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Iran Is Stepping Up Nuclear Work

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posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:46 AM

VIENNA, May 14 — Inspectors for the International Atomic Energy Agency have concluded that Iran appears to have solved most of its technological problems and is now beginning to enrich uranium on a far larger scale than before, according to the agency’s top officials.

Obviously Iran is willing to go the distance, if they are after energy Great for them. I am still tied on my decision here... Will post more later.


posted on May, 15 2007 @ 07:20 AM

I am back and ready for the day, so i was saying that if Iran is doing this purely for energy they deserve it. My concern is all of the constant stories a and talk about how they want to destroy innocent people.

Are we the US ever going to get to inspect what they have? If we have proof of their intentions shouldn't we be making a bee line to them. It is quite obvious that the time is near for action or forgiveness. I am keeping myself very up to date on the actions in the middle east. If Iran is assisting terrorist in Iraq and worldwide isnt it prudent to eliminate any major attacks before it happens.


posted on May, 15 2007 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by lakewoodrealtor
I am back and ready for the day, so i was saying that if Iran is doing this purely for energy they deserve it. My concern is all of the constant stories a and talk about how they want to destroy innocent people.

please enlighten me on that?
unless you count the presiden saying he wants to wipe out the zionest regieme of israel which is diffrent from saying i want to destroy israel.

so enlighten me

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Yes you are correct, in your statement.. I am referring to the statements from our government.


posted on May, 15 2007 @ 11:54 AM
These are alarming developments - Iran enriching uranium on a larger scale than before. Like lakewoodrealtor suggests the time for action or forgiveness is near. Of course, the record in Iraq where many of the claims used to justify attack were wrong means that the public is sceptical. But it is enough to look at Iran's rhetoric to see that they are looking for trouble. They call the US the "great Satan". The clergy in power bases their support on maintaining an animosity towards western values and fostering a climate in which terrorism thrives. In light of that it seems reasonable to attack them.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Prokurator
...They call the US the "great Satan". The clergy in power bases their support on maintaining an animosity towards western values and fostering a climate in which terrorism thrives...

Wow, now theres a similarity.

I've heard countless Americans call Iranians "a bunch of radicals, the sooner we kill them off the better".
It's been a very long time since I've heard of an American who liked Middle Eastern values.
Not to mention, the US presence in Iraq is directly causing a climate in which terrorism thrives... not just fostering it.

I see little difference between the United States and Iran at the moment.
All of this, "they are looking for trouble" "they want war"... every single statement made trying to justify a war against Iran perfectly fits the United States as well.

So no, the US has no justification for attacking Iran.

Besides, even if Iran gets nuclear weapons, they are deterrent weapons, nobody uses nuclear weapons as an offensive measure. (Except for the United States... lets hope they don't do that again... the nut-job radicals them...)

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 03:48 PM
If and when Iran does nuke Israel, the world will blame the US for not stopping Iran from getting the bomb.

Since the USA is the only Super-power at this time, no matter what it does will be reviewed in a positive light.

Oh wait.....that's right.........if/when Israel is will be also bloamed on the jews because they wanted some attention.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by ferretman2]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 04:21 PM
The iranians are doing exactly whar they say they would do by speeding up enrichment.I Still say that as they lied about their nuclear program for 20 odd years why should the world take them at their word that this program is for"peaceful purposes"?

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 04:34 PM
i once started a thread that more or less showed they are making nuclear stuff underground to. .

Regardless if they plan to use it for Energy purpose to then why are they not letting us inspect ALL of their plants. I cant even start to imagine what would happen up there if they fire nukes at anyone near them.
I hope they are honest en the only reason they do it is for the benefit of mankind

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by johnsky
Besides, even if Iran gets nuclear weapons, they are deterrent weapons, nobody uses nuclear weapons as an offensive measure. (Except for the United States... lets hope they don't do that again... the nut-job radicals them...)

How can you profess to know that Iran only wants nuclear weapons as a deterrent? What makes you think Iran won't use nuclear weapons offensivley? Are you willing to bet your life on that? Why do you insist the US government provide absolute proof for every statement it makes yet you give Iran a complete pass? I think grandios statements like yours need some kind of supporting documentation.

As for constantly harping about the US using nuclear weapons in 1945 I suggest you read a little history - that was a completely different set of circumstances. Do you not know that the US was firebombing Tokyo almost every night and killed many more civillians with firebombs than A-bombs? Would it have been better to continue firebombing for another year or more at the cost of millions of civillian deaths? Or maybe it was a better idea to use a weapon so terrible that it shocked Japan into surrendering sooner? I don't know - you be the judge.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 05:20 PM
Quote: Besides, even if Iran gets nuclear weapons, they are deterrent weapons, nobody uses nuclear weapons as an offensive measure. (Except for the United States... lets hope they don't do that again... the nut-job radicals them...)

Easily one of the most narrow-minded and blindly stupid posts ive ever read on here. Yeah Iran is a respectable regime, look at their human rights record, the way they treat their citizens, their oppression, and the threats and vitriole being spit by their leadership.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:41 PM
They are doing it only for weapons. Iran has the third largest oil reserves in the world.But they say they "need" nuclear energy NOW. Like yesterday,no like last year.Why are they moving at breakneck speed? U238 is the waste from a nuclear reactor.So is plutonium.The only reason to enrich material at this rate is to produce weapons. And the world knows it.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by rdang]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by rdang
Iran has the third largest oil reserves in the world.But they say they "need" nuclear energy NOW.

doesnt really take a genious to answer that question, does it?
it has been said and debated on ATS so many times and on countless topics you have participated on so im supprised you bring up the same reply.

Oil wont last forever
by prelonging their natural resources they have more to export
and nuclear power compared to oil power is like comparing a jet engine to propeler driven air craft.


posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Xfile
The iranians are doing exactly whar they say they would do by speeding up enrichment.I Still say that as they lied about their nuclear program for 20 odd years why should the world take them at their word that this program is for"peaceful purposes"?

same can said about the US
why should the world believe a single word that comes out the US since almost all that comes out is crap now (Iraq is prrof enough) the US has destroyed (basicily) an entire countries backbone.

Irans nuclear tec has just been brought to light now because the powers at the table have just finished with one country.

I believe Iran is just a target for the US because of what happend over 30 or so years ago and the US still has the agenda against them.
and to make sure their bitch in the middle east is ok

also please provide hard evidence Iran is building nukes and not assumptions

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 07:53 PM
I think we need to look at the big picture. Eventually every modern nation will obtain nuclear weapons. Sure,you can destroy facilities and that will postpone it in the short term,but if one really wants a nuke,they can get it. Eventually Iran will have nuclear weapons. Besides,once a nation obtains nukes that marks it off of our "list". We wont do anything to N.korea. Didnt do anything to india and pakistan. And nothing will happen to Iran once they obtain theirs.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
Oil wont last forever
by prelonging their natural resources they have more to export
and nuclear power compared to oil power is like comparing a jet engine to

While it is true that “oil won’t last for ever” it is equally true that Iran’s power generation plants (80%-ish) are clean fired NG, 10-12% hydro…not oil fired. At current export rates and usage, Iran’s NG reserves will last into a few hundred years…phasing-out the old oil fired with NG is much more cost effective given all the resources available…

The proven and exploitable gas reserves of Iran are estimated to be 35.4 and 24.5 trillion cubic meters, respectively (about 222 and 154 billion barrels of oil equivalent). These reserves theoretically give Iran a lead-time of more than 400 years to exploit them at the existing production level.
IAEA (pdf.)

Originally posted by bodrul
also please provide hard evidence Iran is building nukes and not assumptions

Perhaps xfile can answer that question after the IAEA can confirm Iran is not building nukes…

From the OP article:

The report to the Security Council next Monday is expected to say that since the Iranians stopped complying in February 2006 with an agreement on broad inspections by the agency around the country, the I.A.E.A.’s understanding of “the scope and content” of Iran’s nuclear activities has deteriorated

Inspectors are concerned that Iran has declined to answer a series of questions, posed more than a year ago, about information the agency received from a Pakistani nuclear engineer, Abdul Qadeer Khan. Of particular interest is a document that shows how to design the collision of two nuclear spheres — something suitable only for producing a weapon.



posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:09 PM
They are not letting the US inspect facilities because it is none of the US's business what they do in THEIR country. Whether Iran has nuclear weapons or not is Irans business only. The US is scared that with nukes Iran will be able to stand up for itself instead of being interfered with by foreign regimes who's only interest is preserving themselves and their way of lives. While the US has nuclear weapons, it is every other nation in the world's right to have them too. To say "Yeah, it's ok if WE have them because we're responsible and we're the worlds policeman" is frightfully short sighted and arrogant. Since when did any other nation on the face of the planet nuke 2 heavily populated cities? Maybe it's the US that shouldn't be playing with matches and be subject to inspections.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by orthisguyoverhere]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:24 PM
Your opinion of the situation does not matter 1 razoo, as it is not ocurring in your country. If they build nukes, bad luck. The have the technology and the scientists in place to achieve this task. If they succeed, they deserve it. No country on earth has the right or power to tell any other country how far they are allowed to go with technology. I think it's time the US government takes their nose out of everybody elses business and start worrying about the situation in the country they were instated to govern. It would be like your neighbor knocking on your door and saying: "I just bought a 6 burner grill but you know what? I don't think you'll be able to handle it so you ain't allowed to get one". I'd punch him in the nose too.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:35 PM
All this reminds me of a kid who is scared of this other kid who looks dangerous, this dangerous kid may not have nothing in mind about the scared kid. But the scared kid plans to act on his fear and gets a few friends to beat up the dangerous looking kid, after this the dangerous looking kid get his friends and beats the scared kid up, this ends up being a big gang problem.

If the scared kid handnt acted on his fear, the dangerous kid would have walked by not doing a thing, there would be peace.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:39 PM
Peace talks aren't going to work with Iran they are prepping up for a nuclear war that they are determined to have against the U.S.. I've said it before, Iran is asking for it and when they get it, it will be too late to turn back.

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