posted on May, 14 2007 @ 11:05 PM
To quote Joyce Brown, phycologist from the radio, LETS NOT GO TO THAT PITTY PARTY.
Life sucks- its not easy to live, get the perfect jobs, the perfect friends, husbands, wives, etc.
Thank your higher power everyday for the things You do have- count your many blessings. Save the pitty for the people in Congo dying of starvation,
people with a terminal illness, etc.
Envision yourself having what you want (within reason), having that great job, having money, and the Universe will give those things to you in
Even if you dont have money, thank God/the Universe for the money you have- and the key is "envision" - Try to be positive.
Look at my signature- I dont have an internet connection, because i didnt have enough money to continue paying it, but thru positive thinking, i now
have a job and i WILL have Internet very very soon. It may not seem important at all, but it is to me.
You are not a loser- stop thinking and behaving as one. Take yourself up a notch and think good things will come your way and they will.
I promise.