospel According to RH or assume that they make up my belief system.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Look I am no expert on this subject but I think I flew this flight at one time.

I saw the trade center about 10 months before they came down and I flew a flight that was going to go to LA. Most of these flight fly over or neat my home town of Meadville, Pa.

I saw Meadville when flying to LA.

I recently visited my uncle in Meadville. I talked of 911 truth and he told me something I did not expect.

He said there is a hidden air force base in Meadville that he saw the planes out when they should not have been out.

If so a plane could have came from this base to shoot down F93.

I don't know the truth of it but I am putting it out here to be checked on.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by FancyLady
I recently visited my uncle in Meadville. I talked of 911 truth and he told me something I did not expect.

He said there is a hidden air force base in Meadville that he saw the planes out when they should not have been out.

If so a plane could have came from this base to shoot down F93.

I don't know the truth of it but I am putting it out here to be checked on.

There are a number of small regional airports in that area. Port Meadville Airport, Corry-Lawrence Airport, Erie International Airport, Jamestown Chautauqua County Airport, Brokenstraw Airport, Titusville Airport, and Venango Regional Airport to name a few.

However in this day and age, having a "hidden" airbase in a populated area is next to impossible.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:31 PM
Source (Page 8)

A Boeing 757 can get out of a strip in 3,600 ft.

Didn't know there was an airfield nearby and practically in line with the flight path.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:38 PM
What you also don't know is that there are about 3,000 people within spitting distance of that airstrip who would have gone to investigate if they heard the roar of a Boeing touching down. Or an A-10 taking off and landing. There is literally nothing there to do except boating or fishing. If there was a ruckus at the airstrip, there's be dozens of people there in the first few minutes.

Heck, when we'd go up there way back when I was in my teens, we used to get drunk and watch the planes land. That strip isn't exactly "maximum security", you could wander across the tarmac a couple times before some one came out to tell you to go home.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
Source (Page 8)

A Boeing 757 can get out of a strip in 3,600 ft.

Didn't know there was an airfield nearby and practically in line with the flight path.

Like I said. If you want it to GET anywhere, you need 5000 feet. Otherwise you're taking off and landing somewhere else for fuel. So what would be the point of landing at that tiny little airstrip, taking off again, just to land somewhere ELSE to put more fuel on and fly it to whatever base you're going to store/destroy it at? It would make a LOT more sense to fly it to wherever that base is at and land it once.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:49 PM
I just went by what he said. I plan on going back soon so I can ask him more.

I remember when I was a kid a jumbo jet had to land at the Port Meadville one. I worked at the animal shelter and heard it take off.

I will try to remember asking him about it. I will take my lap top and check in here.

I don't know but he said it was hidden and they had jets out and they should have been hidden.

Not too far is Alantic Pa and that use to be a military place for WW2 with the cement shelters people have been making into homes and I know that is pretty desolate area. I was so bored when I was there. Not even any TV stations on broadcast at the time I was there.

It was just an idea I tossed out there. To me it makes sense it was shot down. I don't know.


Originally posted by Reality Hurts

There are a number of small regional airports in that area. Port Meadville Airport, Corry-Lawrence Airport, Erie International Airport, Jamestown Chautauqua County Airport, Brokenstraw Airport, Titusville Airport, and Venango Regional Airport to name a few.

However in this day and age, having a "hidden" airbase in a populated area is next to impossible.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 10:35 PM
My only question is this...

if the "government" was able to fly two commercial jets into the WTC towers, then why weren't they able to fly one into a remote field in Shanksville, PA? I just don't get why they would fly two (or 3 if you believe a 747 was really flown into the Pentagon) into buildings, but then go through all this trouble to simulate a plane crash in a field. Why secretly land the plane, hide the plane, have an A-10 drop/fire ordinance to create a crater, and then have a C-130 fly over and drop debris? I think that's an awful lot of trouble to go through just to create something that seems relatively easy to legitimately do in comparison to the other "crashes" that day.

Does the OP, or anyone else buying this theory, care to explain the reasoning behind this? And while we're at it... wouldn't it be extremely risky that people would notice a military jet firing into a field and a military cargo/transport plane dropping debris from thousands of feet in the air, and possibly noticing a 747 passenger jet landing on their local airstrip? Just seems like a whole lot of risk to take to perform an extremely difficult mission for a reason that I'm not even sure exists.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 10:58 PM
What would be the point of this elaborate production?

Just to "fake" something for the sake of "faking" something?

I see absolutely no reward for the risk involved. I see no benefit in any way.

The flight 93 crash site is not that strange. It is what happens when a plane slams into the earth at a steep angle, and a high rate of speed.

Kenya air recently had a Boeing 737 go down. Here is an excerpt from an AP article about the nature of that crash site.

"The wreckage in the thick jungle indicated the plane flew nose-first into the ground at a nearly 90 degree angle. It was found buried deep in a crater of reddish-brown muck with only tiny bits of the rear fuselage and wings left above ground. Trees nearby were smashed, but otherwise the jungle canopy remains intact, making the site almost invisible from the air."


Sound familiar? Is Kenya involved in this conspiracy too?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
You mean the fighters that haven't been there to defend Washington DC since some time in the 1990s?

No, I mean the fighters that were directed away from not one, but TWO incoming hijacked airliners because the FAA told NORAD that Flight 11 didn't hit WTC1 and was bearing down on D.C. from the northeast.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts
What you also don't know is that there are about 3,000 people within spitting distance of that airstrip who would have gone to investigate if they heard the roar of a Boeing touching down. Or an A-10 taking off and landing. There is literally nothing there to do except boating or fishing. If there was a ruckus at the airstrip, there's be dozens of people there in the first few minutes.

This is really a misleading representation of the area. There's no way there's 3,000 people within spitting distance of the airstrip. The only thing within spitting distance is what looks to be an abandoned Christian center and some scattered homes. And at 10:00 am on a Tuesday morning, 9/11/01, most of the residential neighbors would have been working.

OH... and the most important part. There were people at Indian Lake who DID report they heard a plane fly overhead. That's the whole point of this thread -to postulate a theory that would fit with the evidence!

So what you're saying would have happened is actually what DID happen, except the people who heard the plane fly overhead at Indian Lake also saw the smoke rising up from the crater to the west.

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