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Shanksville Power and Phone Outage

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posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:40 PM
I was talking with one of the "ambassadors" at the Flight 93 Memorial recently. She lives near the crash site and told me that when Flight 93 crashed, the area lost both electric power and phone service well into the evening of 9/11/01.

My question is this:

Does anybody know of a reasonable explanation why the plane that crashed at Shanksville would have caused the electric power and the phone service to go out? There are no power or phone lines near the crater as far as I can tell.

Plus, this same "ambassador" lives very nearby to the crash site and said that her home didn't suffer any damage from the explosion other than a cracked pane of glass in a window.

Also, can anybody specifically identify what's in this photo:

Has anybody ever seen this anywhere?

[edit on 17-5-2007 by nick7261]

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Maybe the debri from the plane that flew a few miles away hit some power lines

Or not, I cant make out what is in the picture, where is it from?

Shanksville-Stonycreek Elementary school, two miles from Flight 93's impact site, was evacuated after the crash knocked out electrical power to the school. The Mayor of the nearby borough of Indian Lake called the utility company when power to his small town was disrupted by the crash. In the days to follow, photographs of the impact point showed a newly repaired power line stretching over the scene, leading to the reasonable conclusion that the airliner severed the wires as it hit the ground.

[edit on 16-5-2007 by racerzeke]

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:54 PM
I'm not sure what might have caused any supposed power/phone outage, but the photo seems to show a bracket[if you will] designed to keep the wires from coming into contact with one another.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:14 AM

In the days to follow, photographs of the impact point showed a newly repaired power line stretching over the scene, leading to the reasonable conclusion that the airliner severed the wires as it hit the ground.

[edit on 16-5-2007 by racerzeke]

I hadn't seen any photos of the newly repaired power line stretching over the scene.

Also, I would rather hold off in describing the bracket-thing as it pertains to Flight 93 until more people have a chance to see the pic and identify it. I don't want to bias anybody's opinions of what it may or may not be.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:07 AM
i remember reading somewhere (cant remember where so i cant substanciate it but someone else may know) that the power went down at the same time that the black box or something on the plane all stopped recording or went off radar etc, BEFORE the crash. the suggestion being that a military plane had used some microwave technology to effectively cause the plane's (and the towns) electrics to fail and cause the crash.
This doesnt fit in with the theory of the spread debris but the official story states a crash of a whole plane and debris being spread, so it could be argued that it would fit with this explanation.
either way, the official explanation is BS

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by jammybunn
i remember reading somewhere (cant remember where so i cant substanciate it but someone else may know) that the power went down at the same time that the black box or something on the plane all stopped recording or went off radar etc, BEFORE the crash.

Do you have any idea where you might have read this? Or does anybody else have any confirmation of this?

The reason I'm wondering about this is that I've just finished reading a lot of material that chronicles the stories of th first responders to the crater, and there was no mention by anybody of downed power lines. I'm speculating that downed power lines would be a relatively serious concern that would need to be addressed by the first responders, but I haven't read one thing about this.

This combined with the with power loss and lack of land-line phone service to the area has me scratching my head.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:27 AM
Could it have been caused by an EMP? Ive always found it odd that flight 93 was evidently shot out of the air, yet their are photos showing a massive black smoke plume.. its been speculated that the 2nd plane that hit the towers had some kind of extra explosive on board such as napalm, as the fireball size varied from the first hit to the second, despite the fact BOTH planes were heading to the same destination and would have had the same amount of fuel onboard..

Recently ive come to conclude that some kind of microfusion devices were used in the towers and wtc 7.. could there have been devices on the planes aswell? Would explain the EMP taking out power and phones..

Just a wild thought.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Could it have been caused by an EMP? Ive always found it odd that flight 93 was evidently shot out of the air, yet their are photos showing a massive black smoke plume.. its been speculated that the 2nd plane that hit the towers had some kind of extra explosive on board such as napalm, as the fireball size varied from the first hit to the second, despite the fact BOTH planes were heading to the same destination and would have had the same amount of fuel onboard..

Recently ive come to conclude that some kind of microfusion devices were used in the towers and wtc 7.. could there have been devices on the planes aswell? Would explain the EMP taking out power and phones..

Just a wild thought.

I'm not sure how wild of a thought that this really is. From what I've read, there is a version of the C-130, called an EC-130, that's equipped with electonic jamming devices that theoretically could take a plane out of the air without firing a shot. Coincidentally (or not) there was a C-130 at both Shanksville and the Pentagon.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 05:24 PM

Early photographs released by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PDEP) show a newly repaired power line stretching over Flight 93's crash site. The conclusion could be that the airliner severed the electric wires as it hit the ground.

I'm trying to find these pictures, but have no luck. Anyone here seen these pics before? It's odd that they are hard to find but yet they would provide a answer for another oddity on 9-11.

Individuals like Nevin Lambert, so close to the impact area, had no power or phones for six weeks because the plane took out an entire row of power lines.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by racerzeke]

this is a picture of the field where flight 93 crashed after the fact, on the top power lines are visible, no telling where flight 93 flew according to this pic and how old the lines are

[edit on 17-5-2007 by racerzeke]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:16 PM
Looks like a ceramic insulator to me used for holding the cables apart.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:19 PM

This combined with the with power loss and lack of land-line phone service to the area has me scratching my head.

Are these "ambassadors" told what to say???? This sounds like rubbish to me.

Downed power lines and telephone outages are going to get noticed and reported quickly.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit

This combined with the with power loss and lack of land-line phone service to the area has me scratching my head.

Are these "ambassadors" told what to say???? This sounds like rubbish to me.

Downed power lines and telephone outages are going to get noticed and reported quickly.

The ambassadors are told what to see when they give their presentation. The ambassador I spoke with was telling me privately about her personal story from 9/11. She lives a few hundred yards away from the crash site.

As for the ceramic wire-holder, it actually pulls the wires closer together and keeps them aligned. Also, it appears that the wires are already insulated. I was hoping somebody would have seen this thing and would tell us with certaity what it is.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:33 PM
Why that would be a transmisson line spacer/dampener

description here

Basically it is used to keep line vibration in check for ultra high voltages are ran through the lines. It also reduces the noise of the hum of the UHV current. The UHV is used to reduce the expense and upkeep of substations that ramped the current back up for distribution.

UHV lines are the basis for health concerns from the high EM fields that news reporters generically call power lines and show neighborhood residential lines to create fear by sensationalism.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:35 PM
Does anyone know or can the OP please tell me what the pic might have to do with Flight 93? Thanks.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by nick7261

Coincidentally (or not) there was a C-130 at both Shanksville and the Pentagon.

It is believed to be the same C-130 at both places that was ordered from it's original flight plan to look for both planes. The C-130 has the speed to have investigated both crashes at the time of the reports so it could have been the same plane. Always heard C-130 specifically but it might have been an EC-130.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by racerzeke
Does anyone know or can the OP please tell me what the pic might have to do with Flight 93? Thanks.

I think the implication was plane debris on the power lines causing a short. As an explaination for the power outage in and around Shanksville.

As for the landline phone outage, there is a battery backup in most phone systems to allow enough power to make emergency calls in a power outage. I would guess that battery supply was rapidly used from the volume of phone calls in the area on 9/11. So the phones would be out until power was restored.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Ahabstar
Why that would be a transmisson line spacer/dampener

description here

Basically it is used to keep line vibration in check for ultra high voltages are ran through the lines. It also reduces the noise of the hum of the UHV current. The UHV is used to reduce the expense and upkeep of substations that ramped the current back up for distribution.

UHV lines are the basis for health concerns from the high EM fields that news reporters generically call power lines and show neighborhood residential lines to create fear by sensationalism.

Thanks! That's some great information.

Are sure this is what is shown in the photo I posted? I couldn't find any drawings or pics on the site you linked to, but it seems like it fits the description.

Do you know of any reason these would be used over a short distance, or only along a rural road?

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by nick7261

Thanks! That's some great information.

Are sure this is what is shown in the photo I posted? I couldn't find any drawings or pics on the site you linked to, but it seems like it fits the description.

Do you know of any reason these would be used over a short distance, or only along a rural road?

A picture of a bundle of 6 line ones being ready to be installed.

I didn't read the site closely as it became too technical quickly. What I gathered is they have to be spaced about every 200 feet to keep the wires bundled.

I would guess that bundles could be treated a group and have say two groups of four or a total of eight lines running on poles that were designed for only four lines. A cheap fast way to bring more electricity to supply a grown demand rather than replacing all the poles along the route.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Could it have been caused by an EMP?

That was my first conclusion after seeing the topic on this post, I didn't realise there was a power outage at shanksville.. hmmm... Either that or it crashed into a main power line. And what happened to the plane, it buried itself? Thats one of the funniest things i have heard from the debunkers. The plane was obviously blown up and I think it was most likely from the bomb they said they had on board, if not then they were shot down/destroyed in mid air with a heat seeker /sidewinder or similiar.

If there were micronukes on the plane its conceivable that they were easily smuggled on board since a) they would be small enough to conceal, b) hard to detect with typical bomb detection equipment.

It seems rather risky to try and smuggle a bomb on board unless they were pretty sure they could get away with it undetected.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Insolubrious]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by racerzeke
Does anyone know or can the OP please tell me what the pic might have to do with Flight 93? Thanks.

The objects shown in the photo above are attached to a separate set of power lines, and are spaced every 30-50 feet (this is just a rough estimate!).

Here's what's intriguing about this. The ONLY place that I've seen EVER with these spacers/dampers are on the roads that frame the Flight 93 crash site. The red lines in the photo mark the locations of the power lines with the spacer/dampers on them.

The power lines along Route 30 extend from the service road leading to what can be called nothing other than a "hidden" or "secret" landing strip. There are no signs for this landing strip, other than a "KEEP OUT" sign in front of weeds that obscure the view. The power lines extend from here to the service road at the entrance of the coal mine where the crash took place.

The second set of power lines with the spacers/dampers begins near the north end of Lamberstville Rd., and extends to the service road leading into the crash site.

Like I said, I've never seen these type of brackets on power lines ANYWHERE in my life, and then they show up on an extra set of power lines along the roads that frame the crash site.

Why would only the power lines along these roads need dampers to protect against vibrations?

Here's a map of Shanksville:

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