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Genetic Manipulation and the Advent of the Techno-Crèche

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posted on May, 17 2007 @ 01:06 AM
First off I have to say I don't know if this should be here, since it is technically a
social issue, or if should be in the AP Medical section as it is a medical related topic
as well, so yeah.

As we continue to advance in technology and science we are becoming capable of
many amazing feats that only a century ago would be beyond anyones wildest dreams,
however because of human socio-psychology we have many social and ethical issues
that arise with these advancements.

I would like to focus on one of these topics, that in the next few decades will arise
as a real issue.

With a further understanding and perfection of genetic manipulation techniques and
micro-technology we will eventually be able to take the genetic material from two or
more individuals, combine them in an artificial womb and grow a baby without the
need of a living female.

Now this itself is not the issue, and indeed I have actually discussed it before in
another thread, what the issue I intend to discuss here is the development of Techno-Crèche's,
basically birthing children who's biological parents are only that in the sens that there genetic
material was used, and raising them in a variety of ways.

One of the big reasons this is a foreseeable event is the declining birth rates in places
like Japan, Germany and many other countries now and in the future, the economics and
stability of these countries will start to falter as the populace grows older if nothing is done.

Now, it's not unimaginable that to differing extents the governments and other concerned
groups will turn to creating a large new generation by using genetic recombination therapy.

So, the issue is, should this be done, and if so when and who should raise the children?

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:13 PM
The great unknown would be the effect of artificially fusing the genetic process that happens during conception. The effects may not be seen until later life or after a few generations. Well the issue have designer baby's have arisen in recent times a Techno-Crèche baby could end up being a designer baby in every sense of the word.

What is to stop a baby from having genes from three or four differnt people ?

There is the issue of child support would have to be dealt with.
Is a man who's Genes are used to create a baby required to pay child support ?
If my Genes are stolen and used to create a baby would I have to pay child support ?

I cant see Techno-Crèche being used to combat an ageing population because it wont change the fact that people don't want to have kids or add to there existing family. I can see people using genetic manipulation to ensure that medical disorders aren't passed onto a baby but this might still involve some of the natural process.

Hollywood actors would love this sort of thing they could have there own kids without adopting or getting pregnant .

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