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New Footage Re-Ignites BBC Building 7 Controversy

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 11:29 AM

(PrisonPLanet)-More 9/11 archive footage has been unearthed of BBC correspondent Jane Standley, this time from the evening of September 11, in which her audio cuts out again - for the second time that day - when she begins to discuss Building 7.

Despite the fact that the BBC admitted their error, debunkers and detractors still clung to the notion that the shot behind Standley was a "'blue screen" of a scene shot earlier in the day, and that Standley had not reported the collapse of WTC in advance.

The following video puts all of those ridiculous theories to bed - it shows Standley in front of the balcony window and is clear evidence of the fact that the later shot is live and not created with the aid of a "blue screen".

Full Story and video here

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 01:38 PM
I would have thought after all the attention this story got the first time,this would have gotten more attention.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 11:59 PM
For those like me who no longer question if 911 was a cover up, and simply take it as a matter of fact, new evidence no matter how powerful simply does not even shock me any longer.

We (the truth seekers) have attempted to get the media to cover the crime of all world history with no success.

We have tried to spread the word to others who are still in the dark, with limited success.

We have even taken the form of public figures with an audience, success destroyed by ridicule by the disinformation giants of the large media empires.

We are at a turning point. We have lost our voice since the years of the Vietnam protests of the 60's. With out that voice, the voice of many speaking all at one time, our pleas for an investigation of the truth will go un heard.

The hippies are now the leaders. The title hippie has been replaced by conspiracy theorist. Which is labeled as un american.

It is not only Americans who suffer from this criminal organization that pulled off 911, it is all the people of the world who will be wiped out by the military industrial complex when they dont make way for the new world order.

A world wide protest march needs to happen. Not literally, but in individual action that is clearly connected as a movement and a demonstration of civil disobedience.

They can not ignore the whole world, and they can not imprison us all.

It is time to organize. It is time to elect a leader who will organize an action of protest. We need to be heard.


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