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Please watch this one. WTC website updated real time on 911 plus foreknowledge of WTC2 collapsing.

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posted on May, 13 2007 @ 07:20 PM
This video starts a little boring.
Amazingly according to BBC the WTC website was updated real time with the cause of the collapse of the first tower.
But even more amazingly BBC knows in advance of the collapsing second tower not WTC7...
The WTC site on the morning of 911 knew already why the towers felt.
Actually few minutes after the first collapse there was already a neat presentation according to BBC.
Now you tell me in the right mind why would they go ahead and explain a collapse the way they did?
This video is just incredible please waste 5 minutes of your life.


posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
This video starts a little boring.
Amazingly according to BBC the WTC website was updated real time with the cause of the collapse of the first tower.
But even more amazingly BBC knows in advance of the collapsing second tower not WTC7...
The WTC site on the morning of 911 knew already why the towers felt.
Actually few minutes after the first collapse there was already a neat presentation according to BBC.
Now you tell me in the right mind why would they go ahead and explain a collapse the way they did?
This video is just incredible please waste 5 minutes of your life.


It is incorrect and an exaggeration to say that this footage shows that the BBC knew in advance of the collapsing second tower. The woman journalist says that some material is dropping off the tower, that's all. Which is not surprising, given the degree of burning that had been going on high up in the tower. No one says that the tower is collapsing or is about to collapse - the crucial words needed to support your claim. I don't believe for one minute that the BBC and its journalists knew in advance all of the events of 9/11 - that's totally ridiculous. What was happening was that the journalists were reading off their autocues the prepared information coming in from unspecified sources in New York. One can certainly regard THAT information as highly problematic and indicative of prior knowledge - but that's another matter. Perhaps they were also being given scripted explanations to read but did not realise this - I can believe that. What I DON'T believe is that this proves prior knowledge by BBC journalists! In the case of WTC7, the BBC journalist Philip Haton merely read the information that it had collapsed from his autocue or teleprinter, news which had come over the wires from some source in New York. There's nothing suspicious about a newsreader like Haton doing that - he was merely reading the news given to him, after all! What needs explanation is how this announcement could have been sent to news media in advance of it actually happening unless its source knew that WTC7 was going to be demolished and sent out prematurely the news that it had collapsed.

As for the web updates, whether this was just speculation that got lucky or a sign of prior knowledge by someone remains uncertain. I like to deal with what is proven and beyond questionable interpretation, so I am not excited over this, supposing I trust that it is true.


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