posted on May, 18 2007 @ 08:00 AM
this is one of the main issues that taunt the country for years
which is arming groups to fight the proxy wars where its not right to get the hands dirty.
if i am elected i will make sure that the country doesnt arm any group
which can use those weapons and training later on to attack the intrests of other nations and this nation
i will ensure that the groups that have been armed already i will make sure these groups are kept an eye on so if things should go out of hand and
they become a threat to anyone they are neutralised,
a prime example is the taliban and their infulances
many warning have been given and yet no action due to foriegn policy and thanks to that the largest terrorist attack
by keeping an eye on these groups that we help we can ensure that they dont become a threat in the long run
by arming rougue groups we create a threat for us aswell as our foe