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The "grey" equation....

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posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 02:19 AM
Hey all,

I'm sure we all know that the typical description of Aliens is (and has been for a long while), small, large-headed, grey-skinned, big-eyed creatures with small mouths and noses and thin, non-muscular bodies. That's the accepted description of aliens to most people now, and how hollywood would depict them.

Much of my skeptisicm towards UFOs and Aliens has been the ease of being able to lie about it. Simply watch an episode of the X-Files or Stargate SG-1 and you could come up with a believable description of Aliens or being abducted. Anybody can describe a "realistic" alien now (and many have), so you have to wonder how many of these reports are "copy cats", if you will.

BUT, it's interesting to think about WHERE and WHEN this description of Aliens came about. Was it with Roswell? Or before that?
Obviously, SOMEONE had to come forward with details describing what we know call the "gray alien". But who? Does anyone know when and who first started the "grey alien" era?
Obviously, if you want to get at the truth of this matter, it's best to start at the beginning, where someone may have actually seen something and before there could be copycats of whatever is in the media.
Any info about this would be really nice.


posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:25 AM
The whole gray thing came from Roswell after that there were reports of abductions from grays I don't think there were any before but all these alien movies with grays in got them from Roswell as this is the most talked about Alien "thing" ever. I don't know what to believe about the grays are they good or are they evil? I've read things about them abducting people and in contact with our goverments but I have also read things about them being good to people and helping them are they good or bad?

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:36 AM
You make a good point the typical veiw of aliens is short and grey. But still there is a huge diversity, Some say tall and thin with big eyes, other go for the reptilian look.

I think greys erupted from an flurry of "abductions" in the 60's to 70's. The overall look of the aliens was big eyes no ears and small mouth and nose. The height however varied.

I personally love the film "Signs" for what it did for the alien image. Creatures that kind of followed the stereotype but didn't cause they we're amazingly strong.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:45 AM
I'm not 100% sure, but I'm fairly certain that the Greys were first reported by the first modern abductees, Bettty and Barney Hill. This was back in 1961. There were reports of Grey-type aliens before then, but they weren't considered common. At least I don't think.

It took Hollywood to popularize the Grey type, to which Steven Speilberg did back in 1977 with Close Encounters of the Third Kind. That movie pretty much solidified it. Whitley Strieberr's book: Communion from 1989 (I'm pretty sure thats the year it came out) with that Grey on the cover permanently made Greys the official common alien type.

[Edited on 4-1-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 11:59 AM
I'm also pretty sure that it was Roswell, but I've heard that a spaceship crashed somewhere in Texas in either the late 1800's or early 1900's, and a single pilot was killed and buried in the town's cemetary. His appearance was supposedly that of a gray, but for some reason digging up the pilot's grave to see what the hell it is is forbidden. As heelstone mentioned, Betty and Barney Hill saw gray-like creatures, but a few days before, an episode of the Outer Limits aired and starred creatures much like the ones they said abducted them, so I doubt their credibility.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 12:06 PM
Dont know how old this site it..but here is a topic of the Nazis and The Greys --which would be before Roswell.

But here they say that they have been around for a long time

Guess it all depends on who you talk to

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 12:23 PM
Deny ignorance. The UFO phenomena is in its present form a living reality in its various manifestations and aspects. Whether we approach it from different angles of the psychological, paranormal or secular spectrum two things are undeniable: People claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings and there is overwhelming physical evidence of civilizations who claim to have had contact of some type with beings from other planets, as there is also tangible evidence of some form of contact with beings from a different reality in biblical books.
On the first instance, we clearly see a common denominator in what cannot be constructed as other than the forceful abduction of humans for the purpose of scientific studies and the claim by ancient, now extinct civilizations, who claimed to have had contact with alien civilizations and who have demonstrated scientific advances thousands of years well above other civilizations in the same age or era; colossal monuments, (pyramids and other constructions), precise astronomical calendars, medical advances unprecedented at the time, etc. To discuss the reasoning, hard to come by, of why different civilizations in different continents and times would choose to have a fascination with pyramids and aliens and spend time, human resources and energy building these colossal �monuments� in desolated areas, (mountains over 12,000 feet above ground, middle of deserts, unreachable areas, etc) would be beyond the scope of this thesis whose main goal is to help unify religious beliefs with the UFO phenomena in a new way. It is our belief that with the mounting and available evidence that he who does not believe by now will not believe no matter what kind of thesis is put forth. This thesis is focused on those who have spent the time and resources investigating the UFO phenomena and have formulated an intelligent opinion based on the information obtained.
Throughout humankind tales are told of ancient civilizations with great technological advances and knowledge that simply disappeared, �vanished� into inexistence. Evidence of many of these is still visible today: The Mayas, The Egyptians, The civilization of Eastern Island, the list goes on and on. There are other tales of civilizations that followed the same fate but whose existence although recorded in the past by some, (Plato and others) is still questionable. We are referring undeniably to the civilization of Atlantis, among others.
Fate is not without a sense of irony, it would seem. Today a similar tale is told. We call it the �Armageddon�, the end of civilization as we know it. Its roots dwell well within the start of our common religious era. Written, as the belief dictates, with the help of divine beings it is found all through out the Bible. Even mentioned several times by Christ, the Armageddon would seem like the logical end place to our civilization if we took into consideration where all the other great civilizations ended.
It would be unproductive to point out the dozens upon dozens of hints that would help determine that these �divine beings�, these �angels�, are no spirit angels at all. One can come to this obvious conclusion by sorting through selective parts of the text in the bible alone. No deep study nor investigation is needed. One can only assume this obvious conclusion by browsing through �The Exodus�, there we are told that because humankind was �evil� angels from the sky came down upon earth and engaged in activity with the women at the time to help create a better new breed of humans. It is hard to imagine how beings with no flesh can achieve this as it is also hard to imagine how angels from the sky would manifest themselves and literally �take� the good and leave the bad humans on the day that Armageddon does finally come. This, however, according to Christ is exactly what�s bound to happen.
But how is all this related to small grey aliens under the command of a reptilian specie who are, as the overwhelming general opinion goes, engaging in the coordinated abduction of humans for the purpose of clinical studies and gene manipulation for one, in exchange for technological advances and with the consent of the most powerful governments on earth who benefit from this technology? What is the connection between the Bible and UFO�s, or is there any? History would seem to repeat itself.
As it generally believed by expert ufologists there are mainly two species of aliens who are and have been interacting with our planet since eons ago. These are the already mentioned � four-foot grey aliens under reptilian command� and the more ET-like benevolent aliens who are said to measure up to seven or eight feet and whose resemblance coincides with our general depiction and perception of �divine angels�. It seems as though the Bible was written with the help of this latter specie with the sole purpose of warning us about their little grey counterparts, as evidence indicates.
From the beginning of the Bible to its very end, we are warned time after time not to fall into temptation and listen to the serpent, the evil creature, and choose knowledge over spirituality. This is indeed exactly what happened to Adam and Eve in the Genesis, they chose knowledge over spirituality. As a consequence of their interference and interaction with this creature their whole civilization was doomed in an Armageddon of their own: The Great Flood. The benevolent aliens, (angels) then followed in the Exodus to try to rectify the damage done by mating with women and create a more spirituality inclined breed. Now we are told of similar consequences and catastrophes to follow because of our acceptance and interaction with a �dragon-like being� as the book of Revelation describes it. Is this serpent and dragon being more or less an accurate depiction of the reptilian specie we hear about today. After all, aren�t serpents and dragons reptiles? Was this a subtle way of keeping us away from reptile entities who promised knowledge and wisdom at the expense of spirituality? Is this why they are now sending their little gray subordinates to disguise their true appearance? Isn�t the transfer of knowledge from these beings converted into technology what�s likely to doom our planet in the future as most scientists agree?
We are really choosing technology over spirituality day after day our entire lives. To deny this is to deny our own existence: Our children watch television 3 to 6 hours a day, but pray for only 3 to 6 minutes, if they happen to remember to pray at all. They hope for a better Playstation and video games as we do for Plasma TVs, but not for a kinder heart. We have become once again, as the Egyptians, Mayas and people in Atlantis once had, a society based on knowledge and information. But not to make us better people, but more dependant and uncontrolled addicts of technology at the price of being day after day less spiritual and humane. Armageddon will follow. History will repeat itself. Seven thousand years from now some will tell our tale in disbelief. They too will say that WE claimed to be visited by aliens and constructed great buildings.
If this seems all too far-fetched there is always one alternative available at our disposal. One may choose the literal interpretation of the Bible: Adam really talked to a knowledgeable serpent and spirits with no mass or physical body will try to save us when the Armageddon comes and takes us away with them, only God knows how. Oh, and by the way, try to stay away from a talking dragon who may try to corrupt our humanity and spirituality with his knowledge. Deny ignorance.


posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 12:45 PM
Wow, danny sito, your both interlectual and maddaningly depressing at the same time. Anyway.

I must tell vanishing point that the incident he spoke of although compelling is false. It was a lie spread by the town paper to generate news. However it is funny how a large group of people tryed to get permission to dig up all the graves there.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 12:59 PM
Whatever you see during an episode of cognizant sleep paralysis is nothing but a damn dream. The psychological term is "hypnogogic imagery." The aliens are not real,(human brains work alike and manifest similarly) and the little grey guy with a probe up your ass is probably symbolic of some subconscious obsession you have with your own anus.

The grey guy is a human brain manifestation. The hallucination has been reproduced in laboratory setting by stimulating certain areas of the brain.
Grey alien abduction Iccubus, Succubus demon attacks..all these are S.P. induced..They are very real seeming and have plagued humans forever. About 20 percent of all humans have experienced these at 1 time or another

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 01:03 PM

The bigeyes aren't the reality, but you are right it is carved into the minds of persons. The big eyes are however just glasses of the spacesuit, just look at the sculptures of the very old civilisations.

Search for the Dogontribe, they met aliens hundreds of years ago, so the idea didn't exist with Roswell.

[Edited on 4-1-2004 by LeenBekkemaa]

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 01:15 PM

I must tell vanishing point that the incident he spoke of although compelling is false. It was a lie spread by the town paper to generate news. However it is funny how a large group of people tryed to get permission to dig up all the graves there.

Really? It sounded a little too good to be true when I first heard of it a while ago, and I haven't heard anything since.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 02:53 AM
i remember seeing a photo of people veiw an egyption hylogrith with 2 greys in it, I carnt remeber where i saw it though, sorry

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Gollwog
i remember seeing a photo of people veiw an egyption hylogrith with 2 greys in it, I carnt remeber where i saw it though, sorry

If it's the picture from the tomb of Ptah-Hotep ( , that is a blurry picture of a worn painted carving that appears to be lotus blossoms in a large vase. I have studied Egyptian history for years, and I can tell you without a doubt that the "head" is a lotus blossom with a closed lotus bud on each side of it, not eyes.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by BruceAkolD
You make a good point the typical veiw of aliens is short and grey. But still there is a huge diversity, Some say tall and thin with big eyes, other go for the reptilian look.

I think greys erupted from an flurry of "abductions" in the 60's to 70's. The overall look of the aliens was big eyes no ears and small mouth and nose. The height however varied.

I personally love the film "Signs" for what it did for the alien image. Creatures that kind of followed the stereotype but didn't cause they we're amazingly strong.

There is not that much diversity at all. The fact is that every description I have ever heard of an alien (at least from this message board) has been of a creature with human like features. How diverse can you get with that?!?!?! All the possiblities, and we here on earth are stuck in our one track minds.....

People will never find the answers they are looking for unless they truly open their minds.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 08:22 PM
with so many people saying they worked with aliens saying so many conflicting things will we ever know? or is it just disinformation

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:58 PM
I guess the term grey is somewhat reccent, but the first time that an alien creature as we all think them to look appeared in a movie was in the 1930's. Some people have wondered if these characters seen by at the time kids were later used as mental imagery props in their adult fantasies.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 07:19 PM
They have cave paintings from Sego Canyon, Utah dated about 5,500 bc that fit the small head big eyes dark colored profile. The thing I find interesting is there are paintings from 5000bc, the first century and almost every century after that with objects in the sky that appear like a UFO or a "black top hat" in the sky.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 04:23 AM
Someone talking about that crash in Texas? Here it is...

It is allegedly in 1897, Aurora, TX, that a spaceship crashed. A pic of the cemeteray entrance is available!

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:09 PM
Check out some of the ancient aussie aborigine cave paintings. Hindsight being 20/20, those big-headed, big-eyed, scrawny drawings appear resemble the "greys" to a T.

And for more info on ancient ET's, just type "vimana" in any search engine. Yes, the bible has its clouds, chariots of fire, wheels in the sky, burning bush, god-human matings, vengeful and jealous God, angels, destruction of Sodom and Gamorah, the beings going up and down Jacob's ladder into and out of the cloud, Jesus warning Mary not to come to close just before he ascended into the cloud..etc..etc. But nothing beats the highly detailed decriptions of flying vehicles, technology, and weaponry as seen in the ancient sanskrit texts.

Also read the books by David Hatcher Childress, as well as the book "Alien Identities."

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 03:26 PM
"For reasons unknown, the Aurora Cemetery Association fought the attempts to exhume the alleged alien body. "

You know, Roswell now gets thousands of visitors each year, and it's good business.

Perhaps the town to Aurora, Texas sees that. and would like to garner attention to its incident.

So you exhume the body, and it's human or there is none, it'll squash all hopes of bringing in tourist revenue.

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