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The mind is willing but the body is lazy

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 09:13 AM
Hi there,

I would appreciate any advice you guys could give on the treatment of a problem I have been having.

For last few years I have been having trouble focusing on my work - I work as a free lance web developer specialising in Web applications - programming / design.

I generally love my work, and even in my spare time I find myself contemplating code and concepts. The trouble is that when it comes time to do the actuall physical work, ie implement my idea, I find that it is hard concentrate and do the typing on my computer.

It's like I get this strange feeling in my stomach - it is not pain or anything, it's hard to explain, the only thing is like it is a tightness or pressure right in my stomach area - it's weird the sensation, not really uncomfortable, but it makes me restless and I can't seem to sit in one place for long... I always find my self getting up and doing something else for sometime and then coming back and seeming to repeat the process - I can only really concentrate for 30min 1 hour tops and I am very easily distracted throughout this time.

I know I haven't provided much, so if you want to know more just ask - I would really appreciate any adice you could give - this problem is really having a negative impact on my life...


posted on May, 14 2007 @ 09:20 AM
I use a voice recognition software...Dragon Naturally Speaking
no typing.
I hope that helps.
seems like a mental block...not a physical block...emotional too.
I will pray for you to resolve your plans into action with confidence.

PS ginkgo biloba, Essential Fatty Acids (Udos Blend from gnc) and aroma theapy with also a binaral beat CD...may I suggest the Monroe Institiue
your concentration leves will be greatly improved

[edit on 14-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:58 PM
I had exactly the same problem!

It happened at two times in my life... once when life had gotten a little TOO routine and too predictable and the second time when I retired.

In each case, what helped me was to set a schedule. Every 10 minutes I had a check/alarm to see that I had been doing whatever task I told myself I'd do. Everyone has a different set of things that work best for them, but assigning a structure is something that helps me undo my bad habits.

Now... today I forgot to set my schedule (had the granddaughter over this weekend, and that sort of shot the weekend schedule to pieces.) I went back to my old sloppy ways, and didn't get much done today.

The danger of the "too routine" problem is that you start going to "satisfaction seeking" behaviors. So I found myself kind of obsessively reading the news and blogs and boards, and that sure wasn't productive. Going out and doing new things helped reduce some of the "hunger" for new stimuli.

I don't know if any of this will offer you any insights. I can only share what my experiences are!

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 06:32 PM
Going to throw this in the mix...

Butterflies ? You know..."am I going to live up to expectations" ?
"Will what I do be accepted" ?

After 20 years of pulling wrenches, I still get butterflies on difficult,
or high-dollar repairs.

Again, just throwing it out there...


posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:21 PM
Sorry I haven't been back for awhile.

It sounds like Indellkoffer experienced exactly the same symptoms as me! Thanks, i will try the alarm every ten minutes strategy.

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