Free Spirit - If you wanna do politic's with me - That would lead to war.
Cuz your so hostile.
You know what happends if I start chanting on your cords?
I get banned...
I wrote I was sorry - And now you are kinda taking advantage of that - Twisting words around and a round like you had a long stick - Swinging it above
peoples heads from the center.
A big long stick that actually tells people to get down on their knees or else the stick will hit their heads.
I dreamt about this my freind... I know what your doing.
I dreamt it two days ago.
I Also saw four boulders - representing this.
They where on top of each other - but hold in place by wodden planks and rope..
Weird enough your name is free spirit - when these symbols is the opposite -
You know when a dream makes sense a few days later - It means somthing... And it means im not gonna discuss this with you - cuz you wont listen to
someone who say sorry.
And im not the only person on this Forum that knows about dreams.
I tell you this is what I dreamt - And you can take your fact book back in the grave - thanks.
I don't care If anyone belive me or not - Mostly I hope they can make up their own mind... Im more like a free spirit on these terms.
I just saw somthing durring this thread - that changed my life -
And now your gonna start the hony bees and farytale stories -
I just don't care
How the bootleged copy was made and by whom is still a mystery.
Same video - different scenes.
The japanese version has japanese letters on top of it... That is the fuzzy red and yellow things you see on the lower picture.. There is also a green
bunch of letters - Proberly also japanese - And im sorry I don't really know If it's japanese letters or chinese...
I just know they are oriental letters and not western fonts.
Like Honkong Taiwan letters.
This is basically what Free spirit is talking about..
And I think he is trying to tell you that the version In the picture above the japanese version - Is not the Japanese version. That is the version
without the japanese letters - meaning it's not the Japanese version.
The one above the japanese version is the version with the yellow FOX logo down in the right side of that version that have the FOX logo down in the
right corner of that version.
So it's not the same version
- cuz it was edited somwhere else at another time somewhere on the globe in another studio than the other version was. Perhaps in Japan.
And the other one was proberly edited in the US - because it was not edited in japan.
this is basically what he's writing.
I got a warning for this...Ban warning post warning.
I had no idea he was just talking about nothing really.
he is telling us what we already know..What you already know.
It's manupulation. Proberly an old Nazi trick or somthing.
i dunno...
I ask for help...Proberly wont be any..And thats how they do way or another.
Free spirit - How much do they pay you?
To do this?
[edit on 17-5-2007 by Ram]