posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 10:28 PM
Who has a Hybrid Thread
I do. I have a hybrid thread. (actually several different colors
)I have seen and used it many times, for things like replacing missing buttons.
And once I had an old pair of comfortable jeans that had developed holes in the knees. I used the hybrid variety of thread 50% cotton/50% Polyester,
to sew a patch onto both knees. And even though the jeans were not new by any means, in fact they were several yesrs old, but very comfortably
fitting - so I didn't want to throw them away just yet.
I even have some high quality BTS thread:
Oh, darn. I just saw the context of the opening post. This is about hybrid cars, not hybrid thread.
If thats the case, than no - don't have one. But looking to own an electric car some time in the future, when the tesla comes down in price.
[edit on 6/15/2007 by Mechanic 32]