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9-11 =satanists behind it all

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posted on May, 18 2007 @ 11:52 PM
Ok have you read your bibles folks? im not pushing God in total, though i recommend turning your believe and understanding to the book(compilation) of eternal truth and our ultimate destination.

That said, and if you have read my other posts, you know im sorta fringe in ideas on 9-11. Thats because ive had a crazy life. Ive seen alot of "crazy" things. and i can tell you magic spells, curses and summoners do dwell on earth with us. these fools, worship the dark words and conjurings of the mixed and convergent energy that earth produces due to a magnetic field which you obviously know already. Well being that humankind is an alchemical creation. We have certain interactive abilities with our environment, call them gifts from God..

These demented tools, take the abilities that were natural once for all man, and contain them in a spell of power retention, that brought curses to the earth, and the wrath of God. but God saw the Jews were likely a strategic part of the puzzle in a master plan to overthrow evil on the earth, that was born out of pride, self servingness, and fealty to a deceiver, by just under half of those that dwelled amongst each other and in communication with other worlds. So today, we have men, still evil passed on through bloodlines and perversions of flesh and mind, to rope them into pleasure, which creates a loose state of mind, then they are able to progress and eventually turn up the stupid and insert the familial brainwashing. Thanks to having removed any concience they may later experience.

9-11 is part of all this because if you follow the intent of the super rich, from generation to generation, in random people who join obviously controlling secret organisations that constantly sanitize themselves with media, something your bible tells you is something to flee from near the end. These devious schemers probably did it, as a leverage to get many desired effects, and had been sitting on the "tower" card for decades since around kennedy, he had jotted down something about 9-11/consiracy on a note that was saved.

The event, though was used as a spell, and included a blood sacrifice of great amounts. So consider my explanation seriously, because i know im right. how, you in a true king and seeking what he really died for. It was love, but a lot more than singing praises in church on sunday. And modern "christians" who don't dig into harder realities of the death of christ are just tricking themselves into a lazy mindset. Take that officialdumb

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:05 AM
The perps behind 911 lusted after wealth and worldly power but I agree that the higher-ups probably were satanists and the death was a sacrifice to feed evil.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:08 AM
If they control everything, why do they need decades to do something? Are they that retarded?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:10 AM
They are men. Man is his own enemy. Think for your self and if you can think of it then they already have.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:11 AM
Why 911 the date? Obviously time matters to these people. So time has to do with every act they undertake. Time is running out. Something is coming and they are preparing for it and there is so much yet to do.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:22 AM
I am not afraid of them, or CIA or FBI or anyone. In fact i forgot how to fear. You should do the same.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by 64738
I am not afraid of them, or CIA or FBI or anyone. In fact i forgot how to fear. You should do the same.

Good call. I feel the same but no one wants to give up their LCD T.V and PS or Xbox, we all know it’s wrong but we all know fighting it consumes time, time which is better spent downloading porn.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:37 AM
I'm lossed(should have actually read it, instead of skimming thought. LOL)...but I too have forgotten how to fear.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 01:05 AM
9 = last number from 0 to 9 before repeating numbers
1 1 = gateway

figure the rest out

If your not afraid then you are free. I welcome death, it is a chance to experience something new and maybe get some answers to all of the insanity in this world. Only truth in this life is that we will all die at some point.

Death won't hurt just the pain that accompanies it, but like work or anything the pain will pass quicker than you would think when you look back on it. Its just temporary.

I love life but you can't live it properly being afraid. Just have to accept its truth and do what your subconscious tells you is right. Appreciate everything and know everything else will work out in the end if you do this. That is called faith.

Oh ya, and get ur head outta ur arse. God didn't give it to you to follow orders, be a robot, get wasted, and decide what you want next. Its there to be used. Learn to use it it helps. Seriously.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tre23232]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 02:41 AM
Oh ya, and get ur head outta ur arse. God didn't give it to you to follow orders, be a robot, get wasted, and decide what you want next. Its there to be used. Learn to use it it helps. Seriously.

Is this meant for me or people in general?

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