posted on May, 16 2007 @ 06:04 PM
Thats the thing though, it's all about expectations. If the expectation is set that every individual has a moral obligation to fellow man, they will
act accordingly. The beauty of this is that we really don't need to enforce any punitive measures. Just tell people that it is a law that we need
to assist fellow man who finds him or herself in need. A phone call, yell for help, anything to assist.
How many laws do we have that are never enforced?
There are ridiculous laws in the books pertaining to annual showers, playing certain instruments in certain clothing, etc., which are never
considered. Why can't this be one? We never really need to consider enforcing it, but if we set it as the standard, it may have people acting more
It bigger cities, I'm willing to bet that a lot of people would bypass an individual in need. Quite quickly I might add, and never think twice about
it. That is sad.
And you ask why do we need to set a law? Well, because there is no other way. We would love to be optimistic about it and think that people would
"just do it". But they won't. People need to be told to do something, and then told to do it again, again, and again.
Then at that point, there is still no guarantee that they will do it.
I don't profess that this should be a paper tiger. If we can, beyond a reasonable doubt, show that someone ignored a fellow man in need, maybe five
or six hours of community service would be a just penalty. Just enough to be a pain in the ass, to have them think about the next time they find
themselves in a situation to help another person.