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Parental responsibility

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Islamorada
I dont think anyone lacking a three yr old, or child in other words, has a right to say what they would or wouldnt do... much less pass judgement on other individuals who do.

I can tell you one thing that I KNOW that I ABSOLUTELY WOULDN'T do, and that is leave a three year old by him/herself. That's just against any form of sense whatsoever. Say what you will, but the truth is the truth.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:38 PM

Oh my gosh. I just can’t believe statements like yours. So you think its ok to leave a baby alone. Please someone tell me what is wrong with our society anymore that people thinks this is ok and normal.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Shar

Oh my gosh. I just can’t believe statements like yours. So you think its ok to leave a baby alone. Please someone tell me what is wrong with our society anymore that people thinks this is ok and normal.

Shar, simple, lack of personal responsibility. It isn't only embedded in the kids, it's embedded into the parents, the culture and the media. Everyone is the "victim." No one takes the responsibility to lace up their bootstraps and say, "You know what, I was wrong and should be punished." No, it's alway "Poor,poor me. I was this, I was that." In this case, the parents were stupid. That's all.

It's rather sickening. For a while, I thought it was a frame of mind that only existed in America, but I am beginning to realize that this particular, "victims" mind frame is pervasive throughout much of the world.

I don't know what to say anymore. I have reached the point to where I don't even care.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Words only come from my mouth, I dont allow them to be put in.

I never said it was ok to leave a child alone, never said it wasnt. I said that if you dont even have children, who are you to say what you might do?

You cant. Just as I cant say what I may do today if not for my having four children. Because I have four, that is my reality. Therefore, it isnt feasible for me to assume what I may do. I might go sky diving. As a mother of four... I'll make dinner instead.

You have none and that is your reality. Until you do, one cant say what they may do. Walk the journey, then you can tell stories about it. Until then, your rhetoric is simply fiction. *Thats* common sense.

Those that thump bibles and cast stones at the same time erk me.

Love the parents dude... hate the predator. Get it right.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Islamorada

Love the parents dude... hate the predator. Get it right.

I love GOOD parents and hate stupidity. The actions of many parents that I have been reading about is just plain dumb. I do think this one must be in the top ten of the dumbest things that I have heard a parent do. By the way, I don't think you know who does or who doesn't have kids on this board here, so, ahem.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 06:01 PM

Well I have 3 kids raised them past that age. Never, ever once left them alone. Not even to go into a convenience store to pay for gas. My kids went in with me. Yeah, it took extra time to unhook them from their car seat but I did it.

So since I have 3 I can talk and have stated my opinion. The parents did wrong period. So did the predator.

We live in a society with predators and if they don’t know this there's a major problem with them.

Had they not left her alone she would not be missing!

[edit on 14-5-2007 by Shar]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 06:19 PM
As a former resident of Hillsborough County Florida, I know the Lunsford family very well. Jessica Lunsford was a pretty little girl with a shining spirit. Her mama is trash and her daddy isnt much better (as far as excessive drug use goes) but he at least kept Jessica and they lived with his parents out in the country.

Well, to make a long story short, Jessica goes night-night at grannys house (where they lived) and everyone kisses her good-night. Her dad was pretty cool. He waited until he tucked her in to get his party on and in his defense the child was perfectly safe at her grandparents house.

As she and the family slept, John Couey, a neighbor, broke in. He admittedly kidnapped her, did horrible things to her, hide her in a closet and then buried her alive because he didnt have the balls to kill her outright.

This baby was in her family home, safe with two grandparents and was taken from her bed. NONE OF US ARE SAFE.

Get over it and watch your children. Furthermore, worry less about other's children and more about yours because something is lacking somewhere with the amount of time some spend her on ATS.

HURRY! Do you KNOW where your KIDS ARE!!!??? RUN! Go Look!.

Again... blame the predator, have Jesus in your heart regarding the parents. Im not seeing that here... at all. Sad. People would rather point a finger than give a hug. Yet, they will waste precious time, time they should be spending watching their children, here on ATS debating on how to make humanity better.

Its simple. Love not hate. Help not judge. Take a meal to an elderly person with two of the hours you spend here or just chat one up. Having an open-mind and a closed mouth doesnt hurt in some cases either.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:57 PM

I’m not ever going to agree with you here. As far as Jessica goes her parents are wild. However, were not talking about her.

Were talking about another set of parents who left a baby. That’s asking for trouble. If you draw attention to yourself for trouble your going to get it. Lets see now how many times did he draw attention to himself going back and forth to this room to check on the kids?

How long does it take to eat? I’m not going to feel sorry for these parents. If they were with the kid and something happen then yes I would. However, they were not. Again, you don’t leave a 3 year old baby behind.

You can preach all you want. However, there’s a time for preaching a time for crying a time for singing. A time for everything. Right now the time is to find this baby. Right now the time is for these parents to admit they did wrong.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:11 AM
Either way, yesterday I wrote that I felt she was still alive and I also stated that a staff member had something to do with it. After I typed it I knew that the people responsible were right under their noses and ha ha ha...they have a new lead and guess what, the man and woman live metres away from the resort.

Anyway, after reading this discussion it certainly feels its becoming a war zone and I don't like hostility...I am rather sensitive.

I agree that a child should not have been left without parental supervision but I included an excerpt where other tourists did exactly the same as Maddy's parents so perhaps its a mindset? I don't share that mindset, however, I certainly don't feel it is right to attack the parents like this.

It's like kicking someone when their down. At least wait until they are on their feet and throw the punches fairly. Where is the compassion?

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by NJE777It's like kicking someone when their down. At least wait until they are on their feet and throw the punches fairly. Where is the compassion?

Which was my point, exactly. Thank you for your enlightenment on this matter. I hope she will be returned to HER PARENTS, where she belongs, very soon.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:37 AM

think for one second i would let my daughter be alone like that

I would have to bring her to dinner, if she ain't welcome
there i would eat in my hotel room if i had too

what where they thinking, less than 300 feet away, she should never have been out of EYESIGHT

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Again lets refrain from giving examples that do not apply in this case.

The parents decided that they were going to go out and leave a child on her own in a strange place. Its about facing up to ones actions and being responsible, yes we all make mistakes and usually we pay for those mistakes or as in this case a 3 year old child is paying for the mistake made by selfish irresponsible parents.

We live in a blame culture, oh its some one elses fault, the first thought is to look around to point the finger away from the culprits. Well I'm sorry I can have compassion for those who do all they can to protect and nurture their children who still come unstuck but the actions of these parents is not the same.

Life is full of risks and one puts controls in place to reduce those risks, these two did not its a simple as that and they should pay for the hurt and suffering that they have inflicted on a child.

On a side note I sincerely hope that they are not involved in this abduction in any way shape or form, if they are they should hang them out to dry.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 01:33 PM
Those of you who are trying to condone a parent who leaves their children alone at three years of age are practicing what I call extreme naivete.

Everyone knows, or should know, what kind of a world we live in today. It's not like it was in the 1940 and 1950s when people could go to bed at night, even in the urban areas, with their door unlocked.

Yes, I blame the parents. I sure do. I will continue to blame them because ultimately, it is the parents responsibility to ensure the welfare of their child.

In regards to the Jessica Lunsford case, I could spend all day talking about this. If the fater of the girl would have been at his own home with his child rather than dropping the child off in the lap of the child's grandmother, the incident wouldn't have occurred at all. No, instead, because the girl's dad just had to get his high on,

he left the girl with her grandmother.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Yeah, I'm with those blaming the parents.

Of course the predator is to blame as well, though. Had he not taken the child, the child would likely not be missing. But at the same time, who leaves their kid alone in a foreign country while the eat? Is the food THAT good?

IMO, these parents were smoking dog food. I don't feel sorry for their asses. The only one I feel sorry for is the little girl. I hope she's ok.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
The only one I feel sorry for is the little girl. I hope she's ok.

You and me both. The only REAL victim in this scenario is the child.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
In regards to the Jessica Lunsford case, I could spend all day talking about this. If the fater of the girl would have been at his own home with his child rather than dropping the child off in the lap of the child's grandmother, the incident wouldn't have occurred at all. No, instead, because the girl's dad just had to get his high on, he left the girl with her grandmother.

I don't understand this statement.

Do you have any corroboration?

Is it not customary for children to spend time with their grandparents, regardless of parental circumstances?

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 05:37 PM
It would be great if we lived in a world where we wouldn't have to worry about children getting abducted, but we don't. The parents needed to realize that and shouldn't of left the child alone - for any reason.

Hopefully the child is ok. The parents should be punished harshly.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
In regards to the Jessica Lunsford case, I could spend all day talking about this. If the fater of the girl would have been at his own home with his child rather than dropping the child off in the lap of the child's grandmother, the incident wouldn't have occurred at all. No, instead, because the girl's dad just had to get his high on, he left the girl with her grandmother.

I don't understand this statement.

Do you have any corroboration?

Is it not customary for children to spend time with their grandparents, regardless of parental circumstances?

I am going by what one of the posters who claims to have known the Lunsford family said. I was refuting their point that it wasn't the parents' fault that Jessica was kidnapped.

Here is what Islamorada said,

As a former resident of Hillsborough County Florida, I know the Lunsford family very well. Jessica Lunsford was a pretty little girl with a shining spirit. Her mama is trash and her daddy isnt much better (as far as excessive drug use goes) but he at least kept Jessica and they lived with his parents out in the country.

Well, to make a long story short, Jessica goes night-night at grannys house (where they lived) and everyone kisses her good-night. Her dad was pretty cool. He waited until he tucked her in to get his party on and in his defense the child was perfectly safe at her grandparents house.

As she and the family slept, John Couey, a neighbor, broke in. He admittedly kidnapped her, did horrible things to her, hide her in a closet and then buried her alive because he didnt have the balls to kill her outright.

I think the very fact that the father sent the child to her grandmother's just so he could "have a good time" is very revealing as to what type of a parent he was. Ahem, nuff said.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Those of you who are trying to condone a parent who leaves their children alone at three years of age are practicing what I call extreme naivete.

hmm well, SoT... my best foe. Condone means to approve or even encourage. Please...don't twist my contribution here!.

I came into this thread with compassion

Ok? Also... don't imply I am niave...thankyou. I stated early on, that I do not agree with leaving a child unsupervised. I also said that it isn't something I do or have done with my own children.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:03 AM
According to the quote that you provide, Jessica Lunsford and her father lived with his parents. She was, therefore, at home at the time of her abduction.

Jessica Marie Lunsford (October 6, 1995 – February 27, 2005) was a nine-year-old girl who was abducted from her home in Homosassa, Florida on February 23, 2005, then raped and murdered, allegedly by 47-year-old John Couey. [emphasis mine]

On 23 February 2005, Lunsford disappeared after attending church. It was later alleged, and stated by Couey in a "confession" which was thrown out in court, that Couey entered Lunsford's house through an unlocked door at about three o'clock in the morning, awakened Lunsford, told her "Don't yell or nothing," and told her to follow him out of the house.[

Obviously, the door should have been locked, but it is not clear who left it unlocked, and I am pretty certain that in most households, sometimes doors get left unlocked.

It is unfair, I think, to claim that there was gross negligence in this case.

[edit on 2007/5/16 by GradyPhilpott]

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