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why so many more autistic births?

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posted on May, 18 2007 @ 11:55 AM
sorry i don't have a link and have not formed a theory yet and i am just now going to start researching...cnn international is talking about autism and is talking to a lady who's grandson has, according to her, she said the WHO states that 1 out of 150 US births are autistic kids. 1 out of 104 boys...again, she said according to the WHO, 'several' years ago it was 1 in 10,000 births were autistic.
it costs 'about' 3 million dollars to take care of an autistic kid over their lifetime..crazy debt....borrowing money.

what could cause the jump in autistic births?

[edit on 18-5-2007 by Boondock78]

The incidence of diagnosed autism has increased since the 1990s.[6] Reasons offered for this phenomenon include better diagnosis, wider public awareness of the condition, regional variations in diagnostic criteria, or simply an increase in the occurrence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimate the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders to be about one in every 150 children.[7][8] In 2005, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) stated the "best conservative estimate" as 1 in 1000.[9] In 2007, NIMH estimated that the incidence was 2-6 in every 1000.[10]

[edit on 18-5-2007 by Boondock78]

[edit on 18-5-2007 by Boondock78]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 12:06 PM

US scientists back autism link to MMR

By Beezy Marsh and Sally Beck

The measles virus has been found in the guts of children with a form of autism, renewing fears over the safety of the MMR jab.

American researchers have revealed that 85 per cent of samples taken from autistic children with bowel disorders contain the virus. The strain is the same as the one used in the measles, mumps and rubella triple vaccine.

The findings will spark fresh concern about MMR, because they back theories of a causal link between the jab, autism and painful gut disorders suffered by a number of autistic children.

The study replicates findings made by the gastroenterologist Dr Andrew Wakefield in 1998 and Prof John O'Leary, a pathologist, in 2002.

Parents say their children were developing normally until they had the MMR jab, given when a child is between 12- and 18-months-old. The children now suffer from regressive autism.

One theory is that the virus passes through the gut, causing damage, and into the bloodstream, from where it is able to attack the brain.

More than 2,000 families claim that their children have suffered damage but the Department of Health reiterated last night that MMR is safe, a stance supported by the British Medical Association and all the Royal Colleges. Last year Government scientists failed to reproduce research results by Dr Wakefield.

Research to be presented this week in Montreal, Canada, provides fresh evidence that the measles virus is present in the guts of autistic children. Dr Stephen Walker, of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, North Carolina, studied children with regressive autism and bowel disease. "Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain," he said.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 12:07 PM
Hoo, that's a dang good question. And the solid answer is "nobody really knows". Just remember, there's autism and then there's autism. In other words, multiple types and degrees, such as Asperger's Syndrome, Kanner's Syndrome, etc.

At least some of the increase can be attributed to increased awareness, availability of better diagnostic tools, and yes, incentive to participate in federal programs. (A school's incentive, that is).

So it's possible that the actual incidence hasn't risen as much as the raw numbers would indicate, but the numbers have grown due to a broader concept of "autism" and improved diagnosis.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 12:08 PM
ALL Thimerosal Vaccine In
The 1990s Had Mercury MORE

TOXIC Than Hazardous Waste

"Please review all articles. They will give you a fine historical understanding of this issue and how it has been handled since close to the autism epidemic inception. But there is a crisis of autoimmune diseases in our children and this should also be ackowledged."

Please reveiw the following post from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and consider the following. Every thimerosal containing vaccine which was administered during the 1990's (a large number of the total mandatory vaccine protocol) contained levels of mercury which were hundreds of times more toxic than hazardous waste according to the EPA's own website.

(Mercury containing vaccines have been banned in some states in the US but they very much continue in India and other third world countries, the captive market of the vaccine manufacturers who see this as a huge "safe" market as no lawsuits are filed. Vaccine damage is simply ignored in these countries. Both the governments and the press in these countries keep their eyes wide open but their mouths properly shut for reasons best known to them. Perhaps the governments do not want lawsuits, and "unnecessary" compensation payments and the press does not like to loose out on the lucrative vaccine advertisement revenue.)

This is a federal law that applies to all states:

"If mercury levels in a waste exceed the Toxicity Characteristic Leach Test (TCLP) level of 0.2 mg/L for mercury, then the waste is identified as a hazardous waste based on the toxicity characteristic".

Note that most vaccines administered during the 1990's to infants (all children younger than two were subject to the mandatory vaccine schedule) contained levels of thimerosal consistent with those solutions being hundreds of times more toxic than hazardous waste according to the above set-forth EPA webiste. Presently, flu vaccine contains 50 mg/l of mercury from the thimerosal preservative. The concentration of mercury in the flu vaccine (containing thimerosal) being recommended to babies and pregnant women is 250 Times more toxic than the above level the EPA considers to be hazardous waste.

Yes, it certainly looks like they poisoned a generation of children, according to relevant information available from the EPA. Against the above backdrop, please consider the following articles:

The first is an article by Dan Olmsted of United Press International entitled "A Big Secret".

This article, which can be accessed from the url below (please copy and paste into webbrowser if the website won't open upon double clicking), points to the fact that of a rather large population of children (somewhere north of 35,000-probably greatly in excess of 100,000) all of whom were unvaccinated-

Not a single child was autistic, had asthma or diabetes!!!!

This was absolutely astounding, given that each of these conditions is an epidemic in our nation's children.

In any event, further research into this issue eventually turned up information about the government's mandatory vaccine program, which all children must abide by in order to attend school. As we began to understand the possible damage to our nation's children which was apparently done by the mandatory vaccine policy, we were quite disturbed. Numerous parents contend that the mandated program forced them to damage their children. The following websites are a small portion of the articles we reviewed. They provide a current understanding of autism/autoimmune disease, which is epidemic in our children and the history and related issues of this apparent tremendous self-induced tragedy.

Yet the mainstream media and traditional medical institutions will not deal with this issue forthrightly. They appear to be covering up this historical scandal. Perhaps you will see why below.

Please review all of the articles listed below. In doing so, you may need to copy and paste the url's into the webbrowser. If they don't open upon clicking with your mouse, copy and paste the website address (url) into your webbrowser. You may find this information compelling.

Please review all articles. They will give you a fine historical understanding of this issue and how it has been handled since close to the autism epidemic inception. But there is a crisis of autoimmune diseases in our children and this should also be ackowledged.

After you go through the first article by Dan Olmsted, review the other pieces, many of which you may already by aware. They place the autism/ADD/asthma/allergies/learning disabilities debate in historical context. They may also provide you with information about why many of your kids appear out of control, unruly and just plain difficult to deal with.

Note that these articles are not anti-vaccine and should be construed as such. Vaccine technology, when used appropriately, is life-saving technology. When abused by bureaucrats- well, you see the results. This information is an attempt to get the mandatory vaccine program, related agencies and our government officials to be more transparent about what they force on our citizens- and allow informed choice by parents.

I think this information is crucial. Please review it all. Thanks.

AUTISMconnectThe Dots
[email protected]

Remember- you may need to copy and paste url into webbrowser to view
No autism, asthma or diabetes in unvaccinated!!!!!!!
You may want to read this summary first!!!!!!
index.html?pn=1 What were they thinking???
genera_evelyn_p_060418_autism___worst_welfa.htm (use internet explorer for this
site) Note explosive increase autism since 1992
use internet explorer for this site
Much more than just autism!!!! effects
on our future!!!!!
Allergies as well
come-clea_b_16550.html some flu shots 250 times more toxic than hazardous waste!!!!!

Why would the government target to cut out an infinitesimal part ($50 million) of a $2.6 trillion budget- to study autoimmunity/disease in children? tragicallly, the mainstream media doesn't deal with this issue forthrightly- Why?

freecongress.shtml Parents being sent into
bankruptcy by their having to treat their children after mandatory

Shows declining neurological developmental impairment with
elimination of thimerosal containing vaccines!!!!!!

Thimerosal causes dendritic damage
Shows how pediatricians can bully patients

[edit on 18-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 12:13 PM
thank you for the links...i will check them out...
been reading about this autistic lady who's a phd

something is definately up here and i am suprised how little it is talked about everyone is oblivious to autism...
first thing people think of is rainman

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 12:20 PM
on a similar note, i was messed up by a mandatory vaccine..
this was back in the 70's and of course i don't remember the name of the mom and i were just talking about it cause she mentioned that sonograms were not even happening unless there was something seriously wrong.
anyway, the docs were pushing this injection and apparently a lot of babies were born with different degrees of deformities...
when i was born my chest was for lack of a better term, 'caved in'...when i was four they broke 2 ribs on each side and put a plate in my chest for 6 was called 'pectus excavatum' is not as bad as it was by my chest still goes in and my collar bone sticks out kind of wife says it is not bad but i am very self consious about it.

sorry to go off topic but i don't doubt for a secodn that 'they' know/knew these medicines do/could harm people and they passed them out anyway...
really twists the mind up...why is mercury in vaccines?
do we really NEED these mandatory vaccines(mmr-measles, mumps, and rubella) for our kids? i mean, we can research but unless we are a scientist, we're gonna get arguments fro both sides and in the end all we can do is go with our gut......

very crappy

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