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NWO=Total Enslavement

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posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:48 PM
Hi everyone, I just wanted to give my opinion about the things to come.

Where to start.... Well, if you ever watch the News[Networking Electronic Wavelenths for Suppression].. My own creation btw... Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is that the news and higher people in power rely on or stupidity to progress their mission. You hear about the school shootings and the abducted children that has be going on for years, I believe that in order to legitamize themselves and there actions, they need to create fear among the masses.. Take T.W.A.T(The War Against Terrorism) for example... The media is promoting Hatred towards people of eastern decent and Arabics and muslims.. At the same time the are generating fear among the people of North America and other places too.. Why are there so so many new security agencys being created and why so many cameras being set up in magor cities with Face recognition software that sends your profile to an underground database that stretches for miles.

Bottem line is that we are heading for maximum enslavement.. And there are people out there who think that chipping people ie: children, animals, and technology, is the best thing since sliced bread

A thought for all.... The more advanved you get in your thinking about crime and other things, Just remember that they NWO is hoping you make stupid decisions because the more stupid decisions we make, Justifies there actions for enslavement

Thanks for Listening all

Peace be to you all and yours!

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:42 PM
That's one of the facets of the NWO people like to talk about here.
The control media has over people shouldn't be underestimated.
If it was to be abused and channeled towards a certain agenda it would be a very powerful tool, history shows this.
Anyway very basic concepts gone over before in more detail elsewhere here.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 04:10 PM
One of the most important books in understanding and assessing US participation in WW2 is "This is Berlin" by William Shirer.
William was a go nowhere CBS sound recording journalist in europe in the 1930s and on one trip to record some folk singing he came across the Nazi's of Germany taking control of a next door country;
To get broadcast what he had gather he had to fly all the way to England and from then on at 6pm or similar times right across USA William shirer became "our man in europe" for telling what was happening as the war progressed before USA committed to it.

The point is this; If you have a story to tell and a passion to tell it then you will find someway of doing that inspite of all the restrictions placed upon you.
What Shirer became expert at doing was saying things in such a subtle folksy American english laid back ironic way that Americans knew what he was saying while the German censor never knew what silly thing he was saying was actually vital and what other thing he was saying was the trow away comment.
Now ofcourse times have changed; do you rush home from work in the evenings and the whole family gathers around the radio to hear the evening broadcast from Europe-NO!
But the passion for getting the story out and the ingenious ways of getting the story out have not changed in the heart of man.
I can tell you of literally dozens of ways that people have used to get their story into prime time news and thus defeat the carefully staged programs of the NWO and say here in the latest front page prime time debarckle where a power companty turned the power off with a sick woman inside the hose so that a couple of hours later she was dead...just for a $168 overdue bill....well I would say "who prayed"

thus don't be intimidated. William Shirer wasn't although he was putting his life in danger all the time doing what he was doing it.... and let others judge as to how good a job you did in defeating the evil agenda at work in world history when you lived your life.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:11 AM
Take a look at national news coming out of the Israel/palestine area. When you hear about conflict between islam and judaisim it is almost always presented in this format:

"palestinaians attack, israel retalliates."

In truth Israel was the first to start conflict, they took the land from palestine. They occupied all of the high grounds, bulldozing and condeming homes of palestinians, and building large structures righ over them. They hold strategic positions in the country, and they isolated palestinias into landlocked states, that are almost impossible to travel out of, due to the fact that Isreal doesn't recognize palestinian documentation of birth. They are now prisoners in thier own country. Not that I respect the UN at all, but Israel was ordered out of the country by the UN 50 years ago. Not that you would hear that on the news, because that might create tensions with important allies. World politics is presented in whatever format suits the motivations of the government. Truth is an afterthought. Even though we are a big part of the UN, we blatanly shrug our shoulders as Israel ignores the decisions of the organization. Then we use the UN as an excuse to get our foot in the door of Iraq. What a blatant contradiction of principle. The government ignores the laws of the UN to satify foregin interests, only to use the UN laws later to satisfy its need to secure foregin intrests. Hmmmm.....

It is truly ridiculous that we as a people believe what we see on the news, I just can't believe it. I see nothing but repetitious "fluff" that prays on the extremes of emotion. Emotions being, the weakness of the people.

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