posted on May, 15 2007 @ 01:23 PM
Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.
Whap the little childwen in fuzzy wuzzy bwankets, feed them and water them and tell them that all is wonderful.
Then something bad happens and everyone is like "we didn't know what to do!" and "Everyone ran around screaming. I hid under the table."
Try to deal with a situation and you get "Total error of judgement." and "I would start a class action law suit and sue the pants outta the
Facts - Poeple kill people, with guns, on a daily basis. Once in a while someone goes Postal and when it happens good people die.
There is an effect (I don't remember the name but it's something like: Kim's Game) described in a book I read "Emotional Intelligence" that
worked something like this:
After a school shooting years ago, children in the surrounding schools all started to play a game where one of them would be the shooter, or they used
dolls to role play, and the shooter would enter the game and shoot people. Rather than the true life ending where the gunman shot lots of kids and
then himself, the children changed the story and therfore learned of other possible outcomes/senarios and ways to deal with them.
Maybe, just maybe these teachers were trying to help. Maybe they screwed it all up with the best of intentions. Maybe it came from up top and they
will now take the heat.
My mum always used to say "The truth will out". But you know what: it wont.