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This may Appear Racist but its a fact

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posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Islamorada
We are discussing facts. Not opinions. Well, statistics anyway, not real sure the term 'fact' is all that appropiate but its the system we use.

Furthermore, Im Native American, a minority, so I couldnt be racist even if I wanted to be. In order for one to be racist, they must be of the majority... not the minority.


Lets first understand the basic definition of racism, then we can better discuss its factors.

Your link says absolutely nothing about minorities being unable to be racist. Racism comes in all colors, and I sure as hell have met alot of Native Americans who hate whites. This is understandable to me, but still, there you have it, a racist attitude. I've also known many Black people who hate whites. Again, understandable, but it's still racism. Racism is racism, period. No group is exempt from experiencing it. In Nazi Germany, the Aryans were a minority, but they still were racist.

I do find it difficult to believe that there are hardly any incidents in America of white men raping black girls.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:26 AM
Maybe what is a fact is that men of color are MOST likely to be prosecuted, convicted and their cases highlighted by the media, than their white counterparts...

Food for thought.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by loam]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:28 AM
I find my proposed responses are started to smell a tad unmanneredly, so I'm just going to say that it is unseeming for the original poster to tar all Middle Eastern immigrants with the same brush.

It is also simplistic to blame the whites for all of the world's ills.

Good people come in all colours, and just because you aren't white doesn't mean you can't be bad.

I work and live in a very diverse community...and homogeneity is boring. My kids are colourblind. I like that a lot.

Finally? Rants are boring, too. Anybody can rant. Fix something...then you have my respect.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:38 AM
Im curiouse.

How many children are abused by other races compared to white people?

is it dipravity that causes this?

why do white Canadian soldiers rape women from Bosnian hospitol?

why do white priests mollest little boys?

why do dark skinned people rape notably different white women?

I dont think this has anything to do with skin color, i think it is dipravity

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by tom goose
Im curiouse.

why do dark skinned people rape notably different white women?

I dont think this has anything to do with skin color, i think it is dipravity

I know the answer to that but I am not going to post it here because there are quite a few people who when shown the truth throw up all the garbage that exhonerates groups from their actions so its pointless.

These filth when convicted in court tried to make out that the virgin girls they raped were sluts........I say the Death Penalty is too good for them.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by god_of_wine
Sounds like that thing about all Serial killers being white males....

Originally posted by god_of_wine
This is so ignorant and racist that my scarcasm goes unnoticed.

But, most serial killers are white. Where's the sarcasm in that?

A more specific profile of a serial killer has been presented by Apsche (1993) stating that most are white males in their twenties or thirties, who target strangers near their homes or places of work. "According to criminologist Eric Hickey, who has assembled the most extensive database on demography of serial murder states that, 88% of serial killers are male, 85% are Caucasian, and the average age when they claim their first victim is usually around 28.5.

[edit on 2007/5/17 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth

Originally posted by tom goose
Im curiouse.

why do dark skinned people rape notably different white women?

I dont think this has anything to do with skin color, i think it is dipravity

I know the answer to that but I am not going to post it here because there are quite a few people who when shown the truth throw up all the garbage that exhonerates groups from their actions so its pointless.

These filth when convicted in court tried to make out that the virgin girls they raped were sluts........I say the Death Penalty is too good for them.

How can you answer my question when youve erased half my post to suite your little rant.

let me make this a little more simple for you so you cant hack it up and miss quote it

"how many CHILDREN are mollested by COLORS compared to WHITES?

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:35 AM
Well, I'll just sit here with my bottle of liqour and smokes like any good lil indian girl would, right? After all... we are all drunks with no jobs, correct?

See my point? Ahhh, generalizations... they sure can help ones cause. However, it doesnt make their cause convincing.

This thread hasnt a bit of credibility or anything for me to learn from as it is simply ranting. Nothing more than a hate thread, possy out!

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by MazzrothI know the answer to that but I am not going to post it here because there are quite a few people who when shown the truth throw up all the garbage that exhonerates groups from their actions so its pointless.

Yes, things have 'drifted' far from your OP, Mazzroth.

Maybe it's because the thread may lead to discussion of the total farce that is 'multiculturalism', in Australia (for that is the country specified in your OP).

And of course, you're correct in stating there have been (for in excess of 40 years at least) a disproportionate number of gang, sexual attacks on women and girls, in Australia, by Lebanese males.

These disgusting attacks have not always been exposed by the media. Those which have, have caused outrage within the community.

This situation has been subject of other threads in these forums. On occasion, half-smarts have stated categorically that Lebanese migrants (and subsequent Lebanese sexual gang-attacks on Australian females) are a 'recent' addition to the multicultural stew.

In anticipation of similar incorrect assertions, I say now (as in similar threads) that I am personally acquainted with a number of migrant Lebanese families who migrated to Australia in the late 1950s.

Those Lebanese migrants were Christians: they sent their sons to Roman Catholic colleges. Yet those sons STILL gang-attacked, raped ... Australian females.

And I will state again (as in earlier threads) that the vast majority of those females were defenceless against those barbaric, sub-human attacks. Those females had NOT been forewarned by the Australian government of the fact that the Lebanese do not/did not hold females in the same high-regard as Westerners; as Australians generally.

Australia was, until the early 1950s, a predominantly 'white' nation; its populace was derived from the British Isles. Further, in force until the late 1940s was the White Australia Policy. This was relaxed after WW2, at which point southern European (Italians, Greeks, etc.) were permitted to emigrate to Australia, partly as a compassionate measure for those (generally of the peasant class) who'd lost everything during the war and secondly, as a means of building Australia's very small population in face of what was then termed The Yellow Peril: it was feared that nearby Asian nations would invade Australia.

After the war in Lebanon between Muslims and Christians, Lebanese migrants were also accepted.

Australians were not enamoured of the government's new migration policies: they had nothing in common with Greeks, Italians, Lebanese.

Northern European migrants were of course welcome, but a large number returned to their homeland after finding Australia isolated, slow, unwelcoming.

The Italians and Greeks do not assimilate well. I know many Italian families who STILL refuse to speak English and who despise Australia and Australians. They DO, however, enjoy the generous age and other pension and perks provided them by their host nation Australia.

The Lebanese migrants were even MORE strongly opposed to Australia and Australians: they regard/regarded Australians as 'fools', and 'getting on in Australia is like taking candy from a baby'.

Lebanese parents were stubbornly opposed to assimilation (the term 'multiculturalism' had not been 'invented' then). They arranged marriages for their children within not ONLY the Lebanese community, but within their OWN tightly-knit regional community. These marriages were arranged when the children were in their infancy.

The Lebanese father's word was rule. The Lebanese women were chattels.

From this, Lebanese males are taught that women are definitely 'less', have no power, no voice (other than to wail and scream), no rights -- not even to their own bodies.

However, Lebanese females' virginity is highly prized --- as if they were brood mares at the Fair. The Lebanese males' reputation and 'community respect' is diminished if their daughters/sisters are not virgins at marriage. So the females are watched as if they were nymphomaniacs by their fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins. They must have a chaperone wherever they go. If it's even half-suspected they have 'flirted with' or even spoken to a male -- particularly a non-Lebanese male -- they may be beaten brutally, accused of being 'sluts' and forbidden to go to school or to work, etc.

You can see where this is going, of course.

WHO do Lebanese males use as sexual partners, prior to entering their arranged marriage to a hawkishly-watched Lebanese girl from their own region or village 'back in Lebanon' ?

They 'have sex with' non-Lebanese girls. And as Australian girls originally formed the vast majority of available females (prior to the flood of Asian migrants in the past decade or so), then it was Australian girls who were made the 'target' of the considerable Lebanese male frustration, anger, groin-centred attention.

There are many Australian women, now grandmothers, who still hide secret shame as consequence of being gang-raped by packs of Lebanese males back in the 1960s. Those rapes continued all through the decades, up to the present time.

Lebanese are tribal. The majority of Lebanese migrants were drawn from the uneducated, unskilled peasant communities who lived for dozens of generations in the same small villages and towns.

When Lebanese go to the beach or for picnics, etc., they travel in large groups. When they migrated to Australia, they 'took over' entire suburbs. They have a need to be within shouting distance of each other. Lebanese males rarely go even to the local shopping mall on their own.

Thus they roam -- and rape -- in packs/gangs.

Because they are all related (either closely or loosely) they keep their groups' secrets. They provide alibilis for each other. They are the most successful, practiced liars I have ever encountered. Members of a rape-gang will not -- dare not -- reveal other gang members' secrets for to do so would be akin to death by ex-communication, not to mention retaliation, by members of that gang. Further, to expose a gang member's crimes would be to expose their own.

So they're very confident of their ability to bash and rape without consequence.

Further, Lebanese males are often highly violent. Victims of gang rape are usually robbed of their valuables. The gang-members in this way learn the victim's address and other details.

They threaten the victim that if she/they report the attack, they and their family will be killed, burned, robbed, 'disappeared', etc.

Lebanese families will spend unimaginable amounts of money in defence of their rapist son/brother/cousin/nephew. There are now a sizeable number of Lebanese solicitors in Australia, also QCs.

The victim (if brave enough to report their rape and bashing to authorities) may be initially subject to bribe by the Lebanese criminal's family and solicitor. Or -- as is most often the case -- the Lebanese rapists will be defended by men prepared to swear that the victim is a 'slut' (most used Lebanese word to describe females) who has 'had sex' with dozens of men, Lebanese and other.

Rarely do rapes and bashing by Lebanese males even reach court.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:41 AM
Why do Lebanese men rape and bash non-Lebanese females (and occasionally non-Lebanese males) ?

You'd need to ask Lebanese males. If they're in a good mood and take a liking to you, they'll laughingly explain.

From what I can ascertain, they do it for fun.
They do it because they can and because they know there's a very high probability they will get away with it, again and again and again.
They do it because they are naturally aggressive.
Because they have no respect for females, because they have not been educated to have respect for females.

They do it as a 'bonding ritual'. Often, Lebanese men will reach across to grab another Lebanese male's penis -- to ascertain how erect the other man's penis is, --- prior to the planned rape attack on some non-Lebanese female to be chosen at random.

In the car filled with Lebanese gang-members, there's much hilarity -- on the way to the planned rape/s -- during which, previous victims are laughed about and disparaged.

It used to be that Australian female nurses were the victims of choice. At one point, Lebanese males vied with each other to have the greatest number of nurses' watches swinging from their rear-vision mirrors. These were 'trophies', similar to notches on the belt or enemy skulls taken in battle. That's the mentality in operation re: Lebanese gang rapists. The nurses were lured into a vehicle ostensibly carrying one Lebanese male -- usually an 'educated' and 'nice seeming' male. Then, when the victim entered the car, several other Lebanese males would emerge from the rear seats and even the trunk. The victims, after being raped and subjected to sexually depraved demands for several hours, were callously dumped, naked and bleeding, at deserted Council rubbish dumps.

Those to 'blame' for these atrocities are the Australian politicians, who introduced into a white, Christian society the dregs of virtually Stone Age societies who regard females as little more than animals to be used and beaten.

In more recent decades, the zionist-controlled Australian government has imposed tens of thousands of muslim Lebanese migrants upon Australian society, despite that government's awareness of the detrimental affect this has had and is having, upon Australian society.

Lebanese for some reason, react violently towards Asians. It's a situation similar to the usual antipathy between cats and dogs.

With it's intention being to create 'racial disharmony' and destruction of the established host culture --- the Australian government (on zionist orders, posing as 'multiculturalism) has swamped Australia with both Muslim Lebanese and Asian migrants, hoping to see the fur fly.

An odd development of late has been the apeing (by Lebanese males) of African American 'rap' culture. Admittedly, many if not most Lebanese are dark complexioned (and are able to pass successfully as Australian Aborigines) but why they would choose to emulate African Americans is confusing.

To my mind, this exacerbates the already disrespecful attitudes of Lebanese males towards females generally (including Lebanese females and other). The misogynistic 'rap' culture may be regarded by Lebanese males as 'justification' of existing Lebanese attitudes regarding females.

Lebanese males are brutalized early, with regard to sex. On one hand their religion exhorts them to be 'good' --- but their community gives them a different message: one which portrays females as 'lower', as of 'less value' and unworthy of respect (unless they are immediate family members).

Unable to marry outside their community and unable to have sexual relations with female members *OF* that community, Lebanese males turn their anger, resentment, frustration against non-Lebanese females whom they are *NOT* required to respect, either by their religion or community.

In the vast majority of instances, Lebanese migrants do *NOT* raise their children to respect non-Lebanese. This is because of their insular, tribal mentality.

Lebanese migrants may change their country of residence --- but they do not modify their alliegances.

They continue to regard their host nation as their 'enemy' -- just as (when living in Lebanon) they regarded those from the next village as their 'enemies'.

So -------- anyone who is not 'of the village' or 'related by blood' -- is considered 'fair game'.

The Lebanese migrant children are raised to believe it's a smart thing, a normal thing, a natural thing ----- to rob, bash, lie to, 'the others'.

From this, it's a small escalation to 'raping' the 'others'.

Lebanese parents are paranoid about their children leaving their culture and control. They are terrified their children will 'turn Australian', will marry Australians.

To prevent that, Lebanese parents commence a 'hate campaign' against all non-Lebanese; they indoctrinate their children against non-Lebanese. They tell their sons that 'all Australian girls are sluts. They have sex with dozens of men each night. They have sex with donkeys. They have sex for money', etc.

Lebanese migrant parents are usually very forceful, very volatile, very emphatic.

Lebanese males who have been assured, by those in authority (parents and family adults) that: ' Australian girls are all sluts' -- will absorb such a message. That message remains embedded long after the Lebanese youth has learned otherwise, at school and from contact with Australian girls.

Obviously, there are many Lebanese parents who are educated and who do not push such lies to their sons. But unfortunately, the zionist-controlled Australian government does NOT seek educated Lebanese as migrants. Instead, it draws migrants from dirt-poor, backwards regions in Lebanon: places without paved streets or running water: places where 60 year old men are allowed to take young teenagers as brides and where those brides have never been allowed an education and have been subject to brutality and oppression.

It's small wonder that when turned loose in Australia, when provided a car and access to money and freedom, Lebanese males raised in such misogynistic attitudes and living under the cloud of a soon to take place arranged marriage to someone they don't like ---- will vent their anger, misogyny and frustration with life. on the non-Lebanese females they've been assured are 'sluts' just dying for some Lebanese sex.

This is Australia, not Lebanon.

Australians are not required to regress two thousand years, in order to conform with misogynistic, depraved Lebanese attitudeds and behaviours.

However, the majority of Lebanese migrants are not prepared to lift their standards and claw their way into even the 18th century, let alone the 21st.

They are a groin-centred society. Sex is rarely absent from even the most casual conversation. A common comment made by Lebanese women of good standing, is to refer to another female as a 'hairy oot' (substitute 'c' word). Children raised in a groin-centred society naturally adopt a groin-centred approach to life.

So you have a mix of naturally aggressive, insular, sexualised attitudes imposed upon a generally conservative, Christian society.

Christians, particularly those in the West, are taught tolerance, forgiveness, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, forgiveness, tolerance, etc. etc. It's no match for those who learn to lie and steal and spit at women and hate 'others' at their mother's knee.

Young Australian girls sitting minding their own business are NOT taught to expect a gang of youths will leap upon them and digitally rape them before sloping away in triumph.

And Mazzroth is perfectly justified in his outrage. These crimes are beyond outrageous: they defy description.

It's not just its women who're being raped.

Australia is being raped.

And the Australian politicians and their zionist masters are PIMPS.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Islamorada
Furthermore, Im Native American, a minority, so I couldnt be racist even if I wanted to be. In order for one to be racist, they must be of the majority... not the minority.

Excuse me?

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races

1. based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"
2. discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion

1. a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others

Racism exists in all walks of life. Not just the majority. To be racist, is to "prejudge". (Prejudice) If you are a part of the minority, and you hate all other walks of life, because they are in the majority, that is prejudging them and in fact, racism. If you are black, native American, etc., and you hate me because I am white, you are a racist and there is no way to sugar coat it.

Being a part of the minority does not excuse anyone from baseless hatred.

I would love to know where you learned this, that because you are a Native American, you can not possibly be racist.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by chissler]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 03:22 PM
I Just want to say

I support Israel in its thought process.

I support them when they blow up the extremist.

I support them when they try and make their own country safe.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Islamorada
Furthermore, Im Native American, a minority, so I couldnt be racist even if I wanted to be. In order for one to be racist, they must be of the majority... not the minority.

This is the Left's redefinition of racism. I've lived through so many redefinitions that it has gone past funny.

Don't laugh though. There are plenty of people out there who have political power over you who buy into these smoke and mirror word games.

[edit on 2007/5/17 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Islamorada
Furthermore, Im Native American, a minority, so I couldnt be racist even if I wanted to be. In order for one to be racist, they must be of the majority... not the minority.

Ooooh. Oooh. I want in! (Arnold Horshack impression)

That's GREAT news for the Palestinians! They are three quarters of Israel's population! What a relief to know the Jews "can't be racist."

And what shall we do with the Republic of South Africa? Mean ole imperialist America boycotted them, because of the whites in power til 1993. Yet the whites were only 23% of the population. The majority black citizens CAN'T have been oppressed; Islamorada says so. I wonder what the Tsutsi and Hutu peoples will say in Africa--with no whites to oppress them, they must be completely Free and Safe. Same with those silly Kosovars. They're all ready white---they CAN'T have been oppressed! Just think of what we did to Serbia, bombings for no reason!

All that insurrection, for nothing. What a shame.


What a shame.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
I Just want to say

I support Israel in its thought process.

I support them when they blow up the extremist.

I support them when they try and make their own country safe.

Dont even go there, where was this topic brought up anywhere in this thread? This BS ignorant arguement does nothing to further or degrade either lebanon or Israel. What kind of spin was that, who cares about Israel.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 10:08 AM
Everyone can be racist. Most likely everyone has been racist at certain points or situations in their lives, though I'd bet there are more than a few who will scream blue murder rather than admit it.

It's part of the human condition, self interest or tribalism. Like anger, the sex urge or altruisism they all have their benefits and down side. It's how we manage those feelings responsibly or irresponsibly that makes a difference beteween the enlightened human being and the bigoted one.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:58 PM
It's karma, baby.

It's how it goes. Need I remind you that it was a sport in your country to hunt darker skinned people like animals? Like deer hunting; I guess it was "aborigine season" or something. Those dastardly deeds come back around. The Lebanese thing seems kind of out of left field, but it comes back regardless.

And for the poster who mentioned the US, karma at it again. It was perfectly legal for white slavers to rape their slaves, and they did so with impunity. NO prosecution whatsoever. Black men couldn't even take the law into their own hands; the lynch mob would string them up for sure.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Your reply kind of illustrates my point in a way. You highlight the injustices done to those of a non caucasian nature by white people and ignore the injustices carried out by whites on whites that also went hand in hand with this. Further you also seem to be implying that white woman being gang raped by Lebonese men has some kind of karmic justification because of what her ancestors may or may not have done to aboriginals. One crime is more heinous, one less important. Atrocities against the brown skinned are more deserving of your concern and attention than those against the white skinned. And this from someone who knows about the evils of racism yet you still make the same fundamental errors yourself. Do you really think if black men made up the dominant powerful elite and you grew up cocooned by that with no direct experience of prejudice and what it's like to suffer it yourself you'd be any more fair minded or enlightened. Like I said at some level we're all racist.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:10 PM
I'm just telling it like I see it. Also, this was a direct response to the OP. He didn't say he was mad about women being raped; he was mad about darker skinned people raping white women. And that's what I responded to.

Women being raped is bad, regardless of racial lines. But, he made it about race, so I pointed out white Australia's fine history of race relations with the darker native people. It is what it is.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:32 PM
mazzroth Your thread is highly offensive for so many reasons.
(It should be trashed in my opinion)

You say that have had enough of all those dark skinned people raping underage you are fine with white males raping underage girls?

To really point out the race of the people who are raping these girls instead of the act that they are actually doing(I believe) shows that you probably have personal bias towards people of color.

You also say that its okay to bomb lebanese people due to the actions of a few. You are very misguided and obviously confused.

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