posted on May, 14 2007 @ 09:13 AM
Hi there,
I would appreciate any advice you guys could give on the treatment of a problem I have been having.
For last few years I have been having trouble focusing on my work - I work as a free lance web developer specialising in Web applications -
programming / design.
I generally love my work, and even in my spare time I find myself contemplating code and concepts. The trouble is that when it comes time to do the
actuall physical work, ie implement my idea, I find that it is hard concentrate and do the typing on my computer.
It's like I get this strange feeling in my stomach - it is not pain or anything, it's hard to explain, the only thing is like it is a tightness or
pressure right in my stomach area - it's weird the sensation, not really uncomfortable, but it makes me restless and I can't seem to sit in one
place for long... I always find my self getting up and doing something else for sometime and then coming back and seeming to repeat the process - I
can only really concentrate for 30min 1 hour tops and I am very easily distracted throughout this time.
I know I haven't provided much, so if you want to know more just ask - I would really appreciate any adice you could give - this problem is really
having a negative impact on my life...