posted on May, 17 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Originally posted by RedPill
Looks to me like a mylar balloon tumbling around. The sparkles are reflected sunlight. I could not perceive any intelligent motion or regular
That's what it looks like to me as well. In fact, I have one. It's a toy "UFO" blimp that you fill with helium. You attach the motor to it with
tape. It has two propellors and a remote control. It's made for inside use for parties and such. Last time I had mine flying was for Thanksgiving.
Drives the dog crazy. The directions say, "If you take this outside your craft will return to the mothership and you'll never see it again."
Not saying that's what the video shows, but it sure look similar. same color and shape. Can't really tell the size, of course, but mine is maybe two
feet in length.