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Where can I join the NWO, UFO Division?

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posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by justanothergangster
by theres other ways to get their attention i didnt mean go to google start digging around about the siprnet theyll talk to you

But there are subtlties to this thing that aren't apparent at first glance. Why do you think they call it "" It's about jobs, right? Well, then why not call it "" Why use a word like "monster?" Isn't that, like, a little strange?

I mean, there are so many guys in black ops, with the christian black ops guys fighting the satanic black ops guys (This straight from the mouth of Greer) that there is a certain amount of "attrition." So they have to have a way to get in new blood. If you know where to look, they do, too.

But thanks for the advice. I don't mean to sound ungrateful. Sorry. Appreciate it!

Besides, I reckon I HAVE got their attention.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:24 PM

I’d like to sign up for the New World Order in the Black Ops UFO division

Wondering am I why you would be so anxious to kill your fellow brothers and sisters of the world. Do you really have any idea what the NWO intitles?? Probably not.... Let's just say that "Uncle Sam" wants you too go about and kill everyone who doesn't go along with there plans.... That means potentially killing or hurting your own family members and friends that you care about
Please don't be brainwashed by the media and other forces in the world that only want to corrupt you and your thought process. NWO=Total Enslavement, Which to some degree, We are all stuck in this web more than we care to admit...

All I am saying, Is give this thought some real serious consideration because a prime example is in the movie "Red Dawn". That movie only covers the icing on the cake!! Thanks for listening!!

Peace be to you and yours!

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Besides, I reckon I HAVE got their attention.

I am sure you have!

I hope you like the path it leads to, with all the hard drugs, mind control, ritual kidnapping and sexual abuse, pedophilia rings, Murder Inc, eating fresh adrenaline gland, etc....

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by jordanrhea
Wondering am I why you would be so anxious to kill your fellow brothers and sisters of the world. Do you really have any idea what the NWO intitles??

You mean "entails." Yeah, I know. Like I said, my grandfather was a Mason. He was a 33rd degree guy and head of all the Masons in Colorado for awhile. (I think this was in the late thjirties or forties.) I still have some of his gear. I told you he died before I was born, but I didn't tell you about his book. I wound up with the manuscript. It never got published. Some of it was written in pencil on a lined tablet! But his writing was so good I could read it all. Fortunately it had not faded. They used to teach the Palmer Method of penmanship way back then. It's not like now when no one can write. So I know about some of this stuff and some of their plans. I typed it up from the old paper so now it's in good shape. So,you see, this stuff has been in my family a long time. One of my ancestors came over to America in 1623 and settled in Jamestown. He brought some VERY COOL stuff with him!

You see, death is not really a big deal, so even if I were to kill you, you wouldn't be dead. It's like I told millerman, killing him would be just a temporary fix. He'd probably come back as my kid just to get back at me! I think he's bad news now, but what if I had to raise him! Sheesh! That would be the death of ME. (What goes around comes around.) So to me it's just not worth it. And I don't have that much famly to worry about anymore. My parents are dead; my only brother is dead. My cousins all died off. No aunts and uncles anymore. It's pretty grim. So I won't be killing off family anyway. My kids can take care of themselves. They're pretty tough. Besides--same DNA, you know, the strain will survive! It's foretold!

You needn't fear the New World Order. It's all about equality and giving people enough to eat. No one is going to be enslaved. Reptilians aren't going to eat your young. It's not about that at all. It's about one world government and a wonderous future. You will be a citizen of the world.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by schuyler]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by millerman
ritual kidnapping and sexual abuse, pedophilia rings, Murder Inc, eating fresh adrenaline gland, etc....

Now I could go for some of that last. I've just kinda lost energy lately. Like my Dad used to say, "My get up and go has got up and went." So, yeah, red meat hasn't been enough and I dislike the taste of dog. Horse meat is too gamey, so a little vitamin supplement might be just the ticket!

[edit on 17-5-2007 by schuyler]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by millerman
ritual kidnapping and sexual abuse, pedophilia rings, Murder Inc, eating fresh adrenaline gland, etc....

Now I could go for some of that last. I've just kinda lost energy lately. Like my Dad used to say, "My get up and go has got up and went." So, yeah, red meat hasn't been enough and I dislike the taste of dog. Horse meat is too gamey, so a little vitamin supplement might be just the ticket!
[edit on 17-5-2007 by schuyler]

How maniacal! I am impressed.....

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:34 PM
BTW thank you, schuyler, for drawing people's attention to these crimes against humanity. So people can get angry about them! And want to do something about it!

Oh and we might as well add 9/11 to the list....

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:47 PM
MIB is part of the enforcement arm of the NWO? I always figured that they were part of our local shadow government. I mean really, what would be the point of there being just one shadow government when unrest and ecconomic complatancy can easily be reinvigorated with a little propaganda against another shadow government.

I mean this is the NWO we are talking about here. They defeated Illuminati, reduced the Freemasons to just an old boys club and made the OTO out be a cult of satanists. I mean this is a superpower of shadow governments here. Look what they did to public governments that can operate openly. They toyed with Germany in the 1930's, helped to get all the land and power they wanted until they became ambitious enough to think they could take over the world only to be defeated and broken in two just so the NWO could weaken the Zionists and confine them in exile surrounded by arabs that want to finish them off.

And speaking of public government control, the NWO frightened the Soviet Union into an arms race that destroyed them, causing NATO to lose enough purpose to allow the EU to form. Beautiful work there. You think the Bilderberg Group could pull that one off. No sir.

The NWO is not foolish enough to be the only shadow government, they only want people to think that way. Naturally they do have to have some treaties of free trade with the World Bank and the IMF to offset personal finances but they have no worries of the UN, just ask the mayor of the League of Nations what happens when they don't surrender on NWO terms. No the NWO doesn't want to be the only game in town because they would have to bring in labor from third world shadow *ahem* "organisations" like the Daughters of the American Revolution or the Boy Scouts or some other craphole like that.

Yes agents of the NWO do view these boards, but mostly for entertainment like the monkey cage at the zoo because while we act so shadowy and mystery solving, we remain about as in the dark as monkeys.

NWO, UFO Division...please. Everyone in the know knows you have to apply by the proper name to be taken seriously: Mary Poppins. Ask for Valerie Lawson.

edit for grammar

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 01:12 AM
Hi Schuyler,

You have good references from your grandfather, you have a manuscript, you know about Mason inside out. Judging from that, you can easily join Mason.

You don't need to shout about your joining in this public forum. Are you trying to seek for attention?

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by millerman
Yeah, maybe we can get you to infiltrate them, steal some of the tech and bring it back to us!

No, I really don't want to do that, millerman. There is no "we" getting "me" to do anything. I'm not trying to infiltrate them; I'm trying to join them. If I do get involved is some of the tech I will be using it against people like you. Your comment assumes I'm somehow on your side.

I'm not.


P.S. How did you get negative points? Just curious. Buy something?

That post is so heartwarming. Kudos.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by kontol
You have good references from your grandfather, you have a manuscript, you know about Mason inside out. Judging from that, you can easily join Mason.

Not really. Like I said, my grandfather died before I was born. It's not like he could vouch for me. I do have a manuscript, it's true. That's really most of the inside information I have. I do not know the Masons inside out, only what I've read. Judging from that I can't easily join the Masons, though I suppose I have as good a chance as anyone else. But the fact is I don't particularly want to join the Masons at all and I don't think I ever said that. So your assumptions are wrong there, kontol. No big deal. I'm not criticizing you personally; it's just that they are wrong.

You don't need to shout about your joining in this public forum. Are you trying to seek for attention?

You don't need the "for" there. It's just "seek attention." Nobody's shouting. Did I use capital letters for anything but the beginnings of sentences or acronyms? No, I didn't. I thought I was being pretty straightforward and calm. But as for "seeking attention" itself. Sure. That's true. Their attention. Like I said, the number is unlisted, so to speak, and if they monitor this public forum, I thought it would be one way to get their attention. I didn't mean to put anybody else out on this. And the fact is, I'm getting a little desperate. I don't know how to explain this exactly, but I'll try.

My consciousness is apparently a little different. I know that statement sounds initially absurd and I'm not 100% positive anyway, but my consciousness and awareness of the world flows out from me with me at the center. I would think that would be the same for everyone. How could it not be? Of course that's how it works. Consciousness flows out from every individual and from the point of view of every indivividual, he or she is the center from which it flows. Otherwise we wouldn't have individuals at all. It would be some sort of joint consciousness.

Well, this particular feeling is unusually strong in me compared to others (I think!) I don't mean this in an egotistical sense, but the universe starts here, period. This is coupled with a certain knowledge that I have something to do here and the fact that I seem to be drawn to these mysteries, UFOs, and the like. The manuscript alludes to this, but it is not nearly helpful enough. There is a purpose that is more than just getting a job, having a family, growing old, getting sick and dying. Whatever it is, it's big. Unfortunately, no one has seen fit to tell me exactly what it is. Sgt Clifford Stone is the mild mannered guy who can talk with aliens through telepathy and did so for the government. He said exactly the same thing, which was cool because I found someone saying the same thing. But in his case I'm thinking, well, your purpose is to talk to the aliens, dummy. It's right there in front of you and you're doing it!

In my case I haven't done it, so rather than remain passive for the rest of my life I'm trying to figure it out. The original post was to get their attention and is just one stone not left unturned, that's all. I'm doing other things, too. It's kind of my current campaign, and this is just one small part of it.

Thanks for the suggestions I've received. Thanks very much. In hindsight, doing the "guvvy" intel thing would probably have been the best idea, I agree. Just too late to be conventional. Wish I had been more focused. To the guy who says this isn't the way they are organized. Sure, buddy. Whatever you say. As for the NWO being evil and all? That's not true at all. You're being silly. Typical propaganda: villify your enemy. Say they eat babies, then you'll be justified. Nonsense. If you are paranoid to the point of caching guns and ammo and intend to try to stop this through the use of force, then, yes, you'll have to be taken out. That's what I meant to millerman. Perhaps I was too harsh. Sorry. I wanted to get acoss that I'm not an anti-NWO fan boy and I'm not on your "side."

Anyway, I hope this explains things a little better. We'll see if it actually works, I suspect.

[edit on 18-5-2007 by schuyler]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Honest advice....

Main routes:
1. Military Intel
2. Civilian Intel
3. Science

Military Intel - join the military, look for Intel MOC's and go up from there. Concentrate on aeronautical, metallurgy, engineering education, etc. and get your SCI clearance, etc.

Civilian Intel - similar, but go the political science route in school, get intel-related degree and training, and start out as a civilian advisor for intel. (CIA, NSA, FBI, etc.)

Science - advanced degrees in the aforementioned subjects, at least a PhD or two, and getting civilian clearances.

There's a lot more detail of course, but here's a basic thing...if you're truly going to go one of these paths. STAY OFF THESE KINDS OF BOARDS! Yes, that's right, because you can bet that your surfing habits will come up in certain clearance investigations, and these kinds of sites would red flag you in a heartbeat...even though we are viewed favorably by such agencies (as I understand it...)

They tend to take folks who have NO desire really in the subject, so may be tough to hide.... They're looking for a strong degree of patriotism, duty, and willingness to obey orders and have strong integrity.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Where can I join the NWO, UFO Division?

I'd think, if you had to ask here, then they wouldn't want you. if you were NWO material they probably would have found you by now.

now asking here seems like you're just asking to be a sucker patsy waiting to be set up and disposed of when they are done.

but , good luck in the job search.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by homeskillet
I'd think, if you had to ask here, then they wouldn't want you. if you were NWO material they probably would have found you by now. now asking here seems like you're just asking to be a sucker patsy waiting to be set up and disposed of when they are done.

Thanks for the encouragement, but I don't think it is like that at all. A lot of folks are assuming working for the NWO is like working for the UN or the US Government, complete with paperwork in triplicate, background checks, stuff like that with maybe some SEAL training thrown in for good measure. The way "in" is through advanced degrees, the military, etc. I don't think that's how it works. There may be some support materiel command stuff going on, of course. I mean, you can't have a worldwide conspiracy intent on enslaving all humanity without some logistical support. SOMEBODY has to contract for the barbed wire and handcuffs for the railway trains leading to underground bases.

No, it's far bigger, far trickier, and I think far different than your standard Evil Empire schtick. First of all (and this is a small point) you have to ask to join up--just like the Masons (which is where they got it from). Masons do not solicit membership; the onus is upon you to pursue them--hence a reason for my post. They don't care WHERE you ask from, either. For them, it has to be some sort of open forum since they don't publish their address or email. What better place than here? Do you think they monitor Sally's cooking forum looking for recruits? I don't think so (unless it was automated). But my thinking is they do monitor ATS to keep track of the crazies and nutcases that want to do the whole operation in. So this is a perfect place to raise your hand. THAT'S what the phrase "when the student is ready the teacher will come" means. You have to be proactive.

Secondly, this is not a standard reality-based show. There is a trans-dimensional aspect to all this. The aliens (I use the term loosely.) know how to navigate between dimensions and have a much better understanding of Capital "R" Reality than is generally known. This includes into the "other side" after "death." It's difficult to tell from the material available, but the point is that the "conspiracy," if you will, involves the other side as much as it does this one. We're talking power and control here not just over a single planet, but across dimensions and lives over aeons. People are afraid of the NWO and invent a lot of characteristics about it that demonize the issue which aren't true, but that's because the overall goal is to transform humanity to a completely different level of understanding and life. And that's frightening! No wonder people don't want to do it. In other words, not to mix metaphors, it's a whole new ballgame where the old rules no longer apply.

I'm just trying to do my part. I'm not worried about them "disposing' of me because I know that would be futile; and even if they did, that would be part of the adventure.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 08:43 PM
i wouldn't assume working for the alleged NWO is like a government job with paperwork etc. nor would i assume you have to ask to join. i think you are either a part of it or you're a pawn hence saying, they probably dont want you at this point.

also from the logistical point you made, why? they are supposedly getting all the want from manipulating the existing systems. politicians and the public alike unwittingly support their agenda right? remember the story of a frog slowly boiling in the water not aware he will die until it's too late?

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 08:53 PM
OK - At a minimum, I'm going to probably have a lot of explaining to do later for this, but you sound like an articulate, determined, conscientious citizen, Mr. Schuyler, so I'm going to go out on limb (twig is more like it) and see if I can help you just a bit...

Gazrok has been the closest so far. In addition to your erudite prose and rather eclectic history, and in spite of your best intentions, you won't get very far without some combination of credentials, be they academic, military, and/or "nepotismatic". Unfortunately, in my opinion, the latter has opened more doors to less-than-perfect candidates than is justified.

None of the affiliate agencies will risk their collective cover by taking a chance on a wholly unknown quantity, and even you must already surmise that as intriguing and entertaining some material and postings on ATS may be, in itself the forum is never, and would never be, considered a bona fide recruiting mechanism.

That said - and perhaps because of a slight bitter taste that has lingered a while about which I can't elaborate upon, With the above caveats in mind, here is what I suggest:

Wishing and begging your way in simply is not going to work. You must - and permit me some emphasis here - you MUST earn the consideration you seek. Are you a pilot? Astrophysicist? Intelligence expert? What degrees do you hold? Have you traveled internationally? What foreign languages are you fluent in? Do you have even the tiniest speck on a police blotter? FICO score over 750? Are you stable - can you pass a rather extensive battery of psychological profile tests with exceptional results? What is your physical condition? Can you prove it? Have any survival skills? Can you/would you kill someone if necessary? Can you/will you take direction/orders without question? Can you 'go incognito' for weeks/months at a time - perhaps indefinitely? Are you a good liar (you need to be)? Are you willing to give up your family ties, friends, connections to your usual comforts. Do you thrive on uncertainty? Are you as much of a leader as a team member? Do you have specialized skills that would contribute to a special ops team? What kind, how well, and how many? Any other skeletons in the closet (we hate surprises)?

OK - let's assume you can answer most of these favorably (meaning at least 90% of the desirable ones and 100% of the mission-critical ones). If so, my suggestion would be to 'enter' one of these organizations (below) as a civilian or government employee, identify and establish a mentoring conduit internally, and then, once you prove yourself more than worthy, subtly drop the appropriate hints to the appropriate personnel regarding your professional aspirations.

Good luck...

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 10:18 PM
Ok this is freekin hilarious! "I wanna join the NWO!!" Come on man get real. In regards to the person who said that the masons do not have published email address/ Actually they do.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:51 AM
Dear Schuyler,
you are already working for NWO, it is pitty that you didnt realize it yet.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:52 AM
I think it would be fun to work 'ufo disinformation' for NWO, assuming you didn't have any ethics

Your entire gig could be to visit message boards and make up crazy stuff to get people fired up! That would be a really fun day job. You could post unlimited Reptilian and Demon related posts, "I saw a reptilian at Burger King talking to the Pope....."

I hope schuyler doesn't get hired by the dark side of the force, we need his commentary to bring balance to the board! schuyler don't do it man, although if the health insurance benefits and stock options are really good, and the NWO pays for parking and dental, then you have to at least consider it, I mean if they ever go public with thier technology, you'd be rich! Although you'd also be evil.... is it better to be rich and evil or poor and righteous?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:03 AM
This thread makes me laugh out loud. Does anyone here seriously believe that the NWO looks on conspiracy boards for random internet people? If you were important or could be a contribution to the New World Order, then you would already be a part of it. The NWO isn't about numbers, it's about positions of power.

Chances are, judging from some of this guy's replies (such as attempting to be serious about eating adrenal glands), he's just looking for attention and trying to stir the pot within the confines of this forum's rules for the sake of it. I do not believe that your grandfather was a mason, and I most certainly do not believe that all of your family is dead. I do, however, believe that you are a 16-year old with an active imagination and good grip on the English language.

Kudos on that.

PS - To set things straight, the NWO and Greys are actually in conflict. The NWO is the Illuminati, and has been in effect for centuries. Greys want the same thing that they do--they aren't buddy-buddy. Both want control.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by nidhogge]

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