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Rosie At it Again

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posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:20 PM

I don't believe you had the chance to read this thread.

I think you would be better off reading it before you get banned.


posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:26 PM
What? I read it! I was not attacking a person by petty name calling.

That was an opinion, in rebuttle to another opinion. Take it for what you will.

If it doesn't apply to you --don't take on the weight of the world.

I have been posting in forums since the early days of usenet, selfless. I know TOS and I have even written many myself.

Perhaps you would be best served reading and responding to topics within a discussion, rather than monitoring my opinion.

You can also utilize the U2U function for these private words of guidance.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by GwionX]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by GwionX

Perhaps you would be best served reading and responding to topics within a discussion, rather than monitoring my opinion.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by GwionX]

I have offered my contribution to this thread already, i have nothing more to add to it.

But what you said is indeed insulting to people,

Originally posted by GwionX
The Truth Movement is based on lies, politial agenda, and unprovable half-truths...It becomes real obvious to most, that is unless you are moonbat crazy (cognative dissonance, Paranoia, drug use) or have spent so much time trying to find a smoking gun to admit that you had it all wrong, and that would be too much to swallow. ( Pride and addiction)

if you can't see that then i suggest you re read the thread i linked and read all the single posts of that thread.

It talks about how not to insult a group of people, it gives a few examples and what you said is clearly into that category.

I am just tired of seeing people being insulting like that, i don't want this to turn into another flame war.


[edit on 15-5-2007 by selfless]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
Heh..well let's just take into consideration the reach of that information:

WOW!! The site is up a whopping 688% !! (To twoofers that's good news)

Now the bad news-- the 'reach' (how many people careabout something) of is 0.000315%

I don't see what any website's popularity has to do with anything. I was responding to this:

Originally posted by Spawwwn

oh well nobody really takes 9-11 conspirocy theory serious anymore.

Are all those government and military officials, are all those scientific researchers, "nobody"? I think they're very significant somebodies. You can do all the statistical analyses you want on webtraffic--it's probably a good way to spend your time.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 07:14 PM
Absolutely amazing, here's my take, who cares who is smarter and who is not, those people are exactly like you and me with different jobs and different views , some scripting was done ,yes, for the sakes of ratings but by the same token they just, in their attempt to make rosie look like a "whack job" for the national audience, woke up millions of americans and just went mainstream 9-11.

Fools! , alot of people weren't even aware of an alternate view to 9-11 and now they just about told 30 million more people about it! and alot of those people will be divised on the question they weren't even aware they have to answer!

Wow, if it's by design then there's a bigger plan.

If it wasnt, then as more millions are being awakened to something that wasn't even questioned, eventually, there will be more and more division just like on this board, we can argue till were blue in the face but the answers arent gonna come from most of us because unless you have real money, a well connected job, not much can be done about getting your point across, but Rosie on the other hand just delivered a message that the 'Powers That Be' probably weren't counting on being delivered.

Whole new ballgame, alot of very smart people are gonna take sides. i guess the 911 debate is going to go mainstream and there will be even more questions by way more people.

The truth shall set us free, we'll see.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
IMO Rosie is doing the truth movement no favours, because she goes about promoting it the same way Alex Jones does it. Quoting facts and shouting them at people, rather than respecting peoples rights NOT to know.. not everyone is ready to hear the truth.

THIS IS THE MOST INTELLIGENT STATEMENT HERE. Not everyone is ready to hear the truth, and much less from the likes of Rosie.

So who would people listen to? Name me one person who could go on a show and tell THE TRUTH. There isnt one.

Americans cannot handle the truth so they get highly insulted, but there will come a point in time soon when the truth will come out. Its unfortunate that tanks will have to be rolling down the streets of Main Street, USA in order for people to beleive there is SOMETHING WRONG. I'm no prophet, but i foresee this and much more ahead very very soon.

Comments like she said have been spun, spinned on every so called news show, disected to the point where Rosie is done. For now. I think she will make a big comeback, that is, if there is freedom of speech in the future.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 08:55 AM
Oh Rosie, Oh girl, Oh Rosie, Oh girl, steal away now, steal away! Wow things play out just according to plan on the 24th!? Firestorm somewhat allieviated, how? Presidential press conference where Pres answers question from reporters(are they in on it?).

Did the Pres really say don,t believe these 911 conspiracies?

I guess you would have to say the soccer moms were defended from this ranting lunatic and the truth for one more day.

I have to commend those resposible for this turn of events, job well done

Infinityoreilly, over

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by selfless
I am just tired of seeing people being insulting like that, i don't want this to turn into another flame war.


[edit on 15-5-2007 by selfless]

Well, what he said isn't any worse than something like this:

Sigh, and the saddest part is you really think you have a point!

A fire - with a diffuse flame - does NOT melt steel. That is what she was getting at. If you really think Rosie believes steel can't be melted by ANY fire than you're alot dumber than you claim she is.

Some people and their semantic struggles...

I've seen where people who don't believe in a 9/11 conspiracy are called blind, mindless, uneducated sheeple here on ATS. Never a peep do I hear against those that use those words. The door swings both ways.

Originally posted by yuefo
Are all those government and military officials, are all those scientific researchers, "nobody"? I think they're very significant somebodies. You can do all the statistical analyses you want on webtraffic--it's probably a good way to spend your time.

Some of them are questionable. People like Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney, for example.

And not all of those people in that link think there was government involvement in 9/11. Some are merely questioning things that have not been fully proved yet, like money sources for the terrorists, and some are discussing Able Danger, etc.

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