posted on May, 18 2007 @ 04:39 PM
I know that I have seen a similar thread here somewhere once(maybe 6 months ago), but okay - I'll play along.
When I wasn't working (June 2006-August 2006 and Oct. 2006 - March 2007) I spent almost all of my waking hours on ATS, not continuously though. My
computer would be on and logged in to ATS, but was doing other things around here as well. During that time, I would say maybe 12 hours a day!!
But now that I have gotten back into a work schedule, I would say four hours or so, accumulated during a 24 hour period.
A bit before I go to work, then 3 hours or so afterwards.
PS, today is Friday but I'm not at work because the company I am working at (through a tem agency) is closed on Fridays. w00t! Now if I can just get
them to pay me enought to offset the missing work day.
[edit on 5/18/2007 by Mechanic 32]